Lehrer Favored Obama, It Didn’t Matter


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Obama campaign and its followers have been complaining that moderator Jim Lehrer somehow allowed Mitt Romney to take control of the debate last Wednesday night, and that the format favored Romney because of Lehrer’s passivity. Even after it was acknowledged that Barack Obama spoke more than four minutes longer than Mitt Romney, there were still complaints.

Let them try this on for size: Lehrer interrupted Romney at least fifteen times, and Obama only five. Two of the four times Lehrer interrupted Obama it was to warn him he was over two minutes; once was to steer him in the right direction when Obama started to ramble about Paul Ryan and vouchers and Lehrer righted the ship by asking “you don’t support that?”; once was to interrupt him on Medicare, and then finally, 80 minutes into the 90 minute debate, Lehrer finally interrupted Obama when Obama was rambling about community colleges and Lehrer, tired of the interminably long answers, turned to Romney and asked, “Do you agree, Governor?”

More @ Lehrer Favored Obama, It Didn
The Obama campaign and its followers have been complaining that moderator Jim Lehrer somehow allowed Mitt Romney to take control of the debate last Wednesday night, and that the format favored Romney because of Lehrer’s passivity. Even after it was acknowledged that Barack Obama spoke more than four minutes longer than Mitt Romney, there were still complaints.

Let them try this on for size: Lehrer interrupted Romney at least fifteen times, and Obama only five. Two of the four times Lehrer interrupted Obama it was to warn him he was over two minutes; once was to steer him in the right direction when Obama started to ramble about Paul Ryan and vouchers and Lehrer righted the ship by asking “you don’t support that?”; once was to interrupt him on Medicare, and then finally, 80 minutes into the 90 minute debate, Lehrer finally interrupted Obama when Obama was rambling about community colleges and Lehrer, tired of the interminably long answers, turned to Romney and asked, “Do you agree, Governor?”

More @ Lehrer Favored Obama, It Didn

Lehrer TRIED TO BULLY Romney. Romney wouldn't let him. Obama ended up in the debate speaking FIVE BORING MINUTES longer that Romney. But you know what? Clint Eastwood was correct....and to think people thought he was nuts.

Lehrer failed as a Moderator. Romney earned my respect a hundred fold, by standing firm, not allowing himself to be railroaded by the two of them. He fought for his time, and it still wasn't equal. The potential for disaster there, was from the start. It was shameful.
What Romney has going for him in all the debates is the truth.

You do not have to practice telling the truth, it comes out very naturally. Even if it is not Always pretty... it is always the best way to procede.

The truth has no agenda.
That would be because Romney was out of line more frequently than Obama was... However, they were both horrible, Obama said a lot of nothing, and Romney said a lot of BS (but in a much more polished fashion) and Lehrer obviously died last year.
That would be because Romney was out of line more frequently than Obama was... However, they were both horrible, Obama said a lot of nothing, and Romney said a lot of BS (but in a much more polished fashion) and Lehrer obviously died last year.

That is because socialists are all about a "lot of nothing".
Don't you remember the USSR, the United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic ?

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