Let's get real about raising the Debt ceiling


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Debt ceiling deadline: Why it matters - May. 16, 2011

How many times has the ceiling been raised? Since March 1962, the debt ceiling has been raised 74 times, according to the Congressional Research Service. Ten of those times have occurred since 2001.

As the article states, each time Congress votes to appropriate money, it votes to raise the debt ceiling. When the GOP pushed through their tax cuts for the wealthy, they in essence, noted to raise the debt ceiling.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. ... It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies." -- Barack Hussein Obama, Community Organizer and low-level socialist agitator
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. ... It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies." -- Barack Hussein Obama, Community Organizer and low-level socialist agitator

It is a very true statement. This is the results of both Republican and Democratic decisions over the years. The solution must be sought with everything on the table. Economist have said that the deficit cannot be addressed through cuts alone.
Let's get real about cutting the debt, the budget and now thinking about raising those taxes on the wealthy. Common sense hurts, but it's needed now.
Fuck the Rich!!! has worked so well in Cuba, Detroit, Newark, CA and every other Progressive stronghold
The republicans will have to vote for it.

Their political careers will be ruined if they dont.

The public will hold them responsible for the mess not voting for it will bring
I would hope the people get tired of these games of political chicken and find some folks more responsible to replace the current crop of losers, from top to bottom.
I would hope the people get tired of these games of political chicken and find some folks more responsible to replace the current crop of losers, from top to bottom.

Could not agree more. Unfortunately, many of these losers come from districts that will re-elect them no matter what.
I am of the opinion that Obama insist that the GOP House bring him a clean bill to extend the deficit or he won't sign it. He has capital to burn. Then let the Repubs squirm as we get closer to default. Everyone knows the game that they are playing with this. How many deficit reduction steps were taken before they up the limit during the bush administration. Let me give you a hint....NONE!
I'd rather get real about reversing the 25% increase in government spending since 2007.

Just sayin'.
The wealthy are paying the lowest percentage in taxes in many years. And the GOP wants to keep it that way.
The wealthy are paying a much higher RATIO of total income taxes compared to back when rates were higher.

You really don't grok much economics, do you?
You're asking for a fundamental change in the direction and volume of a river of cash that took years and billions to establish.

You really expect to get that done without a fight? Control of resources, especially large volumes of resources, is the basic fight we humans fight. Whose team are YOU on?

The good news is that the fight is involving actual blood a wee bit less, this particular time in history.
I'd rather get real about reversing the 25% increase in government spending since 2007.

Just sayin'.

Can't do that either... the same folks twisting your representatives arm to keep taxes unfair love the spending and are twisting a sweet government contract out of the other arm.
The republicans will have to vote for it.

Their political careers will be ruined if they dont.

The public will hold them responsible for the mess not voting for it will bring

It's a pretty simple deal that the Republicans are offereing. For every dollar of increase in the debt ceiling, there must be a matching decrease of dollars from spending.

In 2008 we hit the 10 trillion dollar level of debt and now we are at 14+ trillion. This has just got to impress you a little.

Debt Ceiling Raised To $14.3 Trillion…And How Large Is Our GDP, Really? | The Moderate Voice

The Senate approved a $1.9 trillion increase to the debt ceiling, which will get us through the end of the year (yes our debt is increasing $2 trillion this year). It seems like only yesterday when $10 trillion was reached, no wait, it was early Oct. 2008. That means that in two years time we will have increased it 40%. Incredible.
I am of the opinion that Obama insist that the GOP House bring him a clean bill to extend the deficit or he won't sign it. He has capital to burn. Then let the Repubs squirm as we get closer to default. Everyone knows the game that they are playing with this. How many deficit reduction steps were taken before they up the limit during the bush administration. Let me give you a hint....NONE!

Bush increased the debt and there is no excuse to push that aside a Liberal, free spender is a liberal Free Spender.

However, The Big 0 has matched Bush's 8 years in 2.

What a guy!
Blah blah...we all know boner will cave...Obama, man up. Call his bluff and dont give him shit. YOu know he will cave.

THERE IS NO WAY HE WONT VOTE TO RAISE THE DEBT CEILING. Everyone who knows anything about this knows he will.

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