Liberal panic on MSNBC last 2 days has just been too pathetic to watch


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've taken the task of watching some MSNBC the last couple days, and if I didn't know better I swear I'd think that was nothing but a 24 hour President Obama 2012 campaign channel. Rachael Madcow basically spent the first 30 minutes of her show yesterday running political ads against Mitt Romney that Kennedy used in the 90's. Her "hosting" was basically like this: "Hey, watch this ad..........(ad over) and now this ad..........(ad over) ....Mtt Romneys bad, mmmkay?"

And Lawrence O'Donnell? Jesus Christ. Is he a robot? He's OBVIOUSLY reading the teleprompter line for line, but he doesn't seem like he's done it much. He's monotone, and makes awkward hesitations and pauses throughout the sentences. Almost gave me a headache just trying to listen to the moron speak. But he literally spent today's show explaining to liberals how Obama was STILL LIBERAL, but just campaigning.

He explained "Don't worry, ALL politicians, no matter how sincere, don't ALWAYS mean what they say" and he went on to explain that even though the left is pissed at Obama's words, not to worry because he's just campaigning. Hahaha!!! "Settle down guys, he's still one of us, he's just campaigning!! He doesn't mean what he's saying, I promise!!!"

The delusional left just keeps getting more and more pathetic by the week. Lawrence kept explaining that even though Obama didn't get what he wants, he did it on purpose to appear like he was reasonable, not firm in his beliefs, BUT liberals shouldn't hold that against him because he STILL believes in liberal ideals, but is just acting like he doesn't because he wants to win in 2012.

Good God, I swear liberals are on the verge of suicide.
I agree completely. MSNBC and FOX are both just Lib / Conserv BS propaganda channels by those who want to be told exactly what they wnat to hear. I find Maddow more intelligent than say Glenn Beck but I don't thing anyone but the completely brainwashed buy into his blithering babble (My favorite recent episode was where he explained how Obama was going to help Satan enslave all of mankind before THIS year is over - which I don't find credible becuase it would hurt his chances for reelection LOL)

CNN seems to slant juuust slightly to the left - which means the whackjobs insist it's totally Liberal.
I watch Univision which gives a very different perspective.

I get most of my information from reading newspapers.
I truly try to be objective when watching. I personally lean right. But I accept all news is slanted in some way. My honest opinion of several:

MSNBC: If I watched only this, I'd probably thing the GOP was a group of racist, rich, white men and idiotic women who hate the poor and want to see death camps....while thinking Democrats are honest, saintly people who only care about humanity and the planet. Most bizarre, bias channel I've ever seen.

FOX: It leans right, but in relative terms, when compared to the others it SEEMS far right. But if I watched only FOX, I can't say who I'd vote for. Taking it all in, I think they are very fair to the left wingers and many left wingers appear or even sometimes host shows here. So while they seem the most fair of the group, I do occassionally see stories that are bad to the right that aren't covered much. Fox is the only place really to find news on good things Republicans do however.

CNN: Boring. CNN doesn't even come across as an American news outlet. Many of their hosts are foreign or at least have strong accents that indicate that. If an alien landed and was asked to say what country CNN was based, it'd be hard to tell. Almost like CNN is trying way to hard to be globalist rather than American. Not nearly as whacko left as MSNBC. But does lean left. I'd say Fox and CNN are more alike than Fox and MSNBC. Fox leans a bit right, CNN a bit left, both leaning about the same amount to each side in my opinion.
I truly try to be objective when watching. I personally lean right. But I accept all news is slanted in some way. My honest opinion of several:

MSNBC: If I watched only this, I'd probably thing the GOP was a group of racist, rich, white men and idiotic women who hate the poor and want to see death camps....while thinking Democrats are honest, saintly people who only care about humanity and the planet. Most bizarre, bias channel I've ever seen.

FOX: It leans right, but in relative terms, when compared to the others it SEEMS far right. But if I watched only FOX, I can't say who I'd vote for. Taking it all in, I think they are very fair to the left wingers and many left wingers appear or even sometimes host shows here. So while they seem the most fair of the group, I do occassionally see stories that are bad to the right that aren't covered much. Fox is the only place really to find news on good things Republicans do however.

CNN: Boring. CNN doesn't even come across as an American news outlet. Many of their hosts are foreign or at least have strong accents that indicate that. If an alien landed and was asked to say what country CNN was based, it'd be hard to tell. Almost like CNN is trying way to hard to be globalist rather than American. Not nearly as whacko left as MSNBC. But does lean left. I'd say Fox and CNN are more alike than Fox and MSNBC. Fox leans a bit right, CNN a bit left, both leaning about the same amount to each side in my opinion.

LOL! I didn't notice your avatar before! That would explain much.

Okay I'll do that too.

MSNBC: Extremely obnoxious are Matthews and some Ed guy. Didnt watch him long enough to learn the last name. Maddows is WAY biased but EXTREMELY polite to Conservative guests and always lets them finish their sentences. Unlike the other two.
News no doubt slants Left. Watching MSNBC, you'll know that all of our problems are STILL Bush's fault, unions are right about everything, Christians are the greatest evil in the nation and Muslims are the most benvolent, mistreated group on Earth.:eek:

FOX: Extremely obnoxious is Pappa Bear but I still like watching him from time to time. Yells over people even worse than Matthews. The blond hottie who does the news in the morning is just as rude and won't let anyone disagreeing with the ConcervaRepub View get a word in edgewise. Beck is just a loon. You gotta be on crack to believe a thing he says. Make that Oxycontin. Watch FOX and you know that ALL of our problems are the fault of a foreign born Muslim who is currently and illegally president, Corporate execs making millions will die if their jets don't get the same write-off, the Oil Spill was actually a Good Thing for America, Machine Guns really should be mandatory by the 4th grade, taxes are ONLY good when spent on the military and NEVER good when spent on something stupid, like say, highways... and America was founded by a White guy named Jesus Christ. :eusa_pray:

CNN: If you much more right than you claim, you say it's left. :lol:
I caught some of Rachael Maddhamster showing very old footage of Romney ads & hate ads that probably ran in the late 90's. She is terrified of Romney !!! and hopefully within 2 weeks, she will have to deal with Rick Perry,,,after seeing him on Cavuto and later that speech he gave at some GOP thing(forgot where),,,Now this is what we have all been waiting for,,,someone like HIM,,he came off very Presidential and said all the right things,,,,,,,and THE New York Times is already bashing him!
I have reluctantly come to agree that in order to have a fair and honest election in 2012 we must, in November 2011, prohibit all radio and television broadcasting and suspend publication of all newspapers and news magazines.

Then candidates can campaign in person to the extent they can get around.

Of course this will also necessitate the grounding of all corporate aircraft carrying other than employees of their owning corporation. No free travel for candidates but they might be allowed to use public transit if they can count the required change to get on board unassisted.
what MSNBC doesnt seem to stomache is that it has now become an "Anyone But Obama" race,,,,they can bash Bachmann,Perry and Romney all they want,,,voters dont care,,they just want Obama and his greedy theives out of office before they collapse the economy any further.
MessNBC has given up any attempt at appearing politically balanced. People just don't want to watch obvious bias over and over again. Chris Matthews was a disgrace on election night last November. His only excuse might be that he was drunk. The attempt at humor comes off as embarasing and insulting, certainly not funny.
I agree completely. MSNBC and FOX are both just Lib / Conserv BS propaganda channels by those who want to be told exactly what they wnat to hear. I find Maddow more intelligent than say Glenn Beck but I don't thing anyone but the completely brainwashed buy into his blithering babble (My favorite recent episode was where he explained how Obama was going to help Satan enslave all of mankind before THIS year is over - which I don't find credible becuase it would hurt his chances for reelection LOL)

CNN seems to slant juuust slightly to the left - which means the whackjobs insist it's totally Liberal.
I watch Univision which gives a very different perspective.

I get most of my information from reading newspapers.

Any news channel is going to lean to one side or the other. But FOX and MSNBC lean totally to the right and left, respectively. I agree that CNN leans somewhat to the left, but it seems they do try to report the news.

I find is objective. I usually look at their news the first thing in the morning. If I need a shot of right or left leaning, then FOX and MSNBC are always available.

Then when I really want to travel to another world, I watch BBC.

Uuugghhh, I feel soiled...
I don't watch MSNBC at all, wouldn't know if or when they've gone crazy. Don't watch a whole lot of FoxNews either, usually only at the dinner hour. I think Hannity is as far right as the MSNBCers are to the left, but Van Sustern doesn't seem that biased and I think O'Reilly is getting a bad rap. The guy honestly tries to be impartial, clearly he's a conservative guy but he interrupts everybody regardless of political persuasion. But these people aren't news reporters, they're analysts that offer they're opinions and the opinions of guests. It ain't like they're the evening news reporting just the facts, that's not their job.
I've taken the task of watching some MSNBC the last couple days, and if I didn't know better I swear I'd think that was nothing but a 24 hour President Obama 2012 campaign channel. Rachael Madcow basically spent the first 30 minutes of her show yesterday running political ads against Mitt Romney that Kennedy used in the 90's. Her "hosting" was basically like this: "Hey, watch this ad..........(ad over) and now this ad..........(ad over) ....Mtt Romneys bad, mmmkay?"

And Lawrence O'Donnell? Jesus Christ. Is he a robot? He's OBVIOUSLY reading the teleprompter line for line, but he doesn't seem like he's done it much. He's monotone, and makes awkward hesitations and pauses throughout the sentences. Almost gave me a headache just trying to listen to the moron speak. But he literally spent today's show explaining to liberals how Obama was STILL LIBERAL, but just campaigning.

He explained "Don't worry, ALL politicians, no matter how sincere, don't ALWAYS mean what they say" and he went on to explain that even though the left is pissed at Obama's words, not to worry because he's just campaigning. Hahaha!!! "Settle down guys, he's still one of us, he's just campaigning!! He doesn't mean what he's saying, I promise!!!"

The delusional left just keeps getting more and more pathetic by the week. Lawrence kept explaining that even though Obama didn't get what he wants, he did it on purpose to appear like he was reasonable, not firm in his beliefs, BUT liberals shouldn't hold that against him because he STILL believes in liberal ideals, but is just acting like he doesn't because he wants to win in 2012.

Good God, I swear liberals are on the verge of suicide.
You political experts are right on point, let's see how this all turns out. Want to bet on if a republican uses Kennedy's old ads against Romney?
[ame=]‪Ed Schultz: Obama is in Denial About Liberal Anger‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Ed Shultz: Obama, Get Your Ass Out Here!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Rachel Maddow Criticizes Obama on Prolonged Detention‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]


MSNBC criticizes Obama all the time. Republicans assume MSNBC is just like FOX. Why? Because it's a "gut feeling" and it's "common sense". Forget facts.
Interesting - OK I will Play...


MSNBC - I would become a Jew and proclaim Obama as the second coming. I would think that Bush must have been President for the previous 30 years for everything to be his fault. I would think Obama is the master of all things because the day he took office all wars ended and now we have military people there handing out candy to children. I would think Fox News is an evile empire that lies every minute of the day.

FOX NEWS: I would think Obama is an incompetent man who has gone back on everything he campaigned on. (Hmmmm) I would think all Republican leaders are honest, hardworking people and all Democrats are crying babies trying to destroy America. I would think Republicans make very few mistakes, while Democrats are bumbling idiots.

CNN: I would be asleep.
The only benefit of Racheal Maddhamster is her ability to induce vomiting for anyone who accidently swallows a cleaning chemical (like Mr. Clean, or Shout It Out!),,,,but the victim would have to "Accidently Swallow" the poison chemical whenever Racheal is on. {God, I can only watch her for 15 seconds before I look for the clicker)
I would suggest that people break out of their boxes, focus on issues, not coverage, read both left views and right views... ignore both.... and find out for yourselves.

I'm such a damned rebel.
people still watch MSNBC? I'd thought Olbermann leaving would take any viewership elsewhere.
I truly try to be objective when watching. I personally lean right. But I accept all news is slanted in some way. My honest opinion of several:

MSNBC: If I watched only this, I'd probably thing the GOP was a group of racist, rich, white men and idiotic women who hate the poor and want to see death camps....while thinking Democrats are honest, saintly people who only care about humanity and the planet. Most bizarre, bias channel I've ever seen.

FOX: It leans right, but in relative terms, when compared to the others it SEEMS far right. But if I watched only FOX, I can't say who I'd vote for. Taking it all in, I think they are very fair to the left wingers and many left wingers appear or even sometimes host shows here. So while they seem the most fair of the group, I do occassionally see stories that are bad to the right that aren't covered much. Fox is the only place really to find news on good things Republicans do however.

CNN: Boring. CNN doesn't even come across as an American news outlet. Many of their hosts are foreign or at least have strong accents that indicate that. If an alien landed and was asked to say what country CNN was based, it'd be hard to tell. Almost like CNN is trying way to hard to be globalist rather than American. Not nearly as whacko left as MSNBC. But does lean left. I'd say Fox and CNN are more alike than Fox and MSNBC. Fox leans a bit right, CNN a bit left, both leaning about the same amount to each side in my opinion.
Yeah, you're right, and everyone else is wrong. you're a fux apologist.
"Being a Conservative" isn't a life accomplishment worthy of respect. It isn't an achievement that puts you above the rest of us. It doesn't give your opinions greater weight. And it isn't a substitute for experience, training, and independent rational thought.

You want to impress me? DO something. Don't just SAY something."

Goes both ways.
I caught some of Rachael Maddhamster showing very old footage of Romney ads & hate ads that probably ran in the late 90's. She is terrified of Romney !!! and hopefully within 2 weeks, she will have to deal with Rick Perry,,,after seeing him on Cavuto and later that speech he gave at some GOP thing(forgot where),,,Now this is what we have all been waiting for,,,someone like HIM,,he came off very Presidential and said all the right things,,,,,,,and THE New York Times is already bashing him!

Couple things about this post. Obviously, it's every bit as slanted to the Right and MSNBC is to The Left.
1) I saw Glenn Beck claim Obama is going to cause the enslavement of all mankind by the end of this year. That trumps Maddows old commercials, every day and twice on Sunday. FOX is every bit a extreme and even MORE, that the nuts they let on FOX. But I still like watching the FOX whackjobs. They're actually more entertaining the the MSNBC talking heads.
2) I like Romney. I like Perry too but there are a few things that, as will all politicians, I'm uncomfortable with.
3) I think Romney or Perry might be able to beat Obama, assuming the GOP gets their way and the economy does not improve. But if they put a whackjob like Bachmann or Ru Paul on the ticket, they've just handed the WH to the Dems.

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