Let's go to war with China (Economic)


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
Boycott all Communist Chinese goods. We are at war with them.

Let's fight the war with China (Economic). They declared it and we should damn well finish it.

Don't buy anything made in Red China.

Because Europe (except England) is not working with the United States, they are going to cause the fall off into deeper recession (Can you say DEPRESSION?)

We need collective effort to save the world economy, and we are not getting it at all from the EEC and the underlings over there (except the United Kingdom).

China is seizing on this opportunity to try to sell the world on switching to their currency in place of the American Dollar. That is economic warfare, and the American people should be ready to retaliate with force. As far as I am concerned the Chinese are waging war against the US. We need to fight back.

From this day forward, I am calling for a boycott of all Communist Chinese products.

I could say, "Buy only American," but that is almost impossible now-a-days. So, let's buy from other countries. If it is made in Japan, fine. If it is made in India, fine. We can still buy Nationalist Chinese products. You may also see the name of Formosa on their products.

BUT if it is made in Communist China, boycott the store or set the store that sells it on fire. Let's close down Walmarts all across this country. They are a Communist Front organization. Let's go to war.
Good there are a few people who see the light. WE have got to convince 300,000,000 more Americans to try to Buy American first, but if that is not possible, buy from friendly allies.

They say there are 27,000,000 Chinese now out of work.

Hell let's now make that 270,000,000 and smile while we are doing it.

The Chinses are international back stabbers. Let's give them a dose of their own medicine.
I disagree. This will hurt our economy.
I disagree with your disagreement, but I still like you.

There are many other countries that can produce the cheap product that Communist China has been producing. We just need to buy from the other countries. We have pipelines established to Communist China. We just need to change where those pipelines go. We can help out our neighbor Mexico by buying more of their products in place of Chinese. WE can easily substitute different manufacturers in other countries for the Communists.
Too late for a boycot, we re in it too deep. It would also be too costly.
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you could buy an american made shirt.....i checked to see if you had covered up...nope..i will simply go back to ignoring your vain ass...good gawd man you are 61....do men never mature?
Too late.

The time to have dealt with this problem was twenty year ago.

But since so many Americans believe that we could screw the working classes for the benefit of the superwealthy (and we got paid off with cheap goods) if we tried to boycott Chinese goods now they're be damned little we could find which IS MADE IN AMERICA.

TRY to find an American made pair of sneakers..

TRY to find an energy effiencet twisty bulb made in America

Go ahead, try.

Free trade destroyed this nation's economy, folks.

THAT is why we have become a nation of debtors.
Too late.

The time to have dealt with this problem was twenty year ago.

But since so many Americans believe that we could screw the working classes for the benefit of the superwealthy (and we got paid off with cheap goods) if we tried to boycott Chinese goods now they're be damned little we could find which IS MADE IN AMERICA.

TRY to find an American made pair of sneakers..

TRY to find an energy effiencet twisty bulb made in America

Go ahead, try.

Free trade destroyed this nation's economy, folks.

THAT is why we have become a nation of debtors.

wel I agree, but not completely. Countries like China, full of "economic slaves" into a "free" trade agreement with the US are destroying the US market.

In a normal situation (like for example in a free trade relation between US and Western European countries), chinese workers would become richer and gain more benefits and their currency should also be able to rise: Making them less competitive, this would enable american workers to compete.

But this hasn't happened, China didn't completely follow the rules of the "free trade" doctorine. China only picked what was in their interest, china basically did what it wanted: keeping the chinese currency low, keeping worker salaries low (by the continious flow of workers from the poorer parts of the country), keeping the $ high by buying US debt, state owned comanies buying up foreign companies, ...

So, it was not free trade that caused this but the stupidity of the american politicians like Bush and the inteligence of the Chinese politicians.
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There are those of us that were calling for a boycott of chinese goods 20 years ago. Unfortunately, our corrupt government forced it's citizens through trade policies to buy these products. Edit is right, try to find american made sneakers, or any shoes for that matter. You can find them if you look hard enough, and are willing to pay a premium.
We already had a trade war with China, they won........
Too late.

The time to have dealt with this problem was twenty year ago.

But since so many Americans believe that we could screw the working classes for the benefit of the superwealthy (and we got paid off with cheap goods) if we tried to boycott Chinese goods now they're be damned little we could find which IS MADE IN AMERICA.

TRY to find an American made pair of sneakers..

TRY to find an energy effiencet twisty bulb made in America

Go ahead, try.

Free trade destroyed this nation's economy, folks.

THAT is why we have become a nation of debtors.

A buddy of mine at work did find an American made energy efficient lightbulb.

I was showing him how GE employees were asked to sign a pledge that they would buy/use energy efficient bulbs, but the problem was that they didn't make those bulbs. GE China made those bulbs.

So if they bought those bulbs, they'd be putting themselves out of work.

So my right wing buddy at work sent me a website where you can buy them American made.

I'll ask him for it again and post it soon.
Too late.

The time to have dealt with this problem was twenty year ago.

But since so many Americans believe that we could screw the working classes for the benefit of the superwealthy (and we got paid off with cheap goods) if we tried to boycott Chinese goods now they're be damned little we could find which IS MADE IN AMERICA.

TRY to find an American made pair of sneakers..

TRY to find an energy effiencet twisty bulb made in America

Go ahead, try.

Free trade destroyed this nation's economy, folks.

THAT is why we have become a nation of debtors.

Lights of America - Lighting the Future - Home Page
There are those of us that were calling for a boycott of chinese goods 20 years ago. Unfortunately, our corrupt government forced it's citizens through trade policies to buy these products. Edit is right, try to find american made sneakers, or any shoes for that matter. You can find them if you look hard enough, and are willing to pay a premium.
We already had a trade war with China, they won........

We have been ok with shoes being made in China for years. They started with shoes.

Remember when we got mad at Jordan because his Nike's were made from child slave labor? Why don't we care about this anymore?

We used to let certain things be outsourced, but we knew not to outsource defense, auto manufacturing, etc.

Somehow we forgot and allowed everything to be outsourced.

PS. I'm sure Republicans will want to blame Democrats for this, but remember who the last 8 years has been the biggest defender of outsourcing jobs for cheap goods. It was overwhelmingly the GOP.

American Made Products and/or Services Made in USA

U.S. Stuff Home- Made in USA Products, Assembled in USA Products, usstuff.com
boy this is a real intelligent topic! Go to war with China?
China has a bigger army, they are smarter than us.
China is the new super power, USA is not.

Except it! Our country now stinks. That the majority voted for Obama is proof that American's are stupid.
And the world is laughing at us because of our choice for president. Obama has no clue how to lead. The world is laughing and you guys say bomb China.


How did this country get so stupid?
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