Let me re-introduce myself

I am now Imperius, formerly TemplarKormac. My name comes from the character Imperius, The Archangel of Valor from Diablo III. He also is the most hostile to the existence of mankind, and if it weren't for the rest of his brethren, The Angiris Council, and Tyrael more specifically, all of mankind would have been swept away long ago. He is hot headed, impulsive and quick to judge. But he is also willing to defend the High Heavens from the forces of the Burning Hells, at any cost. And he is warming up to the prospect of mankind's existence, too.

You guys can keep calling me "TK" if you like, or you can get used to calling me this one. All up to you though.

Well met, mortals.
Cool new name! Suicidal but cool!

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