Left wing Justice trashes the Constitution


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
What supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg thought she would accomplish in Egypt is anybody's guess. Ginsburg, who looks like Stephen Hawking in drag, apparently thought she could give Egypt some tips on writing a new constitution while they were holding Americans hostage. She recommended that Egypt look to South Africa's constitution rather than that stodgy old document she swore to uphold.
Is there a venue to impeach a supreme court justice? How in the world can a justice interpret Constitutional law if she has shown that she has no respect for it?
A more sinister question is whether all left wing leaning judges think the Constitution is no longer a viable law of the land.
Have you ever seen South Africa's constitution? She is unfit for office based on her belief that South Africa's constitution is superior to ours.

Everything is a right including entertainment. On top of those rights, South Africa has adopted the UN International Rights of the Child.

There are no responsibilities which makes the Constitution of South Africa possibly the most violated in the world.
In order to be appointed to the high court in 1993 by Bill Clinton it's reasonable to assume that Mrs Ginsburg had spent a considerable part of her life studying the US Constitution which she swore to uphold. How could justice Ginsburg presume the S.A. constitution was superior to the US constitution when it was adopted three years after she was appointed to the US supreme court? What the hell was she doing while we were paying her to reach a decision about the Constitutionality of US laws?
First off, she could never be impeached for her words. Second, there is a thread about this already. Third, you did not pay attention to everything she said. Plus there is the fact South Africa and Canada used our Constitution as an example, which I am sure she realized. Supremes can have independent ideas. ;)
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First off, she could never be impeached for her words. Second, there is a thread about this already. Third, you did not pay attention to everything she said. Plus there is the fact South Africa and Canada used our Constitution as an example, which I am sure she realized. Supremes can have independent ideas. ;)

Come now, a ill though out "lynching" of someone is much more fun then coming to a reasonable and informed opinion.
Ginsburg is 78. I think she can be impeached if she is found to be mentally incompetent and her inappropriate statement to officials in Egypt is evidence of her competence or lack of it. The question remains whether her opinions are based on US Constitutional law or what she wishes the Constitution was like.
Perhaps a South African model is readily implemented into the Egyptian culture as opposed to the American constitution. Perhaps the people would more positively respond to something from their continent as opposed to the "ugly west."

Maybe she understands that the complexity and appeal of the US constitution is its ability to ebb and flow and is open for interpretation which maybe she thought too lucid for the current state of Egypt.
Perhaps a South African model is readily implemented into the Egyptian culture as opposed to the American constitution. Perhaps the people would more positively respond to something from their continent as opposed to the "ugly west."

Maybe she understands that the complexity and appeal of the US constitution is its ability to ebb and flow and is open for interpretation which maybe she thought too lucid for the current state of Egypt.

I'd expect Jimmie Carter, who once told a law school class that "the US electoral system is inherently dishonest", to make a statement like that and who could blame brain damaged Joe Biden for anything but you would expect a supreme court justice not to be critical of the US Constitution in public. Perhaps Mrs. Ginsburg should have stayed home instead of tipping her hand about what her side of the supreme court really thinks of the Law.
The US Constitution is a very short and ambigously worded document. The reason it works for us is because it has centuries of legitimacy, acts of Congress, court decisions, etc. To expect Egypt or any other country in 2012 to adopt the same document is silly.
The US Constitution is a very short and ambigously worded document. The reason it works for us is because it has centuries of legitimacy, acts of Congress, court decisions, etc. To expect Egypt or any other country in 2012 to adopt the same document is silly.

Adopt is one thing and I wouldn't consider it a silly notion for a country to want to utilize the longest withstanding constitution in history. Howver, the expectation that implementation would be successful is naive.
Ginsburg is 78. I think she can be impeached if she is found to be mentally incompetent and her inappropriate statement to officials in Egypt is evidence of her competence or lack of it. The question remains whether her opinions are based on US Constitutional law or what she wishes the Constitution was like.

Look into the impeachment of the only Supreme Court Justice. I will give you clue, he remained a judge. The only way you are getting her out of office is if she shows bias for a political party through open support or donation, or if she committed a crime.
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The US Constitution is a very short and ambigously worded document. The reason it works for us is because it has centuries of legitimacy, acts of Congress, court decisions, etc. To expect Egypt or any other country in 2012 to adopt the same document is silly.

That's good oogleman. What we need is for the left wing to start being honest with themselves and us and tell us what they think of the Constitution instead of playing covert Alinsky games.
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The US Constitution is a very short and ambigously worded document. The reason it works for us is because it has centuries of legitimacy, acts of Congress, court decisions, etc. To expect Egypt or any other country in 2012 to adopt the same document is silly.

Ant that is why NO ONE thinks they should adopt the same document. The point was, when coming up with their OWN document, what should they base it upon and who should they look to for that guidance. I can't think of anything better than our constitution. What problems do you have with that document that makes it a bad basis for a fledging government?
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What supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg thought she would accomplish in Egypt is anybody's guess. Ginsburg, who looks like Stephen Hawking in drag, apparently thought she could give Egypt some tips on writing a new constitution while they were holding Americans hostage. She recommended that Egypt look to South Africa's constitution rather than that stodgy old document she swore to uphold.

I'm no fan of Ginsburg, believe me but she was pointing out a reality when it comes to other countries that wish to become representative republics as well. Our own Constitution, as it sets up the branches of government and defines their roles and the relationship between the various branches as well as the states -actually doesn't export well since it was tailored for a very unique, one of a kind situation that has never been repeated and doesn't exist anywhere else. She wasn't saying the goals of the Constitution and what our Constitution accomplishes is not desirable and shouldn't be imitated -only that it was designed to do it under circumstances that don't exist in other countries and therefore diificult to specifically use our Constitution as the actual framework for setting up their government.

In our country the states existed as little nations unto themselves and in exchange for joining the Union, voluntarily gave up some of their power to federal government with the intent to reserve the bulk of it to themselves, with individual state constitutions and laws the people of each state chose for themselves by which they consent to be governed. Our Constitution sets up the contract between we the people and the rules by which we consent to be governed (not ruled) in light of our unique situation. Ginsburg meant South Africa's constitution was drawn up to deal with circumstances on the ground much more similar to those of Egypt and therefore their constitution more readily exported and used as the framework than our own-which dealt with unique circumstances on the ground that so far have never been repeated.
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Is there a venue to impeach a supreme court justice? How in the world can a justice interpret Constitutional law if she has shown that she has no respect for it?

Supreme Court Justices are impeached the same way Presidents are.

Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Article I, Section 3: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachments shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust, or Profit under the United States, but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment, and Punishmnet, according to Law.
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