Let's Put People Back to Work On Our Continent.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
We could save North America by creating a North American Co Prosperity Economic Sphere and trading only between the countries of North America for the time being.

Food, Industry, Clothing, would be abundant and we could still hold on to capitalism. We need to stop buying product from China and put our people back to work. It can be done, and we should just set out to do it.

Over the years I have said I would run for president (I was never serious since I am just an average guy.) with a campaign built upon protectionism. We need to protect our people first, and it is about time that a non Republican and non Democrat stands up and says so(I never vote for parties, just the candidate or the issues. A platform to unify the continent would really wake up the people of these neighboring countries).


Mexico and Central America are wallowing in poverty when they could be producing product a lot cheaper than China can with all of their Communist subsidies to their workers.

If you want to see Communism collapse put people to work in real jobs. That is the best remedy for dreams of socialist utopias. Why we are subsidizing a Communist dictatorship in China right now when we should be putting people to work on our continent is beyond rational understanding. We used to want to be good neighbors with the countries to the south of us. Now, we shun them in place of assisting a Communist "Utopia."

By they way, if we could create a North American Co Prosperity Sphere, I would extend an offer to England and Ireland to join us if they wanted to break away from Germany dominated Europe. If Greenland and Iceland wanted to join, I'd welcome them, too. Not much population there, but Europe certainly has not done them any favors.

Consider me a candidate until somebody who is better looking offers to run on my platform.
Am I the only one that's heard of NAFTA?:confused:
I know all about it. I have also spent many years of my life in Mexico. I would like to retire down there on the shores of the Pacific, but would prefer that it be part of the US, or the US be part of a larger country with about 88 states as would be the case if we allowed Mexican states and Canadian provinces and Central American countries to come in as states in the New Union of North America .
I predict you will either be ignored or trampled by all the "free trade is da bomb" crowd.

Trampled is more like it. And by economic reality.
If such zones were good ideas the Warsaw Pact would be a world economic power by now. What you are proposing simply raises costs for the consumer and will create an artificial uncompetitive economy.
If we really want to put people to work we can do three things:
1) Suspend the minimum wage for 2 years. There is plenty of work out there but it isnt profitable to do at $8/hr. Eliminate it. If someone wants to work for $4 and that is his best alternative, let him do it.

2) Suspend the payroll tax for 2 years. If you make something more expensive, you get less of it. This is Econ 101. Make it cheaper to hire people and more people will get hired.

3) Suspend any new OSHA reg and eliminate those that have been shown not to achieve their purpose. Regulation is another form of taxation, increasing costs. Many jobs got eliminated and sent offshore because regulation made it impossible to keep them.
But we had to get used to less for a while there didn't we?

This is a new situation Beyond Carters scope. Interesting stuff coming.

You da tool, I just observe and come to conclusions.
Yes we will need to get used to having less.

and the elite will have to get used to having more...oh the humanity...perhaps we should throw them a party, cheer them up a bit :cool:

BTW, @Neubarth, ever heard of the NAU (North American Union)? Well, it's more of a conspiracy theory than fact, but it's suggested that Mr. Bush was trying to do just what you mentioned in your OP (who knows, maybe Obama is leaning that way as well).

Well, I'll say this much, if the corporatists (i.e. those inclined to fascism) have it their way, you will get what you're looking for. Though I get the feeling that the pros of job creation may have a terrible time balancing the cons of a corporatist state. I'm not calling you a fascist or anything, only that your approach seems overly simplistic.

There's more than one way to do something, and I think you're suggesting the worst option available.
I'm makin' this up as I go along. Let me see, trading with European countries. I'd say, "YES, as long as it is for something that we can not make in the US thus keeping our people employed." My goal is "North America First and Foremost."
I predict you will either be ignored or trampled by all the "free trade is da bomb" crowd.

Trampled is more like it. And by economic reality.
If such zones were good ideas the Warsaw Pact would be a world economic power by now. What you are proposing simply raises costs for the consumer and will create an artificial uncompetitive economy.
If we really want to put people to work we can do three things:
1) Suspend the minimum wage for 2 years. There is plenty of work out there but it isnt profitable to do at $8/hr. Eliminate it. If someone wants to work for $4 and that is his best alternative, let him do it.

2) Suspend the payroll tax for 2 years. If you make something more expensive, you get less of it. This is Econ 101. Make it cheaper to hire people and more people will get hired.

3) Suspend any new OSHA reg and eliminate those that have been shown not to achieve their purpose. Regulation is another form of taxation, increasing costs. Many jobs got eliminated and sent offshore because regulation made it impossible to keep them.

Oh learned man of the Sacred Scrolls. Please stick to your scrolls.

This is full employment Economic war based upon isolationism. Who says we have to trade with China? I don't want to play that game any more. Mexico can manufacture the same shit that China does, and the shipping costs will be less. China has peasants and so does Latin America. Which peasants do we need to put to work?
We need to put to work the ones who will deliver the best value. I really don't give a shit whether the guy getting $2 a day is Jose or Chen. But I am not planning on spending extra money that I don't have to support someone just because they're the rigth color or nationality. I thought you were smarter than to fall for this.
Who says we have to trade with China?

I'd say Benjamin Franklin has said it somewhere in the neighborhood of about 10 million times so far, if you catch my drift.

We need to put to work the ones who will deliver the best value. I really don't give a shit whether the guy getting $2 a day is Jose or Chen. But I am not planning on spending extra money that I don't have to support someone just because they're the rigth color or nationality. I thought you were smarter than to fall for this.

Damn, Rebbi, I am smarter then to fall for this, but I am making it up as I go along. Let me think about this for a while............

Ok, I have thought about this. Jose lives in our back yard. Fuck Chen.

My mind is made up. Jose is one of us. Chen is not.

The winner is, Jose by a mile. Chen is out of the running.

The simple fact of the matter is that money spent in OUR Country is money that buys product in OUR Country and that benefits OUR Country. Spending money in China does not benefit OUR Country. Gosh, I hope you can understand that.
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The problem is "type" of jobs.

The American right wants to fight over picking apples for 5 bucks an hour (remember, they want to LOWER the minimum wage even though a family on minimum wage would be 3 grand BELOW the poverty line).

There needs to be a complete overhaul from the way research happens in this country. Because of anti trust laws, companies are not allowed to work together and the government is not allowed to help.

In Japan, the government works as a mediator between companies who want to share the cost and benefits from research. The government will also supply tax credits. America is at a huge disadvantage when it comes to research and development.

Then there is education. The Republican party, with it's destructive and nonsensical "war on science" has delegitimized science in this country costing us who knows how many possible scientists.

And to those Republicans, stop saying that the Christian "war on science" is a myth. The anti evolution stand is retarded. This isn't 1950. Get some education. Then there is the whole "climate change" fiasco. If Republicans are going to down evolution and climate change, then for chhristsakes, get some education. At least make an attempt at a coherent argument.

So industries have to be targeted. We need a coherent strategy for both education and jobs growth. Leave it to industry to come up with the jobs, there there is nothing wrong with getting support from government. Republicans have got to stop trying to freak out Americans over government. If they hate the government so much, why do they constantly try to take it over? Republicans only use government to fleece the middle class.

Education, education, education. Stop trying to pay for college for everyone. Target the best students. Business isn't the ONLY thing that should be competitive. Make student support competitive. If the best and brightest students have to spend all their time paying for college, they aren't getting the education that could benefit the country.

Republicans have got to stop downing scientists. They keep saying scientists are on government dole and are on the take. That only shows Republican ignorance. What do they add to the country, besides fighting over who gets to pick apples for 5 bucks an hour?
We need to put to work the ones who will deliver the best value. I really don't give a shit whether the guy getting $2 a day is Jose or Chen. But I am not planning on spending extra money that I don't have to support someone just because they're the rigth color or nationality. I thought you were smarter than to fall for this.

Damn, Rebbi, I am smarter then to fall for this, but I am making it up as I go along. Let me think about this for a while............

Ok, I have thought about this. Jose lives in our back yard. Fuck Chen.

My mind is made up. Jose is one of us. Chen is not.

The winner is, Jose by a mile. Chen is out of the running.

The simple fact of the matter is that money spent in OUR Country is money that buys product in OUR Country and that benefits OUR Country. Spending money in China does not benefit OUR Country. Gosh, I hope you can understand that.

Jose is a citizen of a foreign country. Chen is a citizen of a foreign country. There is no difference.
If I have to spend more on a good made in Mexico than one in China then I have less to spend on something else, hopefully something made here in the U.S. Less money in m pocket is bad for me, for actual American citizens.
This ought to be pretty straightforward.
The sad reality is that we are short of dynamic leadership in this country. We need a leader who will inspire the people in an effort to exterminate all of the corrupt thieves who have taken power in this once great land. Shoot them all and start over with strict dictates on honesty and morality. In the future, any thief will be shot, not coddled in an all expenses paid institution. Why waste good money on thieves? Just shoot them.

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