Left better hope they destroy Trump


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Because if you just wound him,its not going to be very pretty next 8 years for you. Its like only wounding a bull and not putting it down entirely. Anyone else notice all this fake news garbage started picking up RIGHT after the house passed the health care law? They saw that the GOP with President Trump at the helm COULD and WOULD get his agenda through.
If the left succeed in destroying Trump, it will blow up in their face they will get someone else they hate even more because that's what typically happens to those knuckleheads.
Because if you just wound him,its not going to be very pretty next 8 years for you. Its like only wounding a bull and not putting it down entirely. Anyone else notice all this fake news garbage started picking up RIGHT after the house passed the health care law? They saw that the GOP with President Trump at the helm COULD and WOULD get his agenda through.

House is Republican...

Senate is Republican....

So if Trump is brought up for Impeachment in the House and the Senate Convicts then who will you blame?

Shure the fuck was not the Democrats that could get Impeachment done seeing they are the minority!
The only ones who can get rid of Le Grande Orange are the gopers.
Lying Fake News Media and backstabbing "friends" are the ones pushing the FAKE news stories. This independent investigator will speed this investigation up and clear President Trump and then you bastards are in for a hell of a ride!
Because if you just wound him,its not going to be very pretty next 8 years for you. Its like only wounding a bull and not putting it down entirely. Anyone else notice all this fake news garbage started picking up RIGHT after the house passed the health care law? They saw that the GOP with President Trump at the helm COULD and WOULD get his agenda through.

You better believe it Sister, kick Donald in the nut-sack, and you are gonna have a whole lotta hurt when he comes back at you. Or don't you remember the months of him talking about what a counter-puncher he was in the debates? When Trump gets finished with the Left, they are going to have an asshole as wide as a sewer lid!
Because if you just wound him,its not going to be very pretty next 8 years for you. Its like only wounding a bull and not putting it down entirely. Anyone else notice all this fake news garbage started picking up RIGHT after the house passed the health care law? They saw that the GOP with President Trump at the helm COULD and WOULD get his agenda through.

House is Republican...

Senate is Republican....

So if Trump is brought up for Impeachment in the House and the Senate Convicts then who will you blame?

Shure the fuck was not the Democrats that could get Impeachment done seeing they are the minority!
You see ALL as GOP its actually the ESTABLISHMENT vs The People. Trump is leading the people AGAINST the Establishment. But nah I don't think the GOP is dumb enough to try and impeach President Trump. If they want to see a mass landslide win for the democrats sure go ahead.
Because if you just wound him,its not going to be very pretty next 8 years for you. Its like only wounding a bull and not putting it down entirely. Anyone else notice all this fake news garbage started picking up RIGHT after the house passed the health care law? They saw that the GOP with President Trump at the helm COULD and WOULD get his agenda through.

House is Republican...

Senate is Republican....

So if Trump is brought up for Impeachment in the House and the Senate Convicts then who will you blame?

Shure the fuck was not the Democrats that could get Impeachment done seeing they are the minority!
You see ALL as GOP its actually the ESTABLISHMENT vs The People. Trump is leading the people AGAINST the Establishment. But nah I don't think the GOP is dumb enough to try and impeach President Trump. If they want to see a mass landslide win for the democrats sure go ahead.

For your information Trump had nearly 63 million votes and nearly 73 miliion voters voted against him, so more people were against Trump than for him and yes I know he won the Electoral College but the fact he lost the popular vote still proves he is not like by the majority of Americans!

So let be realistic.

Also the GOP will not impeach him nor convict him!

No President has ever been convicted by the Senate and only two have been impeached by the damn House and both were Democrats. Censure is more likely if something is called for and even then I doubt it. Let Mueller do his damn job and let the cards be seen and when it is all over Trump will still be President...
Trump's destroying himself, he doesn't need any help from the left.
The dems need Trump to continue flailing through 2018 up through Nov 2020

Where is he failing, you liberals are focused on Russia and Trump is doing great , just keep focusing on the fake Russian stuff and we will be fine.

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