Let’s not forget the hypocrisy and the GOP when it came to scandals like Benghazi, Solyndra, emails


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Republicans wasted millions in tax payer money desperately trying to find illegal activity in Solyndra and Benghazi. Keep in mind that the GOP directly investigated both of those cases themselves rather than an independent entity and they still found nothing at all. Can repub voters make up their minds whether the GOP is incompetent or if those investigations were a waste of time and money? If they decide on the former, what evidence could they possibly base it on?

The emails were investigated by the FBI. You know the same agency that investigated Bernie’s wife for a day. They concluded her use of a private server was stupid and careless, but she didn’t actually break any laws.

Now for Trump, the GOP maintains the whole thing is a witch hunt. Trump himself is too much of a pussy to do have a one on one with Mueller. Say what you want about Hillary, but she was grilled by republicans for 14 hours. Don’t you think that makes Trump a pussy in comparison?

The GOP are spineless cowards.
Hillary would have lost her mind if she went through what Trump has gone through the last two years.... so F her and F the swamp...the world they reside in is glass....see through....
Republicans wasted millions in tax payer money desperately trying to find illegal activity in Solyndra and Benghazi. Keep in mind that the GOP directly investigated both of those cases themselves rather than an independent entity and they still found nothing at all. Can repub voters make up their minds whether the GOP is incompetent or if those investigations were a waste of time and money? If they decide on the former, what evidence could they possibly base it on?

The emails were investigated by the FBI. You know the same agency that investigated Bernie’s wife for a day. They concluded her use of a private server was stupid and careless, but she didn’t actually break any laws.

Now for Trump, the GOP maintains the whole thing is a witch hunt. Trump himself is too much of a pussy to do have a one on one with Mueller. Say what you want about Hillary, but she was grilled by republicans for 14 hours. Don’t you think that makes Trump a pussy in comparison?

The GOP are spineless cowards.

You dont recall the stonewalling of the Barrypuppet and his pals Lynch and Holder. Dont forget the fact that Kerry, Lynch, Holder, Hillary and Obama knew all about the deep state funding and recruiting of the ISIS mercenary army.
Republicans wasted millions in tax payer money desperately trying to find illegal activity in Solyndra and Benghazi. Keep in mind that the GOP directly investigated both of those cases themselves rather than an independent entity and they still found nothing at all. Can repub voters make up their minds whether the GOP is incompetent or if those investigations were a waste of time and money? If they decide on the former, what evidence could they possibly base it on?

The emails were investigated by the FBI. You know the same agency that investigated Bernie’s wife for a day. They concluded her use of a private server was stupid and careless, but she didn’t actually break any laws.

Now for Trump, the GOP maintains the whole thing is a witch hunt. Trump himself is too much of a pussy to do have a one on one with Mueller. Say what you want about Hillary, but she was grilled by republicans for 14 hours. Don’t you think that makes Trump a pussy in comparison?

The GOP are spineless cowards.
I'm not going to say the entire GOP is, but trump is definitely a spineless coward.
I'm not going to say the entire GOP is, but trump is definitely a spineless coward.

What has Trump specifically done to make you say that? What policies has he promoted, or put in place that makes him a spineless coward?
The coward is afraid to sit down with Mueller, because he is scared to death that he can't open his mouth without telling a lie.
Republicans wasted millions in tax payer money desperately trying to find illegal activity in Solyndra and Benghazi. Keep in mind that the GOP directly investigated both of those cases themselves rather than an independent entity and they still found nothing at all. Can repub voters make up their minds whether the GOP is incompetent or if those investigations were a waste of time and money? If they decide on the former, what evidence could they possibly base it on?

The emails were investigated by the FBI. You know the same agency that investigated Bernie’s wife for a day. They concluded her use of a private server was stupid and careless, but she didn’t actually break any laws.

Now for Trump, the GOP maintains the whole thing is a witch hunt. Trump himself is too much of a pussy to do have a one on one with Mueller. Say what you want about Hillary, but she was grilled by republicans for 14 hours. Don’t you think that makes Trump a pussy in comparison?

The GOP are spineless cowards.

:spinner: OH, the spin is making me sick. :spinner:
Me thinks the bitch ain't out of the woods yet. LMAO

Hillary would have lost her mind if she went through what Trump has gone through the last two years.... so F her and F the swamp...the world they reside in is glass....see through....
Oh, yes, that poor little snowflake! He must feel like such a victim.
Republicans wasted millions in tax payer money desperately trying to find illegal activity in Solyndra and Benghazi. Keep in mind that the GOP directly investigated both of those cases themselves rather than an independent entity and they still found nothing at all. Can repub voters make up their minds whether the GOP is incompetent or if those investigations were a waste of time and money? If they decide on the former, what evidence could they possibly base it on?

The emails were investigated by the FBI. You know the same agency that investigated Bernie’s wife for a day. They concluded her use of a private server was stupid and careless, but she didn’t actually break any laws.

Now for Trump, the GOP maintains the whole thing is a witch hunt. Trump himself is too much of a pussy to do have a one on one with Mueller. Say what you want about Hillary, but she was grilled by republicans for 14 hours. Don’t you think that makes Trump a pussy in comparison?

The GOP are spineless cowards.
It sure is nice to be a Democrat Politician and get away with abandoning 4 US citizens in Benghazi, one an ambassador, to Al Qaeda, which as Joe Biden said was on the run, before the 2012 elections. When you had James Comey doing the back ground checks, real easy for those liberals to get away with even murder. But alas, the liberal dumbasses who vote for these people are part of the 2 tier justice system.

Exposed: FBI Director James Comey's Clinton Foundation Connection
Lets not forget the hypocrisy of the left who claimed every scandal during the previous administration was a phony scandal that was to easy.
How many people were indicted in Obama’s administration?
How many people were covering up for them? By the way people like Papadouplous, Manafort, Cohen were never part of Trumps administration.
Lets not forget the hypocrisy of the left who claimed every scandal during the previous administration was a phony scandal that was to easy.
How many people were indicted in Obama’s administration?
How many people were covering up for them? By the way people like Papadouplous, Manafort, Cohen were never part of Trumps administration.
Lol you tell me. Who covered up what?
You tell me what members of the Trump administration have been indicted? While your at it tell us who has been indicted or plead guilty to anything related to the stated purpose of the Mueller investigation Russian interference in the election and collusion.
Lets not forget the hypocrisy of the left who claimed every scandal during the previous administration was a phony scandal that was to easy.
How many people were indicted in Obama’s administration?
How many people were covering up for them? By the way people like Papadouplous, Manafort, Cohen were never part of Trumps administration.
Lol you tell me. Who covered up what?
You tell me what members of the Trump administration have been indicted? While your at it tell us who has been indicted or plead guilty to anything related to the stated purpose of the Mueller investigation Russian interference in the election and collusion.

They can't because no one has been indicted.

The only thing I've seen is trials for crooks who committed crimes ten years ago.

No Trump/Russia collusion and no one has been arrested from his administration either.

This whole thing is one giant shit show.

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