Left wants classes promoting racism and revolution back in Arizona schools


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Is it any wonder there are so many problems in our schools with so much violence, flag burning and racial divide? When we allow illegals to come, take from tax payers and then sit in class while teachers educate them on why they should hate whites and overthrow the US government, there is bound to be division and violence. Of course, the left, in their usual fashion, gave this hateful course a pretty name, "ethnic studies". Of course, they will regurgitate the usual accusations of racism for anyone being against Hispanic students taking this course. But, it's not about learning about their beautiful culture, instead it's a brainwashing exercise in hatred of all-things American. The course should be called what it is- "Ethnic Divide." That is the goal. Of course, the left tries to paint the American children as the problem, claiming they can't accept people who are different. This is presented as proof of racism. All the while, the left ignores the fact that many students might just be reacting to the hostility of illegal aliens who have been taught that America belongs to them and whitie is the problem. I get defensive when I see anti-American aliens burning our flag and bad mouthing us. Of course, objecting to that will get me labeled for not respecting those who sneaked in for a better life. When teachers tell illegal aliens that they are justified to sneak through our borders, take what they can from us and plot to overthrow our government and put us citizens in our place, you can expect division and the start of a war between races. And whose side is the administration on? He told the Hispanics to know who the enemy is. You know, the ones who want a moat with alligators at the borders.

On January 1, 2011 a law banning certain “ethnic studies” classes went into effect in Arizona. The law makes it illegal for a school district to teach courses which “promote the overthrow of the US government, promote resentment of a particular race or class of people, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or advocate ‘ethnic solidarity’ instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.” (1)
But it was not the ever-compassionate, ethnicity-conscious left which wrote and implemented legislation making it a crime to teach violence and racism. Rather, the law was passed by the Republican controlled Arizona legislature and signed by the State’s Republican governor.
And the left is fit to be tied over it!

Left wants classes promoting racism and revolution back in Arizona schools
Liberal hipsters don't understand why these kinds of classes ought not exist in the US because most Americans simply do not understand that there has always existed a pervasive Mestizo ideology centered around the core belief that this is the true US/Mexico border:


The fact is, Arizona as a territory of independent Mexico is only 13 more years removed from today than are the days in America when negros were enslaved. It is all still very relevant today.


Americans wonder why so many Mexicans/Mestizos don't seem to be interested in assimilating to us because Americans don't realize that many Mexicans/Mestizos believe we're the ones who should be assimilating to them.
Is it any wonder there are so many problems in our schools with so much violence, flag burning and racial divide? When we allow illegals to come, take from tax payers and then sit in class while teachers educate them on why they should hate whites and overthrow the US government, there is bound to be division and violence. Of course, the left, in their usual fashion, gave this hateful course a pretty name, "ethnic studies". Of course, they will regurgitate the usual accusations of racism for anyone being against Hispanic students taking this course. But, it's not about learning about their beautiful culture, instead it's a brainwashing exercise in hatred of all-things American. The course should be called what it is- "Ethnic Divide." That is the goal. Of course, the left tries to paint the American children as the problem, claiming they can't accept people who are different. This is presented as proof of racism. All the while, the left ignores the fact that many students might just be reacting to the hostility of illegal aliens who have been taught that America belongs to them and whitie is the problem. I get defensive when I see anti-American aliens burning our flag and bad mouthing us. Of course, objecting to that will get me labeled for not respecting those who sneaked in for a better life. When teachers tell illegal aliens that they are justified to sneak through our borders, take what they can from us and plot to overthrow our government and put us citizens in our place, you can expect division and the start of a war between races. And whose side is the administration on? He told the Hispanics to know who the enemy is. You know, the ones who want a moat with alligators at the borders.

On January 1, 2011 a law banning certain “ethnic studies” classes went into effect in Arizona. The law makes it illegal for a school district to teach courses which “promote the overthrow of the US government, promote resentment of a particular race or class of people, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or advocate ‘ethnic solidarity’ instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.” (1)
But it was not the ever-compassionate, ethnicity-conscious left which wrote and implemented legislation making it a crime to teach violence and racism. Rather, the law was passed by the Republican controlled Arizona legislature and signed by the State’s Republican governor.
And the left is fit to be tied over it!

Left wants classes promoting racism and revolution back in Arizona schools

LMAO! I went to your link and this is what it said: Not Found

"Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.""

Boy, have you got that right! LOL!!! Maybe you should try hard data sources for your news instead of silly bloggers?
^ Why is it always liberal women who use Marilyn monroe as their avatar on every message board? Is it because they aspire to be home wreckers?
Liberal hipsters don't understand why these kinds of classes ought not exist in the US because most Americans simply do not understand that there has always existed a pervasive Mestizo ideology centered around the core belief that this is the true US/Mexico border:


The fact is, Arizona as a territory of independent Mexico is only 13 more years removed from today than are the days in America when negros were enslaved. It is all still very relevant today.


Americans wonder why so many Mexicans/Mestizos don't seem to be interested in assimilating to us because Americans don't realize that many Mexicans/Mestizos believe we're the ones who should be assimilating to them.


Glad to see that Illinois is in the clear (that pseudo-Mexico really stretches out)! Also, I wonder if they would let us keep Las Vegas.

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