Let Me Be Your President - My Word Is Good!

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
The secret of the American electoral system is that the so-called electors vote in favor of the one who spends more money on brainwashing them.

The main thing is to denigrate the enemy, scare the population and promise that nothing bad will happen to him in the next four years, promise the manna of heaven after a certain time IF you elect the person as the President (if the manna does not fall out, you can always blame the machinations of a political opponent or the devil

Whoever scares more, and then promises more, the electors and voters (or rather the political group behind him) they will give their preference to him IF the relatives of a political opponent do not intervene in the election process.

In the first four years of the presidency, not much can be done - the results will start to manifest themselves only in subsequent years.

So I thought: why not to remind the citizens of America in what hostile Cosmos we live in, that about twenty thousand hostile asteroids are targeting our not so "blue" today planet and promise, that in the next four years there will be no planetary impact catastrophe (chances it happens within the first four years of my presidency are mathematically insignificant!) and run for President of this great country???

This political satire has nothing to do with President Trump, who, in fact, has already done a lot of good things, which I will talk about once. However, that does not mean I agree on everything the President is doing does, especially in the field of his personnel policy in Ecology





The secret of the American electoral system is that the so-called electors vote in favor of the one who spends more money on brainwashing them.

The main thing is to denigrate the enemy, scare the population and promise that nothing bad will happen to him in the next four years, promise the manna of heaven after a certain time IF you elect the person as the President (if the manna does not fall out, you can always blame the machinations of a political opponent or the devil

Whoever scares more, and then promises more, the electors and voters (or rather the political group behind him) they will give their preference to him IF the relatives of a political opponent do not intervene in the election process.

In the first four years of the presidency, not much can be done - the results will start to manifest themselves only in subsequent years.

So I thought: why not to remind the citizens of America in what hostile Cosmos we live in, that about twenty thousand hostile asteroids are targeting our not so "blue" today planet and promise, that in the next four years there will be no planetary impact catastrophe (chances it happens within the first four years of my presidency are mathematically insignificant!) and run for President of this great country???

This political satire has nothing to do with President Trump, who, in fact, has already done a lot of good things, which I will talk about once. However, that does not mean I agree on everything the President is doing does, especially in the field of his personnel policy in Ecology





Here I what I think about your post....

"Fedorovski"? Is that Russian?

Can you imagine the howls from the left, if you were elected President? They're already convinced that Trump is a "Russian agent", and his name isn't even "Trumpski."
Criswell predicts!


We are all interested in the future because that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our lives!
Criswell predicts!


We are all interested in the future because that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our lives!

I disagree: One third of the Democrats are living out the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, one third are reliving the Nixon impeachment, and the other third still think Obama is President.

"Progressive" doesn't necessarily mean "progress."
The secret of the American electoral system is that the so-called electors vote in favor of the one who spends more money on brainwashing them.

The main thing is to denigrate the enemy, scare the population and promise that nothing bad will happen to him in the next four years, promise the manna of heaven after a certain time IF you elect the person as the President (if the manna does not fall out, you can always blame the machinations of a political opponent or the devil

Whoever scares more, and then promises more, the electors and voters (or rather the political group behind him) they will give their preference to him IF the relatives of a political opponent do not intervene in the election process.

In the first four years of the presidency, not much can be done - the results will start to manifest themselves only in subsequent years.

So I thought: why not to remind the citizens of America in what hostile Cosmos we live in, that about twenty thousand hostile asteroids are targeting our not so "blue" today planet and promise, that in the next four years there will be no planetary impact catastrophe (chances it happens within the first four years of my presidency are mathematically insignificant!) and run for President of this great country???

This political satire has nothing to do with President Trump, who, in fact, has already done a lot of good things, which I will talk about once. However, that does not mean I agree on everything the President is doing does, especially in the field of his personnel policy in Ecology





Those asteroids would change the climate and have significant impact on life far before human activity will.
As far as fear, most checked out Americans fear missing an episode of The Bachelor or Dancing With the Stars, rather than worry about anything remotely political.
If the asteroid hits and all life on this Earth is reduced to smoke and ash except for a tiny isolated pocket of microscopic bacteria, those bacteria will be left with one, single, existential question they have to solve ...

Was it the fault of President Trump or the fault of the Jews.

"Fedorovski"? Is that Russian?

Can you imagine the howls from the left, if you were elected President? They're already convinced that Trump is a "Russian agent", and his name isn't even "Trumpski."
He's a French author, according to Google.

Not the guy here, the name.
The secret of the American electoral system is that the so-called electors vote in favor of the one who spends more money on brainwashing them.

The main thing is to denigrate the enemy, scare the population and promise that nothing bad will happen to him in the next four years, promise the manna of heaven after a certain time IF you elect the person as the President (if the manna does not fall out, you can always blame the machinations of a political opponent or the devil

Whoever scares more, and then promises more, the electors and voters (or rather the political group behind him) they will give their preference to him IF the relatives of a political opponent do not intervene in the election process.

In the first four years of the presidency, not much can be done - the results will start to manifest themselves only in subsequent years.

So I thought: why not to remind the citizens of America in what hostile Cosmos we live in, that about twenty thousand hostile asteroids are targeting our not so "blue" today planet and promise, that in the next four years there will be no planetary impact catastrophe (chances it happens within the first four years of my presidency are mathematically insignificant!) and run for President of this great country???

This political satire has nothing to do with President Trump, who, in fact, has already done a lot of good things, which I will talk about once. However, that does not mean I agree on everything the President is doing does, especially in the field of his personnel policy in Ecology





Here I what I think about your post....


Good humor is a sign of high IQ
Criswell predicts!


We are all interested in the future because that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our lives!

I disagree: One third of the Democrats are living out the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, one third are reliving the Nixon impeachment, and the other third still think Obama is President.

"Progressive" doesn't necessarily mean "progress."

Saprophytes have the extremely high survival rates against the background of a complete lack of intelligence and such values as “decency” and “political correctness”.

Their feature is to suck the juices from the host body which they parasitize on, and then to kill the host when its body becomes exhausted...


Criswell predicts!


We are all interested in the future because that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our lives!

I disagree: One third of the Democrats are living out the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, one third are reliving the Nixon impeachment, and the other third still think Obama is President.

"Progressive" doesn't necessarily mean "progress."

Saprophytes have the extremely high survival rates against the background of a complete lack of intelligence and such values as “decency” and “political correctness”.

Their feature is to suck the juices from the host body which they parasitize on, and then to kill the host when its body becomes exhausted...



You left off the "...and Epstein didn't kill himself" at the end. You're slipping, dude. :04:
"Fedorovski"? Is that Russian?

Can you imagine the howls from the left, if you were elected President? They're already convinced that Trump is a "Russian agent", and his name isn't even "Trumpski."

My grandfather, Fedorovski Nikanor Andreevich, was a Russian hereditary nobleman of Polish descent from an impoverished branch of the ancient Polish noble family of the Vishnevetsky.

Poland today is a member of NATO.

Any other questions of this kind?

I am a US citizen, alas, of traditional sexual orientation, blood tests for HIV are negative. FBI has not registered connection with Russian spies... Although some employees of this department would very much like to find any kind of connection between my independent political (and scientific) position and the cryptoneozionist Kremlin...

There are practically no "russki" In today's so-called "Russian" government .
Criswell predicts!


We are all interested in the future because that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our lives!

I disagree: One third of the Democrats are living out the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, one third are reliving the Nixon impeachment, and the other third still think Obama is President.

"Progressive" doesn't necessarily mean "progress."

Saprophytes have the extremely high survival rates against the background of a complete lack of intelligence and such values as “decency” and “political correctness”.

Their feature is to suck the juices from the host body which they parasitize on, and then to kill the host when its body becomes exhausted...



You left off the "...and Epstein didn't kill himself" at the end. You're slipping, dude. :04:

Which one fits you better???

Criswell predicts!


We are all interested in the future because that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our lives!

Only the RICH will live longer and that will be the cause of the next and the last America's devastating social conflict

"Fedorovski"? Is that Russian?

Can you imagine the howls from the left, if you were elected President? They're already convinced that Trump is a "Russian agent", and his name isn't even "Trumpski."

My grandfather, Fedorovski Nikanor Andreevich, was a Russian hereditary nobleman of Polish descent from an impoverished branch of the ancient Polish noble family of the Vishnevetsky.

Poland today is a member of NATO.

Any other questions of this kind?

I am a US citizen, alas, of traditional sexual orientation, blood tests for HIV are negative. FBI has not registered connection with Russian spies... Although some employees of this department would very much like to find any kind of connection between my independent political (and scientific) position and the cryptoneozionist Kremlin...

There are practically no "russki" In today's so-called "Russian" government .

I'm just saying the half the people in this country (the Democrats) are afflicted with Russophobia.

Hell, I've been called a "Russian" a bunch of times on here and I'm just a white peckerwood hillbilly from Arkansas.

"Fedorovski"? Is that Russian?

Can you imagine the howls from the left, if you were elected President? They're already convinced that Trump is a "Russian agent", and his name isn't even "Trumpski."

My grandfather, Fedorovski Nikanor Andreevich, was a Russian hereditary nobleman of Polish descent from an impoverished branch of the ancient Polish noble family of the Vishnevetsky.

Poland today is a member of NATO.

Any other questions of this kind?

I am a US citizen, alas, of traditional sexual orientation, blood tests for HIV are negative. FBI has not registered connection with Russian spies... Although some employees of this department would very much like to find any kind of connection between my independent political (and scientific) position and the cryptoneozionist Kremlin...

There are practically no "russki" In today's so-called "Russian" government .

I'm just saying the half the people in this country (the Democrats) are afflicted with Russophobia.

Hell, I've been called a "Russian" a bunch of times on here and I'm just a white peckerwood hillbilly from Arkansas.


Yes it is. This is the result of the historical psychological trauma suffered by Jews of "Russian origin" who managed to get into the territory of the Russian Empire.

As in Spain, they were first deported, forbidden to live in the territory of the Empire, then, after the accession of Poland, when hundreds of thousands (or more) Polish Jews were practically IN the territory of the Russian Empire, they (with the exception of doctors and bankers) were forbidden to live in large cities and there was the so-called "Jewish Pale".

The descendants of these Eastern European Jews from the lower house of Congress, including Mrs. Clinton, are carriers of genetic hatred towards the “Russki” and the Slavs.

The fact that those were the "Russian" and the "Polish" Jews who were the main actors of the October 1917 Bolshevik coup and members of the forthcoming "Soviet governments (including Stalin), they preferred to "forget"
Criswell predicts!


We are all interested in the future because that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our lives!

I disagree: One third of the Democrats are living out the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, one third are reliving the Nixon impeachment, and the other third still think Obama is President.

"Progressive" doesn't necessarily mean "progress."

Saprophytes have the extremely high survival rates against the background of a complete lack of intelligence and such values as “decency” and “political correctness”.

Their feature is to suck the juices from the host body which they parasitize on, and then to kill the host when its body becomes exhausted...



You left off the "...and Epstein didn't kill himself" at the end. You're slipping, dude. :04:

Which one fits you better???


Probably the "surprised" clown on the left, because I'll be surprised if this thread makes it very far past 20 responses.

Criswell predicts!


We are all interested in the future because that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our lives!

I disagree: One third of the Democrats are living out the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, one third are reliving the Nixon impeachment, and the other third still think Obama is President.

"Progressive" doesn't necessarily mean "progress."

Saprophytes have the extremely high survival rates against the background of a complete lack of intelligence and such values as “decency” and “political correctness”.

Their feature is to suck the juices from the host body which they parasitize on, and then to kill the host when its body becomes exhausted...



You left off the "...and Epstein didn't kill himself" at the end. You're slipping, dude. :04:

Which one fits you better???


Probably the "surprised" clown on the left, because I'll be surprised if this thread makes it very far past 20 responses.


If so, I apologize. experiencing severe headache, could misinterpret this message



:) Good night!

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