LeBron "A Runaway Slave"


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
"He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers,"Jackson said in a release from his Chicago-based civil rights group, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. "His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship — between business partners — and LeBron honored his contract."

Jesse Jackson faults Cavs owner Dan Gilbert over LeBron comments - NBA News - FOX Sports on MSN
As much as Jackson is a bit overdramatic with his comments, he is right in a number of ways.

Among the comments Jackson made in the statement:

• "If (Gilbert) believes that LeBron quit in games 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the 2010 Eastern Conference semifinals, then ... why did he pursue him and offer him and additional $120 million to stay in Cleveland?"

• "When players or coaches speak disrespectfully to or about referees, they are fined. If Mr. Gilbert cannot prove that LeBron changed games by quitting, he defames his character. He should have to face a challenge by the NBA and the players association. LeBron has every right to an apology."

These two points especially. The owner's letter was bizarre and I thought it was a fake at first. LeBron gave them seven years, and while he left in a dick way, the owner's letter was even worse in many ways.
Runaway slave, my ass. How much fucking money was he making in Cleveland? Any time someone doesn't coddle famous blacks, Jesse Jackass and his monochrome coalition cry racism. I hope LeBron breaks his leg during the first game of the season. He's a traitor and has no fucking class. and if Jesse doesn't like that, he can go blow himself.
If you would ask any black Cavs fan what they think of Lebron right now I would bet that the statement would be far worse than Gilberts.

The issue was never a financial one, James didnt think he could win a ring in Cleveland.

The one thing that really bothered me was the way he released his decison. Real Tacky. He should have at least told Cleveland they were out of the running before hand.
Gilbert is a rich, spoiled, entitled asshole and this is not the first time he has shown his ass. His personality might well be one reason LeBron left Cleveland. I don't see one damned thing wrong with "the way he did it". LeBron told everyone interested at the same time. Cleveland would have had a spazz attack regardless of how the news was delivered. Jesse Jackson used a lot of hyperbole but it was effective, as Gilbert's was worse. And Jackson was right about one thing -- Gilbert obviously did think he owned LeBron.
Well first, Gilbert should have had a statement prepared in case Lebron left. Everyone else in Cleveland knew it might happen, so surely he did. And second, I don't know that "crying like a little girl" is what the situation called for -- I know I was disgusted.

The man is an asshole. Being rich hasn't changed that. I wish he'd sell the Cavs and move.
Well first, Gilbert should have had a statement prepared in case Lebron left. Everyone else in Cleveland knew it might happen, so surely he did. And second, I don't know that "crying like a little girl" is what the situation called for -- I know I was disgusted.

The man is an asshole. Being rich hasn't changed that. I wish he'd sell the Cavs and move.

He was over-the-top for sure but with the way Lebron strung Cleveland along like that he deserved a "fuck you" on his way out the door.
I don't agree. LeBron is only 25 years old, and IMO he has handled his public life with nothing but class and dignity. Gilbert has been known to carry on like this before -- this is not a departure for him. Things don't go his way, he has a meltdown. The man is an ass...a talentless, frustrated, covetous ass who does Cleveland no good at all.

I wish he'd go be a pimple on the ass of some other unfortunate community.
I don't agree. LeBron is only 25 years old, and IMO he has handled his public life with nothing but class and dignity. Gilbert has been known to carry on like this before -- this is not a departure for him. Things don't go his way, he has a meltdown. The man is an ass...a talentless, frustrated, covetous ass who does Cleveland no good at all.

I wish he'd go be a pimple on the ass of some other unfortunate community.

If Lebron had class he would have told the Cavs his decision long before going on national TV to announce it and if he had any dignity he would not have played up the whole free agent tour like he did or even have his decision infomercial.
I'd go with the "spurned lover" characterization over the "slavemaster." Unless slavemasters were primarily known for writing bitchy letters about slaves that displeased them.
I don't agree. LeBron is only 25 years old, and IMO he has handled his public life with nothing but class and dignity. Gilbert has been known to carry on like this before -- this is not a departure for him. Things don't go his way, he has a meltdown. The man is an ass...a talentless, frustrated, covetous ass who does Cleveland no good at all.

I wish he'd go be a pimple on the ass of some other unfortunate community.

If Lebron had class he would have told the Cavs his decision long before going on national TV to announce it and if he had any dignity he would not have played up the whole free agent tour like he did or even have his decision infomercial.

Explain to me why there was a need to tell the cavs before anyone else. What was their special claim to insider info? How were they injured by not having it?
I don't agree. LeBron is only 25 years old, and IMO he has handled his public life with nothing but class and dignity. Gilbert has been known to carry on like this before -- this is not a departure for him. Things don't go his way, he has a meltdown. The man is an ass...a talentless, frustrated, covetous ass who does Cleveland no good at all.

I wish he'd go be a pimple on the ass of some other unfortunate community.

If Lebron had class he would have told the Cavs his decision long before going on national TV to announce it and if he had any dignity he would not have played up the whole free agent tour like he did or even have his decision infomercial.

Explain to me why there was a need to tell the cavs before anyone else. What was their special claim to insider info? How were they injured by not having it?

They had to wait for Lebron to make his decision before they could make any other significant roster moves. While they were waiting for Lebron every other marquee free agent had already signed with other teams leaving Cleveland crippled in a store that's sold out of crutches.
Humm, I did not know that...but ain't it a flaw with free agency, rather than LeBron? Seems to me he just played the cards he was dealt.

Still, it does make it easier to understand why people like Elvis are so angry.
Humm, I did not know that...but ain't it a flaw with free agency, rather than LeBron? Seems to me he just played the cards he was dealt.

Still, it does make it easier to understand why people like Elvis are so angry.

He told them right up to the end that they were his number one choice then he ripped the entire city's heart out on national TV.

It was a massive douche move.
Article 15, I live in Cleveland. I read the paper every day, and I saw nothing like that. There was speculation, but nothing attributed to LeBron. Still, if he knew early on he was accepting an offer from Miami, he prolly should have announced.
Article 15, I live in Cleveland. I read the paper every day, and I saw nothing like that. There was speculation, but nothing attributed to LeBron. Still, if he knew early on he was accepting an offer from Miami, he prolly should have announced.

I don't read any Cleveland papers ... I am going on what I have heard ESPN talking heads and sports talk radio personalities report from "his camp."

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