Leo/Mumm-Ra: Modern Eco-Activism(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The iconic Hollywood actor Leo DiCaprio portrays a curious/pensive American traveler named Richard (in Danny Boyle's unusual but searing and energized island-isolationism film The Beach) who contemplates primalism, naturalism, and civilization alienation on a secret paradise-like island (by Thailand) which is inhabited basically by experimental bohemians/hippies.

Richard contemplates the value/meaning of civilization and civility while cavorting on the idyllic island while evaluating the 'superficial' features of the congested modern world city (e.g., Bangkok).

Through Richard (portrayed extremely well by the talented Leo!), we get a perspective on the 'ergonomics' of renouncing/denouncing industrialization and even society.

Leo himself is a proponent of eco-activism and manages his own celebrity-activism group the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which features its own website(!).

Eco-activism has changed greatly in recent times, and today, various celebrities take a more active role in eco-politics.

The fictional lair-ghoul Mumm-Ra (from the popular 1990s human-animalia action-adventure cartoon series Thundercats) is an adversary of vitality and naturalism, resembling an eerie bandage-wrapped evil-worshiping Egyptian mummy-monster who transforms into a large/brutish menacing warlord. Mumm-Ra obviously symbolizes all things antithetical to nature and nurture, which makes him both a fascist and a terrorist.

We might consider how Leo's pensive naturalism-inquisitive American traveler-character Richard from Boyle's film The Beach parallels some of the naturalism-antagonistic features of the Thundercats' eerie mummy-like Devil's Advocate figure Mumm-Ra. We can use Richard and Mumm-Ra to examine modern views/perspectives on naturalism and lifestyle and how they inform our evaluations of TrumpUSA eco-consciousness.

After all, shouldn't this new age of commerce/traffic oriented social dialogue inspire creative thinking towards life on Earth? Will TrumpUSA be remembered as a system of commerce or a system of advocacy/education? How should we approach our kids/students with questions about creative thinking regarding TrumpUSA politics?


RICHARD: I'm contemplating the 'heart of darkness.'
MUMM-RA: Well, you're on an idyllic island, Richard!
RICHARD: Maybe this bluet planet of ours itself is like an 'island.'
MUMM-RA: It is an island that requires much conversation-consciousness!
RICHARD: Why are you wrapped up like a mummy, Mumm-Ra?
MUMM-RA: When my mummy-bandages are removed, I emerge as a monster!
RICHARD: What is the ominous message of your internal monster, Mumm-Ra?
MUMM-RA: Death, doom, destruction, and deprivation of course!
RICHARD: Is this 'Earth island' doomed to become desolate/dry?
MUMM-RA: Where there's a will, there's always intrigue!
RICHARD: What can the modern eco-activist do?
MUMM-RA: Perhaps 'TrumpUSA' is a 'highway' for commercial advocacy!
RICHARD: Should eco-activists contemplate the value of art/religion?
MUMM-RA: Capitalism always breeds thoughts about creativity!
RICHARD: Why then are you an 'adversary' of commercial politics?
MUMM-RA: I remain suspicious of TrumpUSA eco-politics socialization!


{Leo & Mumm-Ra}


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