Liberal Hypocrisy Watch. Media Matters caught editing tape. Have we heard that before


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Media Matters Caught Context-Editing a Tape — Hey, Where Have We Heard That Before?

Media Matters was all about getting the “full context” of Andrew Breitbart’s Shirley Sherrod video from day one. From that controversy, everybody walked away with a good refresher course in the importance of “full context” in the name of honest debate — everybody except Media Matters.
From Media-Ite by way of Sister Toldjah:
Let’s end the week with some Shirley Sherrod-ing – editing a clip to make it sound like a person is saying something that is actually the complete opposite of what they’re saying.
In this case, the offender is Media Matters, which tries to prove that Glenn Beck’s radio co-hosts were saying Keith Olbermann was responsible for the deadly Manchester workplace shooting.
Here was Media Matters’ (sic’ed) headline: “Beck sidekicks Gray and Burguiere: Keith Olberman and media responsible for Manchester shooting.”
The sidekicks are Pat Gray and Stu Burguiere, who co-hosted with Beck out today. And why did Media Matters write this? Well, because that is what Gray and Burguiere said – at first. Gray: “Obviously Keith Olbermann is responsible for those eight people dead.”
And Burguiere: “A guy like that who’s a little bit unstable anyway can’t help but react to the constant pressure of Keith Olbermann on the air on MSNBC and all of MSNBC talking about all the racism there is out there.”
But the problem is, the co-hosts were being sarcastic, to make a point. A minute later they get serious, and Stu says “Keith Olbermann was not responsible for any shooting,” but that part is conveniently out of the Media Matters audio. Because Media Matters cut the audio right before they make it clear.
Media Matters issued a correction and altered the title when their attempted Sherrodding of Beck’s people was discovered:
CORRECTION: The original headline on this clip did not make clear that Beck’s co-hosts were being satirical when they linked MSNBC host Keith Olbermann to the Manchester shooting. The original clip also did not include their subsequent statements that Olbermann was not responsible for the shooting. Media Matters regrets the error.
Even without the “full context” of the recording it was painfully obvious that Burguiere and Gray were being sarcastic, but this is where Media Matters often gets tripped up.

Michelle Malkin Media Matters Caught Context-Editing a Tape — Hey, Where Have We Heard That Before?

I mean Breitbart didn't edit, he just posted a clip. Like no one ever posts clips from speeches?

But Media Matters has been caught ALL THE TIME editing clips to make Rush Limbaugh et al, look bad, and here Media Matters has been caught again.

This is another example of why Breitbart didn't feel he had to apologize.

The double standard screams too loudly.
Hell for that matter, what about the "edited" video of the armed racist tea party member who it turns out was a black tea party member?
^^Now THAT was the best one.

I wondered why MSNBC was calling the Tea Party members racist and saying they brought guns....and why in their photo they edited the photo to not show the white gun-toting Tea Party memeber's face.

Because that guy was a black gun-toting Tea Party member. Too funny.

What? Who is that talking..........oh, nevermind, it's just JakeStarkey walking around saying "I LOVE LAMP" again.
The silence from truthinessmatters is deafening.
I think the difference between Media Matters and Breitbart is that I don't think you'll see that many liberals defending Media Matters.

Yet 90% of the Conservatives on this site defended Breitbart to the end. Some still do.
I think the difference between Media Matters and Breitbart is that I don't think you'll see that many liberals defending Media Matters.

Yet 90% of the Conservatives on this site defended Breitbart to the end. Some still do.

Bullshit you liar. TO a man conservatives said hang his ass out to dry if you can prove he edited that tape. the ONLY defending going on was over the bullshit of blaming FoxNews for Sharrod being fired.

Are you assholes ever honest?
I think the difference between Media Matters and Breitbart is that I don't think you'll see that many liberals defending Media Matters.

Yet 90% of the Conservatives on this site defended Breitbart to the end. Some still do.

That is Bull shit, Conservatives on this site and around the country OVERWHELMINGLY condemned him, We defended FOX. Get your facts right ass hat.

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