Liberal Columnist Calls Letterman "Aging Bully"


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
Long time liberal columnist for the Chicago Sun Time, Mary Mitchell's comments regarding the Letterman-Palin saga, shows that even a few liberals are willing to speak out against Letterman's words.

Mitchell even connects Letterman's stupidity to that of former Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright's declaration that the president is being controlled by "them Jews".

If such commentary is now being disseminated from a liberal Chicago columnist, describing Letterman as engaging in "poor taste", the growing campaing against Letterman is not going to dissipate any time soon.

Letterman, Wright done in by own words :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell
Fine with me. Have already posted against the abuse this woman has had to endure at the hands of a psychotic, narcissitic MSM.
Long time liberal columnist for the Chicago Sun Time, Mary Mitchell's comments regarding the Letterman-Palin saga, shows that even a few liberals are willing to speak out against Letterman's words.

Mitchell even connects Letterman's stupidity to that of former Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright's declaration that the president is being controlled by "them Jews".

If such commentary is now being disseminated from a liberal Chicago columnist, describing Letterman as engaging in "poor taste", the growing campaing against Letterman is not going to dissipate any time soon.

Letterman, Wright done in by own words :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell
Good for her.
I like her pointing out that using the term "knocked up" is also a degrading and negative term toward pregant women. Wonder if Letterman told his(now) wife what a "slutty knocked up whore" she was,while she was pregnant. Liberals seem to think that is a compliment after all (so I was told).
More stupid neo con distraction. What a pathetic bunch of slime ball losers. Got nothing?

I happened to see the on air "apology" when Letterman read the jokes again and adamantly made it clear that the humor was directed at the 18 year old who has been all over the networks talking up abstanace while she herself is a fucking slut. Letterman has nothing to be sorry for. Palin dragged her kids into the public arena for the pupose of using them. She could have prevented focus on them if she had just left them at home in the first place.

I like Lettermans humor...he goes over the line sometimes. That's what is entertaining about him.

Bottom line..if you don't like him...don't watch.

Palin is a phoney oportunistic eskimo with limited intelligence.
lecherous letterman is a slimeball,a bitter 62 wrinkly slime ball and the woman who bore his child musta been desperate. i bet she lives in hell being married to him.
lecherous letterman is a slimeball,a bitter 62 wrinkly slime ball and the woman who bore his child musta been desperate. i bet she lives in hell being married to him.

Probably so...he makes fun of his wife and his two month marraige frequently. Obviously he got hitched for his son.

I'm sorry to inform you and the righties(I would be but I can't stand the company) that Palin is the problem not Letterman. She was going to be the butt of jokes from the moment of her interview with Couric. "I'll get right back to ya" :lol:

The neo cons should be more carefull who they resurect. Palin isn't going to be any smarter the 2nd...5th or ..tenth time around. Like the saying goes...that dog just won't hunt. She being an embarrassment in the presidential election was not an accident or bad luck. She really is what she is and the vast majority of americans would ratrher have ice picks plunged into thier eyes than put someone that stupid a heartbeat away or worse into the whitehouse.

This is why I cannot be a republican any more..sheez its been a long time ago...You people have let the reigns be handled by scum like rove and nitwit crooks like tom delay.

You have so much work to do you should stop wasting time picking over old bones.
I like her pointing out that using the term "knocked up" is also a degrading and negative term toward pregant women. Wonder if Letterman told his(now) wife what a "slutty knocked up whore" she was,while she was pregnant. Liberals seem to think that is a compliment after all (so I was told).
Particularly since they weren't married when he knocked her up, something he wasn't so cool about when it was brought up in public when that situation was current.
I like her pointing out that using the term "knocked up" is also a degrading and negative term toward pregant women. Wonder if Letterman told his(now) wife what a "slutty knocked up whore" she was,while she was pregnant. Liberals seem to think that is a compliment after all (so I was told).

Oh no, now you've done it ...BAN ALL ROMANTIC COMEDIES QUICK ... well most. Then ban all news casters, talk show hosts ... especially Maury and Rush.
She really is what she is and the vast majority of americans would ratrher have ice picks plunged into thier eyes than put someone that stupid a heartbeat away or worse into the whitehouse.

they have one now ever hear of Nancy Pelosi?....
I am very glad to see a liberal female journalist come out against this kind of talk. After all--women all over this country have fought against sexual harrassement forever.

The Irony is: If Letterman or any man or female for that matter made the same sexual comments--(even jokingly) against a co-worker--they would have been fired by now.

And here we have Letterman broadcasting it on National T.V. & getting away with it.
Long time liberal columnist for the Chicago Sun Time, Mary Mitchell's comments regarding the Letterman-Palin saga, shows that even a few liberals are willing to speak out against Letterman's words.

Mitchell even connects Letterman's stupidity to that of former Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright's declaration that the president is being controlled by "them Jews".

If such commentary is now being disseminated from a liberal Chicago columnist, describing Letterman as engaging in "poor taste", the growing campaing against Letterman is not going to dissipate any time soon.

Letterman, Wright done in by own words :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell

Late night comedians have always engaged in "poor taste," its their shtick. Conversely, liberal columnists, usually working for far from liberal bosses, have often been craven pussies in the face of manufactured outrage.
She really is what she is and the vast majority of americans would ratrher have ice picks plunged into thier eyes than put someone that stupid a heartbeat away or worse into the whitehouse.

they have one now ever hear of Nancy Pelosi?....

You should be kissing pelosi's wrinkled old twat for taking impeachment off the table in 06.
I never found Letterman to be very funny. I certainly won't stay up late or waste space on my dvr drive for him.

For Christ's sake he's a hackneyed aged boring not very original "comedian" who gives a flying fuck what he says?
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She really is what she is and the vast majority of americans would ratrher have ice picks plunged into thier eyes than put someone that stupid a heartbeat away or worse into the whitehouse.

they have one now ever hear of Nancy Pelosi?....

You should be kissing pelosi's wrinkled old twat for taking impeachment off the table in 06.

i cant, your head is in the way....

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