Let's do it because it's working so wonderfully in the UK...

Angel Heart

Conservative Hippie
Jul 6, 2007
Portland, Oregon
Kidney cancer patients denied life-saving drugs by NHS rationing body NICE | Mail Online

Kidney cancer patients denied life-saving drugs by NHS rationing body NICE
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:55 AM on 29th April 2009

Comments (5) Add to My Stories
Thousands of kidney cancer patients are likely to lose out on life-prolonging drugs.
The NHS rationing body, NICE, has confirmed a ban on three out of four new treatments.
It has reversed its position on just one, Sutent, which will now be allowed for patients with advanced cancer.
Completely socialized medicine would play an important role in maintaining the physical efficiency of the working class, if nothing else. Anecdotal examples can't really disprove the empirical reality of the numerous deficiencies of the American system that have been illustrated by analysis of large data sets.
Kidney cancer patients denied life-saving drugs by NHS rationing body NICE | Mail Online

Kidney cancer patients denied life-saving drugs by NHS rationing body NICE
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:55 AM on 29th April 2009

Comments (5) Add to My Stories
Thousands of kidney cancer patients are likely to lose out on life-prolonging drugs.
The NHS rationing body, NICE, has confirmed a ban on three out of four new treatments.
It has reversed its position on just one, Sutent, which will now be allowed for patients with advanced cancer.

Well, the Daily Mail would say anything to embarrass the Labour government, but on this occasion they are night on the money.

NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence - hah! There's a laugh) are constantly denying people access to new drugs, and it's all about money. Should be called the National Institute for Clinical Expediency.

There was a story a couple of years ago about a woman who said she would pay for a cancer drug herself when NICE said it would not be made available on the NHS. Cost was about $40,000 as I recall. The response of the NHS was that if she paid for private treatment she would have to repay the NHS for all the free NHS treatment she had received up to that point - a cost of several hundred thousand dollars. Scandalous.

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