Liberal bias in academia is destroying the integrity of research


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Liberal bias in academia is destroying the integrity of research

Liberal bias in academia is destroying the integrity of research New York Post
How reliable is academic research? Not very it seems, after noting that the Journal of Vibration and Control, a reputable academic publication, had to retract 60 different papers over the summer.

The editors concluded that Chen-Yuan Chen, a researcher in Taiwan, had created a “peer-review and citation ring.”

OK, it’s not exactly a “Sopranos” plot. But it’s pretty shady for the world of higher education. Chen went to great lengths to make up fake e-mail addresses and even assume the names of other scientists to write approvingly of his own research.

In a sense, though, he was just exploiting the deep flaws of the peer review system. The academy has become a kind of club where friends give friends flattering assessments of research, which essentially guarantees promotions and tenure.


The only way to combat the production of academic research that simply confirms what liberal academics already believe is by having someone there to question these assumptions.

As Smith tells me, “Knowledge is advanced through the clash of rival interpretations of the evidence.”

The professors must have missed that memo.
I think the title of this article should be 'poor academic standrads' rather than 'liberalism'.

Because that is really the issue.

I really couldn't give a damn if a physicist is a communist, fascist or centrist,nwhat I care about is the quality of his work.

People in the US seem to get so fixated on politics in every field of life. I don't know why. Glaciers don't melt because some liberal tells them too.
I think the title of this article should be 'poor academic standrads' rather than 'liberalism'.

Because that is really the issue.

I really couldn't give a damn if a physicist is a communist, fascist or centrist,nwhat I care about is the quality of his work.

People in the US seem to get so fixated on politics in every field of life. I don't know why. Glaciers don't melt because some liberal tells them too.

Back in the early 70's, something like 80% of all patents in high technology and medicine were granted to our nation's once-great university research institutions. Today it's somewhere around 23% and dropping fast. Back in the late 60's is when marxism became the prevailing mindset on the US campus. That's when brainiacs, rouges, and especially tech geeks were scorned for thinking outside the box rather than becoming another faculty mediocrity in a great grey pool of mediocrity.

So the best and brightest left academia and migrated to places like Silicon Valley, where they could earn several times more money than they could on campus, if they could produce and deal with the stress of a free market atmosphere. And that's where all the geeks and the inventors and the freethinkers are now, in private industry. The losers who can't take a piss without referring to the campus central committee instruction manual are the ones who populate American academia today.
Liberal bias in academia is destroying the integrity of research

Liberal bias in academia is destroying the integrity of research New York Post
How reliable is academic research? Not very it seems, after noting that the Journal of Vibration and Control, a reputable academic publication, had to retract 60 different papers over the summer.

The editors concluded that Chen-Yuan Chen, a researcher in Taiwan, had created a “peer-review and citation ring.”

OK, it’s not exactly a “Sopranos” plot. But it’s pretty shady for the world of higher education. Chen went to great lengths to make up fake e-mail addresses and even assume the names of other scientists to write approvingly of his own research.

In a sense, though, he was just exploiting the deep flaws of the peer review system. The academy has become a kind of club where friends give friends flattering assessments of research, which essentially guarantees promotions and tenure.


The only way to combat the production of academic research that simply confirms what liberal academics already believe is by having someone there to question these assumptions.

As Smith tells me, “Knowledge is advanced through the clash of rival interpretations of the evidence.”

The professors must have missed that memo.

Hence why science is science. When crap creeps in it's uncovered.
The funny thing is, most scientists I have met haven't been very political people.

I've yet to meet a biologist who was more interested in partisanship than just pursueing their passion in biology. Likwise, most scietntists I have met have been very pasiionate about their field, dedicated and honest people. I respect them.

I also listen to them, because I believe they know more about their field than any politician does.

You guys should do that too.
The funny thing is, most scientists I have met haven't been very political people.

I've yet to meet a biologist who was more interested in partisanship than just pursueing their passion in biology. Likwise, most scietntists I have met have been very pasiionate about their field, dedicated and honest people. I respect them.

I also listen to them, because I believe they know more about their field than any politician does.

You guys should do that too.
That is what I was going to say, plus the OP overlooks the religious universities and colleges which also do research work...

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