Liars Beware

People on political forums lie a lot. I will expose liars and their lies.

Willkommen beim USMB und gute Jagd!!

Die Jagd war gut. Ich habe viele Lügner slayed!!


Also, Du hast ganz schön viele Lügner erledigt, aber die Jagd geht immer weiter; sie wird stets und ständing fortgesetzt. Also, auf in die freudige Schlacht mit Dir, junger Mann! Ich erwarte täglich einen Jagd-Bericht von Dir, jawhohl.

Dein OberbefelhshabenderJagdmeister!

Ein Bericht hinzukommen werden. Meine Wachsamkeit wird nicht Verzicht.
People on political forums lie a lot. I will expose liars and their lies.


I also have a good laugh after I expose some con liar.

What is your version of the truth?

Truth has no versions. Truth is truth.
Now that i see your sig line, I understand your version of the truth.

You get your truth from ProgressReport and MotherJones

Another fact denying Fox news parrot opens his cyber pie hole and lies and doing his part to build a bridge to the 11th century.

I'm sure would agree with the other wackos that Obama was not born on the US and he and his family are not Christians.

BTW, Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Is he eligible to be president? What about John McCain? He was born in Panama. Where were the Birthers then? I think they were blowing each other.
Thanks for proving my point with ASSumptions

It seems that English is not your first language?

Facts are something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your statement has no basis in fact but then again you are a CON and CONS are fact loathing dim wits,

Assumption: something taken for granted; a supposition:

I hope this helps to restore you to some level of sanity.
You ASSume I'm a FoxNews parrot, a birther and a McCain fan.

Just like I asked when I first met you;
What is your version of the truth?
Not just what you wish to project onto others.

You know less than nothing about me and I am most likely the most amiable "RWNJ" to my left-leaning counterparts you will find here.

However, if being treated like a Troll is your fetish, let me know now so I can file you away with Lakunta, Guano, D4E, Steve and Franko
People on political forums lie a lot. I will expose liars and their lies.
I wish you the best of luck.

Just understand that most leftist are fucking morons and can't grasp the truth of how fucked up they are.

What do the demons say when they visit you at night? Do they coach you on how to be a baby-seal-clubbing fox news parroting gasbag?

This should be fun.

Fun to see if he(?) uses "fox news parrot" as much as franko uses "con dupe"
People on political forums lie a lot. I will expose liars and their lies.
I wish you the best of luck.

Just understand that most leftist are fucking morons and can't grasp the truth of how fucked up they are.

What do the demons say when they visit you at night? Do they coach you on how to be a baby-seal-clubbing fox news parroting gasbag?

This should be fun.

Fun to see if he(?) uses "fox news parrot" as much as franko uses "con dupe"
How long it will take to get a clown face assigned to him…
People on political forums lie a lot. I will expose liars and their lies.
I wish you the best of luck.

Just understand that most leftist are fucking morons and can't grasp the truth of how fucked up they are.

What do the demons say when they visit you at night? Do they coach you on how to be a baby-seal-clubbing fox news parroting gasbag?

This should be fun.

Fun to see if he(?) uses "fox news parrot" as much as franko uses "con dupe"
How long it will take to get a clown face assigned to him…
I'll make it one.
With the rainbow effect, actually.....IF it ever busts a lie
For the record, you can stay, even though you were prepared to ask any of the "liars" to leave.

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