Liability's PEACE PRAYER


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Dear Lord above

May You, in the bountiful Justice and Mercy which You have bestowed so often and graciously upon mankind, find it in Your Heart to once again grant to some seriously afflicted people, the "Muslims," the grace and wisdom to repent of their sick evil ways, and to recant of their insidious belief in the blasphemous Qur'an. Let them find their way clear of the violence-laden preachings and teachings of the sick pedophile, Mohammed.

Lead them into the Light of Truth.

Cast the demon of their false religion, Islam, from their sullied hearts. Permit them to join, someday, with their fellow human beings in a civilized communion.

Thank you, Almighty God, for Your blessings and for Your mercy and justice.

p.s. ...and while you're at it, it wouldn't hurt if you could smite a few of those pesky false Christians, just to make a point. Some burning shrubbery might help the overall effect and induce them to quit their fornicating ways and join us in holy communion. And while your at it, can you do something about those tasteless communion wafers (I think I previously suggested the addition of a "chocolate chip" flaver) and we are out of wine so a little of that old water into wine magic wouldn't go amiss....
p.s. ...and while you're at it, it wouldn't hurt if you could smite a few of those pesky false Christians, just to make a point. Some burning shrubbery might help the overall effect and induce them to quit their fornicating ways and join us in holy communion. And while your at it, can you do something about those tasteless communion wafers (I think I previously suggested the addition of a "chocolate chip" flaver) and we are out of wine so a little of that old water into wine magic wouldn't go amiss....

You seem upset. Are you upset?
p.s. ...and while you're at it, it wouldn't hurt if you could smite a few of those pesky false Christians, just to make a point. Some burning shrubbery might help the overall effect and induce them to quit their fornicating ways and join us in holy communion. And while your at it, can you do something about those tasteless communion wafers (I think I previously suggested the addition of a "chocolate chip" flaver) and we are out of wine so a little of that old water into wine magic wouldn't go amiss....

You seem upset. Are you upset?

Of course I am - have you ever tried those communion wafers? Like cardboard!
Dear Lord above

May You, in the bountiful Justice and Mercy which You have bestowed so often and graciously upon mankind, find it in Your Heart to once again grant to some seriously afflicted people, the "Muslims," the grace and wisdom to repent of their sick evil ways, and to recant of their insidious belief in the blasphemous Qur'an. Let them find their way clear of the violence-laden preachings and teachings of the sick pedophile, Mohammed.

Lead them into the Light of Truth.

Cast the demon of their false religion, Islam, from their sullied hearts. Permit them to join, someday, with their fellow human beings in a civilized communion.

Thank you, Almighty God, for Your blessings and for Your mercy and justice.


p.s. ...and while you're at it, it wouldn't hurt if you could smite a few of those pesky false Christians, just to make a point. Some burning shrubbery might help the overall effect and induce them to quit their fornicating ways and join us in holy communion. And while your at it, can you do something about those tasteless communion wafers (I think I previously suggested the addition of a "chocolate chip" flaver) and we are out of wine so a little of that old water into wine magic wouldn't go amiss....

You seem upset. Are you upset?

Of course I am - have you ever tried those communion wafers? Like cardboard!

Really, unduly upset apparently. Poor thing.

Take a Midol.
Dear Lord above

May You, in the bountiful Justice and Mercy which You have bestowed so often and graciously upon mankind, find it in Your Heart to once again grant to some seriously afflicted people, the "Muslims," the grace and wisdom to repent of their sick evil ways, and to recant of their insidious belief in the blasphemous Qur'an. Let them find their way clear of the violence-laden preachings and teachings of the sick pedophile, Mohammed.

Lead them into the Light of Truth.

Cast the demon of their false religion, Islam, from their sullied hearts. Permit them to join, someday, with their fellow human beings in a civilized communion.

Thank you, Almighty God, for Your blessings and for Your mercy and justice.



No no, id-eots. It's just WAY beyond your extremely limited ability to understand.

Of course, everything is WAY beyond your extremely limited ability to understand.
You seem upset. Are you upset?

Of course I am - have you ever tried those communion wafers? Like cardboard!

Really, unduly upset apparently. Poor thing.

Take a Midol.

Midol wouldn't begin to ease the depths of my upset!

When was the last time we had a miracle eh? (and no, Obama's election doesn't count) - or a prophet - or something beyond a sustained hellfire-and-brimstone-your-going-to-hell-if-you-don't-repent leaflet campaign from our local ministries? Not even a brief shower of frogs to get us on the right path. You call that leadership?
Of course I am - have you ever tried those communion wafers? Like cardboard!

Really, unduly upset apparently. Poor thing.

Take a Midol.

Midol wouldn't begin to ease the depths of my upset!

When was the last time we had a miracle eh? (and no, Obama's election doesn't count) - or a prophet - or something beyond a sustained hellfire-and-brimstone-your-going-to-hell-if-you-don't-repent leaflet campaign from our local ministries? Not even a brief shower of frogs to get us on the right path. You call that leadership?

It could be worse. You could be an 11 year old Muslim girl required to marry some 50 something year old Muslim man.
Really, unduly upset apparently. Poor thing.

Take a Midol.

Midol wouldn't begin to ease the depths of my upset!

When was the last time we had a miracle eh? (and no, Obama's election doesn't count) - or a prophet - or something beyond a sustained hellfire-and-brimstone-your-going-to-hell-if-you-don't-repent leaflet campaign from our local ministries? Not even a brief shower of frogs to get us on the right path. You call that leadership?

It could be worse. You could be an 11 year old Muslim girl required to marry some 50 something year old Muslim man.

...or an 11 yr old Christian girl in Zimbabwe...

....or an 11 year old Hindu girl in India

Sucks to be female in an underdeveloped country.
Ya know...that's something else to take up with God...why the hell does he allow child brides ...hmm? Why did he impregnate Mary at age 12? Why was Mary married to an old man?

He should've used a condom.
Midol wouldn't begin to ease the depths of my upset!

When was the last time we had a miracle eh? (and no, Obama's election doesn't count) - or a prophet - or something beyond a sustained hellfire-and-brimstone-your-going-to-hell-if-you-don't-repent leaflet campaign from our local ministries? Not even a brief shower of frogs to get us on the right path. You call that leadership?

It could be worse. You could be an 11 year old Muslim girl required to marry some 50 something year old Muslim man.

...or an 11 yr old Christian girl in Zimbabwe...

....or an 11 year old Hindu girl in India

Sucks to be female in an underdeveloped country.

I don't know about 11 year old girls in Zimbabwe. But I do know the Bible itself doesn't have the founder of the faith engaging in pedophilia.

I know that some priests, today, still engage in pedophilia with little kids. But it's not preached by the Religion itself.

And it does tend to make your banter about the taste of a wafer of bread (a symbol representing the Savior) seem truly insipid.
tariq's peace prayer is way more bettar and trollish than liability's peace prayer.

What Eder said. I think.

I mean, what did Eder say?

bettar. Way more? Bettar and trollish?


Tariq is either a poseur or an Islamofanatic without regard for the truth.

But if that's bettar, whatever bettar might be, then so be it.
tariq's peace prayer is way more bettar and trollish than liability's peace prayer.

What Eder said. I think.

I mean, what did Eder say?

bettar. Way more? Bettar and trollish?


Tariq is either a poseur or an Islamofanatic without regard for the truth.

But if that's bettar, whatever bettar might be, then so be it.

hey, i decided to post in you're threat to make you feel bettar.
tariq's peace prayer is way more bettar and trollish than liability's peace prayer.

What Eder said. I think.

I mean, what did Eder say?

bettar. Way more? Bettar and trollish?


Tariq is either a poseur or an Islamofanatic without regard for the truth.

But if that's bettar, whatever bettar might be, then so be it.

hey, i decided to post in you're threat to make you feel bettar.

I'd settle for a post from you that approximates coherence.

But, it's probably best not to hold one's breath waiting for it.
It could be worse. You could be an 11 year old Muslim girl required to marry some 50 something year old Muslim man.

...or an 11 yr old Christian girl in Zimbabwe...

....or an 11 year old Hindu girl in India

Sucks to be female in an underdeveloped country.

I don't know about 11 year old girls in Zimbabwe. But I do know the Bible itself doesn't have the founder of the faith engaging in pedophilia.

You also don't know that Mohammed did either since there are differing accounts of the age of that particular bride (one Hadith gives it as 6 at age of wedding, 9 at consumption while another gives it as 16 -19) and all his other brides were apparently adult women.

You can't really know for sure about the founder of the Christian faith either because there was a great deal of material written long after his death, by people who had never known him and there was much editing and deletion by the Church.

Child-brides were a cultural norm of the biblical era.

I know that some priests, today, still engage in pedophilia with little kids. But it's not preached by the Religion itself.

Islam preaches pedophilia?

And it does tend to make your banter about the taste of a wafer of bread (a symbol representing the Savior) seem truly insipid.

Just trying to do my part to improve on the idiotic nature of your OP :)
What Eder said. I think.

I mean, what did Eder say?

bettar. Way more? Bettar and trollish?


Tariq is either a poseur or an Islamofanatic without regard for the truth.

But if that's bettar, whatever bettar might be, then so be it.

hey, i decided to post in you're threat to make you feel bettar.

I'd settle for a post from you that approximates coherence.

But, it's probably best not to hold one's breath waiting for it.

as you're attorney i advice you too hold you're breadth until a coahrennt post of mine is focecoming.

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