Liberal authoritarianism


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Last week news broke that state Democrat Attorney Generals around the country were banding together in hopes of bringing charges against anyone speaking the truth about the farce that is "Global Warming". It seems liberals are incredibly embarrassed that they claimed "greenhouse gases" were being "trapped" in the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the planet to heat up, only to experience two years of cooler than normal weather (and some exceptionally tough winters).

What do dictators do when the truth threatens their position of power? They take control of the messages and the mediums used to convey them. They allow only the content they want the masses to hear and the persecute anyone who dares speak the truth.

Blog: Democratic attorneys general to initiate witch hunt of climate change 'deniers'

16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.
We better find a cure for the cancer that is liberalism - and fast. It's killing this nation rapidly (as cancer tends to do) and is killing freedom and liberty even faster.
It seems liberals are incredibly embarrassed that they claimed "greenhouse gases" were being "trapped" in the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the planet to heat up, only to experience two years of cooler than normal weather (and some exceptionally tough winters).

Wow, so here's the thing about Science.

It's still true even if you don't understand it.
We better find a cure for the cancer that is liberalism - and fast. It's killing this nation rapidly (as cancer tends to do) and is killing freedom and liberty even faster.

Liberalism is what this country and its Constitution are made of, Dipstick.

Your title is an oxymoron, moron. Apparently you still haven't figured out the distinction between "Liberal" and "Democrat".

But then, given your history no such education is expected.
And now they are taking children away from parents who dare to from their own views on anything...

Judge Orders Mother’s Child to be Snatched Because She Believes in “Chemtrails”

You really think there's nothing more to the story . Im guessing mom is kray kray and Chem
Trails are just the tip of the iceberg!
And being a judge qualifies her to determine the mental state of someone? Really? Silly me, I always thought that only a qualified mental health professional could make that determination. I've read several articles and so far I haven't found anything indicating "more to the story".

Furthermore, we have an entire nation of men who are "kray kray" - believing they are women trapped in a man's body (something one would except from Scientology). But instead of taking them into courtrooms, liberals are celebrating them and creating special laws & privileges for them. Now how exactly does that work?
And now they are taking children away from parents who dare to from their own views on anything...

Judge Orders Mother’s Child to be Snatched Because She Believes in “Chemtrails”

You really think there's nothing more to the story . Im guessing mom is kray kray and Chem
Trails are just the tip of the iceberg!

Buttsoiler doesn't read deeper than the headline. After that point he goes :lalala:

This one's from Alex Jones (sponsored by Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil hats), following up as they report on their last report of the Naugler family who were living in squalor in Kentucky.
And being a judge qualifies her to determine the mental state of someone? Really? Silly me, I always thought that only a qualified mental health professional could make that determination. I've read several articles and so far I haven't found anything indicating "more to the story".

Debunked: Court Takes Child From Mother After She Mentions Chemtrails At School

So it seems that she did not have her child taken from her because of chemtrails, but rather custody of the child was awarded to the other parent. Such things are not uncommon, and are based on a number of factors that impact the welfare of the child. Clearly Vandb has multiple things going on that the judge took into consideration.

Sorry, man, this was a custody case. Not the State seizing a child, but a parent said, 'Hey, Mom is crazy, I should probably get custody."

Furthermore, we have an entire nation of men who are "kray kray" - believing they are women trapped in a man's body (something one would except from Scientology). But instead of taking them into courtrooms, liberals are celebrating them and creating special laws & privileges for them. Now how exactly does that work?

It works that they've done a bunch of studies and have determined there are some people whose psychological identities don't match their genitals.

However, if a dude starts dressing like a woman and his ex-wife goes into court and says, "WTF", most judges would probably grant her custody, too.

Leftists don't really care what the issue is. All they crave is total power. History is full of disastrous examples of what happens when they get it.

Last week news broke that state Democrat Attorney Generals around the country were banding together in hopes of bringing charges against anyone speaking the truth about the farce that is "Global Warming". It seems liberals are incredibly embarrassed that they claimed "greenhouse gases" were being "trapped" in the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the planet to heat up, only to experience two years of cooler than normal weather (and some exceptionally tough winters).

What do dictators do when the truth threatens their position of power? They take control of the messages and the mediums used to convey them. They allow only the content they want the masses to hear and the persecute anyone who dares speak the truth.

Blog: Democratic attorneys general to initiate witch hunt of climate change 'deniers'

16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Since the facts prove that "Global Warming" is a farce - I think each and every one of those attorney generals involved should be brought up on charges....

An Inconvenient Truth: Liberal Climate Inquisition Can't Explain Past Temperature Changes
It seems liberals are incredibly embarrassed that they claimed "greenhouse gases" were being "trapped" in the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the planet to heat up, only to experience two years of cooler than normal weather (and some exceptionally tough winters).

Wow, so here's the thing about Science.

It's still true even if you don't understand it.

No, the laws of physics are true.

Science can be bulls**t, or did you agree with the science of bleeding George Washington to death ?
It seems liberals are incredibly embarrassed that they claimed "greenhouse gases" were being "trapped" in the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the planet to heat up, only to experience two years of cooler than normal weather (and some exceptionally tough winters).

Wow, so here's the thing about Science.

It's still true even if you don't understand it.

No, the laws of physics are true.

Science can be bulls**t, or did you agree with the science of bleeding George Washington to death ?

It seems liberals are incredibly embarrassed that they claimed "greenhouse gases" were being "trapped" in the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the planet to heat up, only to experience two years of cooler than normal weather (and some exceptionally tough winters).

Wow, so here's the thing about Science.

It's still true even if you don't understand it.

No, the laws of physics are true.

Science can be bulls**t, or did you agree with the science of bleeding George Washington to death ?

So are the laws of economics.

GW is a scam. Did you really think that giving billions of tax dollars to some politician is going to fix it? How is paying welfare moms parasitical benefits going to fix climate change again? According to Nordhaus, the cost is approximated to be 13.5 trillion by 2095... discounting that to today amounts to about 200 billions (minus whatever is already spent on the issue).

Paying for yer sins is dumb, but if that ~500 bucks is what it takes for a regressive to shut up about the issue for the next 90 years, then so be it (note that the money should be paid to the sufferers of damages through a GW fund - not regressives - no parasitism). Unfortunately I believe we are going to pay a lot more than that for this scam...
The perfect example right here. Barack Obama - in his own words - admitting that his "Executive Orders" were illegal.

In Jan. 2012, an interviewer from the Univision Spanish-language TV network asked President Barack Obama why he was continuing to deport illegal immigrants from Mexico and elsewhere. He replied that this was “because that’s the law that’s on the books right now. And the way our system works, the president doesn’t have the authority to simply ignore Congress and say, we’re not going to enforce the laws that you’ve passed.”

A few moments later, he added that the president can’t “just wave away the laws the Congress has put in place. . . . And until we get comprehensive immigration reform, there’s going to continue to be heartbreaking stories. That’s what we’re trying to change. But ultimately the way we change it, is we’ve got to change our politics.”

In giving this response, President Obama was displaying respect for the separation of powers. He was recognizing that, under Article I, “all legislative” or lawmaking power granted by the Constitution is vested in Congress. And, under the Take Care Clause of Article II, Section 3, the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

The Rise of the Executive-Administrative State
It seems liberals are incredibly embarrassed that they claimed "greenhouse gases" were being "trapped" in the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the planet to heat up, only to experience two years of cooler than normal weather (and some exceptionally tough winters).

Wow, so here's the thing about Science.

It's still true even if you don't understand it.

No, the laws of physics are true.

Science can be bulls**t, or did you agree with the science of bleeding George Washington to death ?

So are the laws of economics.


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