Liberal feeling vs. Judeo-Christian values: Part VI


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2003
Everywhere, simultaneously.
Dennis Prager said:
With the decline of the authority of Judeo-Christian values in the West, many people stopped looking to external sources of moral standards in order to decide what is right and wrong. Instead of being guided by God, the Bible and religion, great numbers -- in Western Europe, the great majority -- have looked elsewhere for moral and social guidelines.

For many millions in the twentieth century, those guidelines were provided by Marxism, Communism, Fascism or Nazism. For many millions today, those guidelines are … feelings. With the ascendancy of leftist values that has followed the decline of Judeo-Christian religion, personal feelings have supplanted universal standards. In fact, feelings are the major unifying characteristic among contemporary liberal positions.

Aside from reliance on feelings, how else can one explain a person who believes, let alone proudly announces on a bumper sticker, that "War is not the answer"? I know of no comparable conservative bumper sticker that is so demonstrably false and morally ignorant. Almost every great evil has been solved by war -- from slavery in America to the Holocaust in Europe. Auschwitz was liberated by soldiers making war, not by pacifists who would have allowed the Nazis to murder every Jew in Europe.

The entire edifice of moral relativism, a foundation of leftist ideology, is built on the notion of feelings deciding right and wrong. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.


To be fair, feelings also play a major role in many conservatives' beliefs. Patriotism is largely a feeling; religious faith is filled with emotion, and religion has too often been dictated by emotion. But far more conservative positions are based on "What is right?" rather than on "How do I feel?" That is why a religious woman who is pregnant but does not wish to be is far less likely to have an abortion than a secular woman in the same circumstances. Her values are higher than her feelings. And that, in a nutshell, is what our culture war is about -- Judeo-Christian values versus liberal/leftist feelings.


The other parts (some of which have been previously posted here by others):

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V
Very often, liberals are far more concerned with purity of motive than with moral results. That's why so many liberals still oppose the liberation of Iraq -- so what if Iraqis risk their lives to vote? It's George W. Bush's motives that liberals care about, not spreading liberty in the Arab world.

It all comes down to symbolism over substance. As long as their intentions are in a good place the end result is moot.
Look at Communism itself..Liberals love the notion or idea of it, but forget the actual outcome of a system that essentially makes everyone equal (poor)!!!
Part VII

Hate evil: Case for Judeo-Christian values, part VII

Do you hate evil?

Much of humanity doesn't. But if you embrace Judeo-Christian values, you must.

A core value of the Bible is hatred of evil. Indeed, it is the only thing the Bible instructs its followers to hate -- so much so that love of God is equated with hatred of evil. "Those who love God -- you must hate evil," the Psalms tell us.

The notion of hating evil was and remains revolutionary.

The vast majority of ancients didn't give thought to evil. Societies were cruel, and their gods were cruel.

Nor did higher religions place hating evil at the center of their worldviews. In Eastern philosophy and religion, the highest goal was the attainment of enlightenment (Nirvana) through effacing the ego, not through combating or hating evil. Evil and unjust suffering were regarded as part of life, and it was best to escape life, not morally transform it.

Read the rest here.
Bonnie said:
Look at Communism itself..Liberals love the notion or idea of it, but forget the actual outcome of a system that essentially makes everyone equal (poor)!!!

Where do you get the crazy idea that we love communism. Sorry but I prefer CAPITALISM. I take pride in my business and knowing that I am self sufficient. I also believe that there should be a safety net in case things go bad (ie loss of job) just so people don't end up losing their house or being evicted. It's the abuses of these safety nets that need to be overhauled. Please stop making those rediculous generalization. Communism is nothing but proven failure.
Minuteman said:
Where do you get the crazy idea that we love communism. Sorry but I prefer CAPITALISM. I take pride in my business and knowing that I am self sufficient. I also believe that there should be a safety net in case things go bad (ie loss of job) just so people don't end up losing their house or being evicted. It's the abuses of these safety nets that need to be overhauled. Please stop making those rediculous generalization. Communism is nothing but proven failure.

Hey minute, she said "LIBERALS". How many times I have I seen you post "I am NOT a liberal"? We all knew you were a liberal in hiding and this post of yours proves it. You can now come out of the closet!
Bonnie said:
Look at Communism itself..Liberals love the notion or idea of it, but forget the actual outcome of a system that essentially makes everyone equal (poor)!!!

The idea or ideal of communism is truly a beautiful idea; sadly it relies far too strongly on the innate goodness of humanity and usually ends in tyranny.

The fact that in reality communism fails miserably does not make the idea any less beautiful, on the other hand the beauty of the idea does not make the reality any less harsh.
deaddude said:
The idea or ideal of communism is truly a beautiful idea; sadly it relies far too strongly on the innate goodness of humanity and usually ends in tyranny.

The fact that in reality communism fails miserably does not make the idea any less beautiful, on the other hand the beauty of the idea does not make the reality any less harsh.

The notion that everyone has eqaul may in theory be nice, however aside from the economic failures, Communism takes away freedom and that is why there is tyranny and blood shed.
Bonnie said:
The notion that everyone has eqaul may in theory be nice, however aside from the economic failures, Communism takes away freedom and that is why there is tyranny and blood shed.

Yes I understand that and i included that in my post.

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