Leveling the playing field


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Because why should the Koch boys have all the fun?

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grass-Roots Efforts -- Daily Intel

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grass-roots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from other major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grass-roots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.
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Billionaire George Soros giving $2M to Democratic groups, including to Obama super PAC - The Washington Post

Super PACs supporting Republican candidates and Mitt Romney in particular have pledged to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to compete against Obama’s sprawling donor base. American Crossroads, a group founded by former Bush adviser Karl Rove, and its nonprofit arm have already raised a combined $100 million.

Obama, meanwhile, has raked in $147 million in contributions through April 30. That doesn’t count millions in additional contributions to the Democratic National Committee, which is helping Obama’s re-election. Republicans have pointed to Obama’s powerful, incumbent fundraising advantage for why GOP super PACs — they have largely spent cash on pricey television ads — are necessary to provide balance in political discourse.

This presidential election is the first in which billionaires are given the green light to spend unlimited sums of cash on groups supporting their favored candidates, thanks to a handful of federal court cases that stripped away campaign-finance regulations.

And hopefully the last.
The problem isn’t Citizens United or the funds being spent, the problem is voters who refuse to research the issues, educate themselves as to the facts of those issues, and vote accordingly.

…the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs…

Negative ads which would have no effect on well-informed, educated voters.
Billionaire George Soros giving $2M to Democratic groups, including to Obama super PAC - The Washington Post

Super PACs supporting Republican candidates and Mitt Romney in particular have pledged to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to compete against Obama’s sprawling donor base. American Crossroads, a group founded by former Bush adviser Karl Rove, and its nonprofit arm have already raised a combined $100 million.

Obama, meanwhile, has raked in $147 million in contributions through April 30. That doesn’t count millions in additional contributions to the Democratic National Committee, which is helping Obama’s re-election. Republicans have pointed to Obama’s powerful, incumbent fundraising advantage for why GOP super PACs — they have largely spent cash on pricey television ads — are necessary to provide balance in political discourse.

This presidential election is the first in which billionaires are given the green light to spend unlimited sums of cash on groups supporting their favored candidates, thanks to a handful of federal court cases that stripped away campaign-finance regulations.

And hopefully the last.

You act as if soros did not contribute millions to obama in 2008:eusa_whistle::cuckoo:
Because why should the Koch boys have all the fun?

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grass-Roots Efforts -- Daily Intel

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grass-roots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from other major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grass-roots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.
dumbest thread ever while obumer signed ndaa. you continue to prove you are an idiot and haven't got a can of clue what you've gotten yourself into. As our debt is more than the revenue this country takes in, you want to vote for more debt and ever increasing debt..nope bush don't work this time and go chase parked cars with neg reps.

when the dollar crashes and your assets are worthless, you can't get retro from the rich this time b/c you'll be drowning in kaos..opps that's what you voted for
Sanity would dictate that Citizens United be overturned. But sanity and politics are seldom in the same room.

No, that's what Stalinist Democrats like you would dictate. Sanity would dictate that Democrats were laughed out of office.
Did Boop whine last time when Owebama had so much money to blow that he bought half-hour primetime spots on all the major networks just to use it up?

Sanity would dictate that Citizens United be overturned. But sanity and politics are seldom in the same room.

No, that's what Stalinist Democrats like you would dictate. Sanity would dictate that Democrats were laughed out of office.

Define and describe what a "Stalinist Domocrat" is.....

Leveling the playing field ?
It's been so unfair for quite sometime and all favoring the Democrats.
Dem's have the Hollywood crowd, mainstream media, newspapers, unions and wall st. and redistricting till recently.
The Repubs now have redistricting and Corporations.
That's 2 out of 6 and I don't think that is leveling the playing filed.
Billionaire George Soros giving $2M to Democratic groups, including to Obama super PAC - The Washington Post

Super PACs supporting Republican candidates and Mitt Romney in particular have pledged to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to compete against Obama’s sprawling donor base. American Crossroads, a group founded by former Bush adviser Karl Rove, and its nonprofit arm have already raised a combined $100 million.

Obama, meanwhile, has raked in $147 million in contributions through April 30. That doesn’t count millions in additional contributions to the Democratic National Committee, which is helping Obama’s re-election. Republicans have pointed to Obama’s powerful, incumbent fundraising advantage for why GOP super PACs — they have largely spent cash on pricey television ads — are necessary to provide balance in political discourse.

This presidential election is the first in which billionaires are given the green light to spend unlimited sums of cash on groups supporting their favored candidates, thanks to a handful of federal court cases that stripped away campaign-finance regulations.

And hopefully the last.

You act as if soros did not contribute millions to obama in 2008:eusa_whistle::cuckoo:

He couldn't. There was a limit.
Leveling the playing field ?
It's been so unfair for quite sometime and all favoring the Democrats.
Dem's have the Hollywood crowd, mainstream media, newspapers, unions and wall st. and redistricting till recently.
The Repubs now have redistricting and Corporations.
That's 2 out of 6 and I don't think that is leveling the playing filed.

That's a really interesting bubble you're living in.
Leveling the playing field ?
It's been so unfair for quite sometime and all favoring the Democrats.
Dem's have the Hollywood crowd, mainstream media, newspapers, unions and wall st. and redistricting till recently.
The Repubs now have redistricting and Corporations.
That's 2 out of 6 and I don't think that is leveling the playing filed.

That's a really interesting bubble you're living in.

It has been proven by many facts, that what has been listed above it true. You are the one not accepting facts.
Do you really believe that Hollywood and unions are not overwhelmingly for liberal Dem's?
Did you not see how the mainstream news were for Obama and how they were for President Clinton?

Wall St. 2008
Obama’s raised more money for Democrats from Wall Street donors than all Republican candidates combined « Hot Air
President Obama is not getting hardly any money from wall st. this time.

You are the one living in a bubble BDBoop

He couldn't. There was a limit.
Do you somehow think his money wasn't funneled to obama by means of many venues?
As for the U.S. 2008 presidential race, Mr. Soros, who gave $18 million to Democratic advocacy groups seeking to defeat President Bush in 2004, said he supported Barack Obama. But he also said he would support Hillary Clinton if she won the Democratic nomination. John McCain, he said, had “compromised far too much with the Bush administration” and was unlikely to win the Republican nomination. And who will win? Mr. Soros said he thinks the leading possibilities are former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

George Soros Backs Obama (But Hedges His Bets) - NYTimes.com

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