Lets look at the hillary excuses montage...


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

We can now add married white women to that list and I am sure others that I am not thinking of.

She is really a fucked up person. Not joking. A really fucked up person.

She must have literally bonked her stupid head on that glass ceiling.
I thought it was clear. Trump's strategy to beat the media hype and
propaganda sold through liberal audiences
was to focus on the unheard workers in industries destroyed by liberal politics, in rural and
other communities left out of this loop.
Somehow he got enough of these fed up workers, business and independent types
tired of the media and political hype BY EITHER ONE OR BOTH PARTIES
to go out and vote. He got more of the rural counties and blue collar workers
to get out and vote.

I even voted because I had enough of the ACA mandates
that my own party members wouldn't lobby to remove
but kept letting the same leaders abuse party and govt to
push Unconstitutional policies and force taxpayers to
pay for them even against our beliefs. I could not justify
voting for any Democratic leaders who have done more
damage and don't deserve votes or office until after
cleaning up and correcting the messes they already made!

So if I was moved to go to the polls to vote for Trump,
how many others were "fed up" and did the same.

People either believe the liberal hype in the media
and keep voting for Obama, Sanders or Clinton
if they really believe govt is the only way to push their agenda as a party.

Or they believe the protests of the liberal media and parties
and went out to vote for NOT CLINTON and vote for TRUMP.

The YES and NO here were clearly PARTISAN.

There were people crossing over and voting
for the opposite party beliefs because of not liking
or trusting either Clinton OR Trump. Both suffered from
people being prejudiced against them for whatever reasons.
So that doesn't account for why one of them won over the other.
As many people discriminated against Trump if he "represented a group or
something else negative to them", similar to Hillary's arguments about her.

MORE people across rural counties voted FOR TRUMP
and not for Clinton and the liberal Democrats and their media hype.

The reason the media got it wrong is they weren't covering
this sector of the population, but left out their opinions
in counting public perception.

And that also explains what is wrong with "liberal media"
in the first place. It is biased toward the Corporatized political
liberals, while the REAL liberal progressive left is still as left
out as the real conservatives who get sold out by their own party
for career politicians going after corporate interests and support as well.

The media Trump took on leaves out BOTH the real
progressives on the left and the real conservative on the right.
It just turned out more of those voters came out for Trump,
and the progressives voting for either Sanders or Clinton
were concentrated in higher population urban areas and weren't
spread out over enough counties and states to win the Electoral College vote
that decides the election.

Trump helped bring out the conservative voters who had
been left out of liberal media and politics, so from now on
I would expect more races to be closer to 50/50 due to
increased competition and participation on both sides.

Trump scares more liberals to get out and vote,
while the fear of liberal politics and censoring
conservatives again sends more of them to go vote.

Until we learn to accommodate beliefs of both parties
equally by funding their own policies and keeping govt
neutral, we will see continued attempts to bully and
exclude the other groups from getting into office.
At some point when it keeps tying at 50/50 the
left out groups will get smart and set up means
of representation by party that don't depend on
one party or another getting elected, but all people
can still participate through their parties at local
levels of govt. That's where we are heading.

So anything that goes on in between is just
a battle between which party gets more of
their members to vote at the polls in elections.

Blaming their motivations or reasons isn't the real key.
It's people wanting representation through their party,and
only having the choice to vote their candidate in or
get stuck with the other. whichever party gets more
people to the polls, it is purely partisan at this point.

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