Liberal Lies About America’s Founders


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Liberal Lies About America’s Founders

August 3, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

There apparently is nothing the liberal media will not do to advance its anti-America agenda. One of the media’s favorite tactics is to attack America’s Founding Fathers claiming they were all a bunch of racists, bigots, and slaveholders. Of the 56 singers of the Declaration of Independence, the majority were actually anti-slavery advocates who introduced emancipation legislation or founded antislavery societies. Liberal media mavens know these facts, but they do not want you or your school-aged children to know them.


Liberal Lies About America’s Founders – Patriot Update
I'm obviously watching, reading, or listening to news from some other source than you are.
Uhh I don't really see the media bashing the Founders on a regular basis, but okay. In my experience, any perceived racism has actually been downplayed.

And that article is nonsense. Most Jefferson scholars agree that Jefferson had children by Hemings. Not surprising, considering that the man was widowed, Hemings was said to be very attractive, and it was a common practice at the time for slave owners to bed their slaves. No big deal, really.
you know, I was just to Monticello this Summer. You know what I found out? Jefferson INHERITED his land, which at one time ran from where Monticello sits, down to the Natural Bridge in Virginia. He sold everything but the Monticello property to pay debts. He sold his library to pay debts, and upon his death....Monticello itself was sold......guess what? To pay debts.

So much for the "self made man" and "living within your means" stuff....Daddy gave him everything and throughout his lifetime, he ran it into the ground.

However, I do admire the man. He founded UVA, helped write the DOI, and was a huge influence on putting in the separation of church and state into the Constitution. Great man on the National level...not so much in private life.
I do have one question about the slavery thing though, I didn't have the guts to ask the tour guide....If our founding fathers were so against slavery, why didn't they stand up to the status quo and refuse to keep slaves?

Seems hypocritical to me to be anti-slavery and have slaves. Peer pressure? A means to an end?

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