Least Transparent Ever - The Truth About Obama's Liberal Potemkin Village


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
What happened to the transparent White House Obama was going to have? Remember that promise?

A. Records of all visitors/lobbyist to the White House
B. Citizens would have the opportunity to review bills before being voted on. This for EO's too

Add to Obama's list of lies that is deep as the day is long


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration set a record for the number of times its federal employees told disappointed citizens, journalists and others that despite searching they couldn’t find a single page requested under the Freedom of Information Act, according to a new Associated Press analysis of government data.

In more than one in six cases, or 129,825 times, government searchers said they came up empty-handed last year.Such cases contributed to an alarming measurement: People who asked for records under the law received censored files or nothing in 77 percent of requests, also a record. In the first full year after President Barack Obama’s election, that figure was only 65 percent of cases.

– From the post: Obama Administration Denied or Censored Information in 77% of FOIA Requests During 2015

New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan recently had some choice words for the liberal Potemkin Village that is President Barack Obama.

What follows are some excerpts from her cutting Washington Post op-ed, published yesterday.

After early promises to be the most transparent administration in history, this has been one of the most secretive. And in certain ways, one of the most elusive. It’s also been one of the most punitive toward whistleblowers and leakers who want to bring light to wrongdoing they have observed from inside powerful institutions…

On Monday, during a visit to Vietnam, the president spent some quality time with the media — in the form of Anthony Bourdain, the celebrity chef. A couple of years ago, he did a heavily publicized interview with the comedian Zach Galifianakis on the faux talk show “Between Two Ferns,” and last year he made a visit to podcaster Marc Maron’s garage for a chat about fatherhood and overcoming fear.

Least Transparent Ever - The Truth About Obama's Liberal Potemkin Village | Zero Hedge
70% illegally, criminally non-compliant to FOIA requests...and intentionally criminal DOJ lawyers who have been ordered by a judge to attend remedial ethics training who won't do anything about the FOIA non-compliance crimes.
What happened to the transparent White House Obama was going to have? Remember that promise?
It died the moment he finished taking the Oath of Office, just like most of the rest of his campaign "promises"; par for the course, American Politicians promise all sorts of pie in the sky bullshit that they have no intention of following through on and then the sheeple completely forget about the fact that said politician made them when it's time for re-election.

Oddly enough, the Obama Administration has been the complete opposite of transparent, in fact it's been more opaque than Nixon's in many respects.
Democrats could care less (as noted by post above)...absolutely do not care whatsoever. As long as there is a (D) by the name - they are blameless.
Dems and libs never accept personal responsibility for anything. I kind of understand the issue due to the fact they are dependent rather than independent. They need someone out in front telling them just how much soda to drink and whether they are smart enough or willing enough to make basic life sustainment decisions to live a meaningful life. Libs have a tough time reasoning as well. They just lack that skill set.

One need not look much further than the left to point to the root cause of America's global decline in standing and the cultural cesspool all around you.

Obama is that you?

Democrats could care less (as noted by post above)...absolutely do not care whatsoever. As long as there is a (D) by the name - they are blameless.

You mistakenly assume that I am a democrat. I am not. Next try, please.

Fine - you are a leftist. Same thing, and as a leftist you support Obama and defend Obama at every chance even though his policies are polar opposite of what you profess to believe. Same difference.
What happened to the transparent White House Obama was going to have? Remember that promise?

A. Records of all visitors/lobbyist to the White House
B. Citizens would have the opportunity to review bills before being voted on. This for EO's too

Add to Obama's list of lies that is deep as the day is long


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration set a record for the number of times its federal employees told disappointed citizens, journalists and others that despite searching they couldn’t find a single page requested under the Freedom of Information Act, according to a new Associated Press analysis of government data.

In more than one in six cases, or 129,825 times, government searchers said they came up empty-handed last year.Such cases contributed to an alarming measurement: People who asked for records under the law received censored files or nothing in 77 percent of requests, also a record. In the first full year after President Barack Obama’s election, that figure was only 65 percent of cases.

– From the post: Obama Administration Denied or Censored Information in 77% of FOIA Requests During 2015

New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan recently had some choice words for the liberal Potemkin Village that is President Barack Obama.

What follows are some excerpts from her cutting Washington Post op-ed, published yesterday.

After early promises to be the most transparent administration in history, this has been one of the most secretive. And in certain ways, one of the most elusive. It’s also been one of the most punitive toward whistleblowers and leakers who want to bring light to wrongdoing they have observed from inside powerful institutions…

On Monday, during a visit to Vietnam, the president spent some quality time with the media — in the form of Anthony Bourdain, the celebrity chef. A couple of years ago, he did a heavily publicized interview with the comedian Zach Galifianakis on the faux talk show “Between Two Ferns,” and last year he made a visit to podcaster Marc Maron’s garage for a chat about fatherhood and overcoming fear.

Least Transparent Ever - The Truth About Obama's Liberal Potemkin Village | Zero Hedge
Impeachment proceedings to commence any day now, any day.

It's almost over, kids. I hope you all can survive.

It will never be over. Not as long as "pretend-there's-not-a-problem" types like yourself are around.

I am also fairly certain our definitions of "survive" do not coincide.

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