Liberal indoctrination camp


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This liberal indoctrination camp has been exposed by this journalist. Also known as "UC Berkeley", you'll be SHOCKED at the level of idiocracy in this left wing camp:

[ame=]FILTHY HIPPIES EVERYWHERE! (Crowder Does UCBerkeley) - YouTube[/ame]
All hope abandon ye who enter here.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Or how about a slut with 15 kids, no job, soaking in welfare, bitching that "SOMEBODY OWES ME" and, NO JOKE, this whore said "ALL THESE (15) KIDS, SOMEBODY NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, SOMEBODY NEEDS TO PAY"!!

Thats right, YOU BITCH!! YOU need to be held accountable!!! She was charge with contempt of court for not telling a judge she was.....PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!

[ame=]Woman With 15 Kids: "Somebody needs to be held accountable, and they need to pay." - YouTube[/ame]
My first thought was, did they eat the other three kids? But I later ascertained that those three were over 15 and therefore eligible to breed their own "families" and sign up for benefits, so they no doubt left lovely Angel's home to do just that.
Then, I could not help but think the remaining 12 children would be better served being placed in foster home(s). What an opportunity for liberals/progressives to step up and really help out a miserable situation for some truly innocent children.
Angel is a posterchild for everything that is bad and wrong with the public assistance system. She obviously has NO concept of responsibility to her own children. Everyone else owes her and her kids a living.
Forced steriliztion for the bitch, Angel. And I mean that in the basest sense. A bitch dog breeds like she does. Then toss her ass out on the street, remove her parental rights...rights she has abdicated by her own actions and attitude. If there are family members willing to take those poor children in, encourage that. If the kids have to be split up, sobeit. Find decent foster situations and give them a far better chance they have with some bitch that fucks any buck, anywhere. Animals have more integrity than sweet lil Angel. I feel sorry for the children. They never asked to be bred by some rutting bitch in heat.
Ah yes, those goddamned colleges. Just like Cheney said, "Too much of a good thing". They all should quit at fifth grade level and marry their cousins. Become more like Tennessee.
Ah yes, those goddamned colleges. Just like Cheney said, "Too much of a good thing". They all should quit at fifth grade level and marry their cousins. Become more like Tennessee.

No, not all colleges, just some. I suspect if you went to the campus of West Point, or Annapolis, or Duke, or Vanderbilt, you'd find a lot more intelligent life and common sense.

But if you left wing idiots are willing to pay that much for such a sorry "education", then wonder why morons who graduate from places like Berkeley with a degree in "Multiculturalism" can't find work and end up in a park protest, well, you get what you pay for.
Detroit done in by those evil republicans that havent run anything there in 50+ years.
Funny how liberals never claim credit for shit they fuck up. Like Detroit. And SanFran. And 90% of college campuses.

Hey, all you millions of college kids with degrees who cant get a job: It's not a company's fault. Or a Republican. Heck, it's not even Obama's fault. Its the fault of liberalism as a whole, as they have watered down the value of a college degree to approximately that of a bag of popcorn. They hand them out like candy, to anyone and everyone, but especially to anyone who fits the non-white-male-Christian-conservative demographic.
funny how liberals never claim credit for shit they fuck up. Like detroit. And sanfran. And 90% of college campuses.

Hey, all you millions of college kids with degrees who cant get a job: It's not a company's fault. Or a republican. Heck, it's not even obama's fault. Its the fault of liberalism as a whole, as they have watered down the value of a college degree to approximately that of a bag of popcorn. They hand them out like candy, to anyone and everyone, but especially to anyone who fits the non-white-male-christian-conservative demographic.

I earned my college degree from the university of grants,no handouts,paid my way,and earned it out of my own pocket.
The left depends on ignorance

Which explains their demands to keep education in the hands of gov't
despite being a total failure- at least for real education

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