Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Previous studies have suggested that the ability to inhabit harsh environments may be linked to advanced learning traits. However, it is not clear if individuals express such traits as a consequence of experiencing challenging environments or if these traits are inherited. To assess the influence of differential selection pressures on variation in aspects of cognition, we used a common garden approach to examine the response to novelty and problem-solving abilities of two populations of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). These populations originated from the latitudinal extremes of the species's range, where we had previously demonstrated significant differences in memory and brain morphology in a multi-population study. We found that birds from the harsh northern population, where selection for cognitive abilities is expected to be high, significantly outperformed conspecifics from the mild southern population. Our results imply differences in cognitive abilities that may be inherited, as individuals from both populations were raised in and had experienced identical environmental conditions from 10 days of age. Although our data suggest an effect independent of experience, we cannot rule out maternal effects or experiences within the nest prior to day 10 with our design. Nevertheless, our results support the idea that environmental severity may be an important factor in shaping certain aspects of cognition.
Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments: a common garden approach ? Proceedings B

Whenever I point out that the different races have different average cognitive skills I get called racist (true, depending on the definition of racist) and ignorant. I could care less about being called racist because the term is so overused and meaningless nowadays but I hate being called ignorant because it is obviously untrue. It is the people who deny the measureable differences and ignore the vast interlocking mountain of evidence who are ignorant, usually on purpose. I can understand those who score in the triple digits (old scale) on the SATs not being able to follow logic because that is what the tests measure to a large extent. But why do smart people suddenly get brain cramps when the topic is human differences? I can even understand those who just want to avoid politically incorrect subjects but why do so many smart people mouth platitudes and excuses even after they have been shown to be false?

The above study abstract demonstrates that the mechanism of harsh environment selecting for greater cognitive skills is seen in other species besides humans. A past thread ran 20 pages with no answers, only insults, when I asked for evidence that blacks were as intelligent as whites (on average). No one was able to give a theory or describe the mechanisms which would lead to the observed reality around us. My side does have a theory that is backed up over and over again. My side describes the mechanisms of how differences are physically demonstrated and inevitable.

My side describes reality and the other side wishes that reality would change. There is no real magic folks, no amount of believing in Tinkerbell is going to change things.
Previous studies have suggested that the ability to inhabit harsh environments may be linked to advanced learning traits. However, it is not clear if individuals express such traits as a consequence of experiencing challenging environments or if these traits are inherited. To assess the influence of differential selection pressures on variation in aspects of cognition, we used a common garden approach to examine the response to novelty and problem-solving abilities of two populations of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). These populations originated from the latitudinal extremes of the species's range, where we had previously demonstrated significant differences in memory and brain morphology in a multi-population study. We found that birds from the harsh northern population, where selection for cognitive abilities is expected to be high, significantly outperformed conspecifics from the mild southern population. Our results imply differences in cognitive abilities that may be inherited, as individuals from both populations were raised in and had experienced identical environmental conditions from 10 days of age. Although our data suggest an effect independent of experience, we cannot rule out maternal effects or experiences within the nest prior to day 10 with our design. Nevertheless, our results support the idea that environmental severity may be an important factor in shaping certain aspects of cognition.
Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments: a common garden approach ? Proceedings B

Whenever I point out that the different races have different average cognitive skills I get called racist (true, depending on the definition of racist) and ignorant. I could care less about being called racist because the term is so overused and meaningless nowadays but I hate being called ignorant because it is obviously untrue. It is the people who deny the measureable differences and ignore the vast interlocking mountain of evidence who are ignorant, usually on purpose. I can understand those who score in the triple digits (old scale) on the SATs not being able to follow logic because that is what the tests measure to a large extent. But why do smart people suddenly get brain cramps when the topic is human differences? I can even understand those who just want to avoid politically incorrect subjects but why do so many smart people mouth platitudes and excuses even after they have been shown to be false?

The above study abstract demonstrates that the mechanism of harsh environment selecting for greater cognitive skills is seen in other species besides humans. A past thread ran 20 pages with no answers, only insults, when I asked for evidence that blacks were as intelligent as whites (on average). No one was able to give a theory or describe the mechanisms which would lead to the observed reality around us. My side does have a theory that is backed up over and over again. My side describes the mechanisms of how differences are physically demonstrated and inevitable.

My side describes reality and the other side wishes that reality would change. There is no real magic folks, no amount of believing in Tinkerbell is going to change things.

Birds? Now your comparing birds to humans? Am i missing something here?
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did you miss this part of my post?
The above study abstract demonstrates that the mechanism of harsh environment selecting for greater cognitive skills is seen in other species besides humans.
did you miss this part of my post?
The above study abstract demonstrates that the mechanism of harsh environment selecting for greater cognitive skills is seen in other species besides humans.

Previous studies have suggested that the ability to inhabit harsh environments may be linked to advanced learning traits. However, it is not clear if individuals express such traits as a consequence of experiencing challenging environments or if these traits are inherited. To assess the influence of differential selection pressures on variation in aspects of cognition, we used a common garden approach to examine the response to novelty and problem-solving abilities of two populations of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). These populations originated from the latitudinal extremes of the species's range, where we had previously demonstrated significant differences in memory and brain morphology in a multi-population study. We found that birds from the harsh northern population, where selection for cognitive abilities is expected to be high, significantly outperformed conspecifics from the mild southern population. Our results imply differences in cognitive abilities that may be inherited, as individuals from both populations were raised in and had experienced identical environmental conditions from 10 days of age. Although our data suggest an effect independent of experience, we cannot rule out maternal effects or experiences within the nest prior to day 10 with our design. Nevertheless, our results support the idea that environmental severity may be an important factor in shaping certain aspects of cognition.
Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments: a common garden approach ? Proceedings B

Whenever I point out that the different races have different average cognitive skills I get called racist (true, depending on the definition of racist) and ignorant. I could care less about being called racist because the term is so overused and meaningless nowadays but I hate being called ignorant because it is obviously untrue. It is the people who deny the measureable differences and ignore the vast interlocking mountain of evidence who are ignorant, usually on purpose. I can understand those who score in the triple digits (old scale) on the SATs not being able to follow logic because that is what the tests measure to a large extent. But why do smart people suddenly get brain cramps when the topic is human differences? I can even understand those who just want to avoid politically incorrect subjects but why do so many smart people mouth platitudes and excuses even after they have been shown to be false?

The above study abstract demonstrates that the mechanism of harsh environment selecting for greater cognitive skills is seen in other species besides humans. A past thread ran 20 pages with no answers, only insults, when I asked for evidence that blacks were as intelligent as whites (on average). No one was able to give a theory or describe the mechanisms which would lead to the observed reality around us. My side does have a theory that is backed up over and over again. My side describes the mechanisms of how differences are physically demonstrated and inevitable.

My side describes reality and the other side wishes that reality would change. There is no real magic folks, no amount of believing in Tinkerbell is going to change things.

Nope, I didn't miss that part at all. It is part of YOUR assessments and not part of the study of birds.

So again i will ask you, am i missing something?
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OK, from the abstract-
These populations originated from the latitudinal extremes of the species's range, where we had previously demonstrated significant differences in memory and brain morphology in a multi-population study.

this would be a truthful statement coming from a study of human races. my aim was to show
It is the people who deny the measureable differences and ignore the vast interlocking mountain of evidence who are ignorant,

if you believe that humans are not subjected to evolutionary pressures because of your religious beliefs this is probably not the right thread for you.
OK, from the abstract-
These populations originated from the latitudinal extremes of the species's range, where we had previously demonstrated significant differences in memory and brain morphology in a multi-population study.

this would be a truthful statement coming from a study of human races. my aim was to show

In the VERY abstract.

You do forgot one word in that little statement of "truth" the small word IF. The study is NOT on humans.

Now lets talk abstracts of extremes. Are you saying Africa is/was a soft place to live? Do you think you could survive there?

It is the people who deny the measureable differences and ignore the vast interlocking mountain of evidence who are ignorant,

if you believe that humans are not subjected to evolutionary pressures because of your religious beliefs this is probably not the right thread for you.

On the contrary, I do believe in evolution and all of its processes. I do not have any religious bias. If however you cannot take criticism then maybe this forum is not the right place for you.
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In the VERY abstract.

You do forgot one word in that little statement of "truth" the small word IF. The study is NOT on humans.

Now lets talk abstracts of extremes. Are you saying Africa is/was a soft place to live? Do you think you could survive there?

first off, you do understand that in this very clear context that the word abstract means concise summation, right?

ther have been lots of human studies that have shown differences in human brain morphology, and differences in racial memory as well. are you unaware of them?

my ancestors came from cold northern climates so I am probably better suited to live there. what does my personal ability to survive in Africa have to do with this?

On the contrary, I do believe in evolution and all of its processes. I do not have any religious bias. If however you cannot take criticism then maybe this forum is not the right place for you.

good, I am glad that you wish to take a logical and evidenciary approach to this subject. I certainly can and have taken much criticism and I would be happy to answer yours.
my ancestors came from cold northern climates so I am probably better suited to live there. what does my personal ability to survive in Africa have to do with this?

Your title:
Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments

Your stance:
evidence that blacks were as intelligent as whites

Do you understand the word abstract? Good. Then you will understand the question about you being able to survive in the wilds of africa.

If we are going to compare birds to human learning and brain morphology in terms of "Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments" then you should allow human to human comparisons of "harsh environments". And in the abstract of "whites" have some advantage of "Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments" then you should do very well in the extremely harsh environment of africa if your morphology is somehow greater.

my ancestors came from cold northern climates so I am probably better suited to live there. what does my personal ability to survive in Africa have to do with this?

Your title:
Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments

Your stance:
evidence that blacks were as intelligent as whites

Do you understand the word abstract? Good. Then you will understand the question about you being able to survive in the wilds of africa.

If we are going to compare birds to human learning and brain morphology in terms of "Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments" then you should allow human to human comparisons of "harsh environments". And in the abstract of "whites" have some advantage of "Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments" then you should do very well in the extremely harsh environment of africa if your morphology is somehow greater.

OK. The environmental conditions of my ancestors selected for such things as conservation of heat, long term planning and vitamin D production. hence we tend to be more rotund, with bigger brains capable of more complex problem solving and pale skin to make the best use of the available sunlight.

the environmental conditions of african ancestors selected for such things as heat dissappation, protection from UV radiation and parasite defense. leading to leaner, narrower bodies and heads, dark skin and sickle cell trait.

of course there are many, many other adaptions. I would not do as well in africa, africans would not do as well in europe.
Syrenn- do you believe that human brains, even though they are racially different in size, shape and measurable function are exactly the same? or do you think that evolution has led to adaptations that would make them different in size, shape and function?
OK. The environmental conditions of my ancestors selected for such things as conservation of heat, long term planning and vitamin D production. hence we tend to be more rotund, with bigger brains capable of more complex problem solving and pale skin to make the best use of the available sunlight.

the environmental conditions of african ancestors selected for such things as heat dissappation, protection from UV radiation and parasite defense. leading to leaner, narrower bodies and heads, dark skin and sickle cell trait.

of course there are many, many other adaptions. I would not do as well in africa, africans would not do as well in europe.

:lol: Almost right. ;) That little bit about bigger brains blah blah blah...

Your study is about harsh environments is great, so apply it. How about we break this down into base level arguments. And for the purposes of "evolution" lets talk caveman.

Are you saying the environment is not harsh in aferica?
Are you saying the aferican environment is soft?

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Are you saying the environment is not harsh in aferica?
Are you saying the aferican environment is soft?

that is your argument? both are harsh, so what's the big deal? the big deal is that they are both harsh in different ways. cold climates necessitate more planning for food and shelter, warm climates don't.
Syrenn- do you believe that human brains, even though they are racially different in size, shape and measurable function are exactly the same? or do you think that evolution has led to adaptations that would make them different in size, shape and function?

Your joking right?

Please show MEDICAL evidence of this "size and shape difference" in relation to brain size and race. Please include ALL races in this evidence.
Are you saying the environment is not harsh in aferica?
Are you saying the aferican environment is soft?

that is your argument? both are harsh, so what's the big deal? the big deal is that they are both harsh in different ways. cold climates necessitate more planning for food and shelter, warm climates don't.

Both were harsh therefore BOTH work with your argument of "Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments" Level field.

I think it's evident that different races have (on average) differences in all areas INCLUDING the seven different TYPES of intelligence, too.

Let me give you anecdotal evidence to support my (completely unscientific) presumption.

What "race" of people has been driving music in this nation for the last 200 years?


Does anyone here disagree with that observation about what race has been inventing and perfecting AMERICAN music on a scale that has dwarfed what the "White" race has invented?

And music is one of those seven basic intelligences, isn't it?

And regards Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence?

What "race" in this nation seems to have (on average) the highest intelligence?

Whites? Not hardly, folks...Blacks.

And here mine isn't even an an anecdotal interpretation, because that can be numerically proven by studying the sports records for the last 60 years or so, since we've allowed Blacks to compete with White in amateur and professional sports.

Blacks appear to be far more gifted in the mind/body intelligence.

FYI for those who are not conversant with the the theory of seven distinct kinds of intelligence?

Psychologist Howard Gardner has identified the following distinct types of intelligence in his Multiple Intelligences Theory ("MI Theory") in the book "Frames of Mind." They are listed here with respect to gifted / talented children.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1. Linguistic Children with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2. Logical-Mathematical Children with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3. Bodily-Kinesthetic These kids process knowledge through bodily sensations. They are often athletic, dancers or good at crafts such as sewing or woodworking. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]4. Spatial These children think in images and pictures. They may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing, building with Leggos or daydreaming. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]5. Musical Musical children are always singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss. These kids are often discriminating listeners.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]6. Interpersonal Children who are leaders among their peers, who are good at communicating and who seem to understand others' feelings and motives possess interpersonal intelligence. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]7. Intrapersonal These children may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated[/FONT]

source[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]. [/FONT]

So of the seven types of human intelligence, it appears to me that Blacks exceed the average intelligence of Whites in at least two of the seven fields.

And if CREATIVE use of language is considered, it might be arguable that the Blacks have been driving our common language, too, for quite some time, too, although I am aware that they appear not to score so well on SAT verbal testing

Do my observations on this issue of intelligence make me racist?

Some of my liberal (or conservative chums) might say they do. I have OFTEN been accused of being racist for making such observations by my extreme liberal chums.

Like I care?

But here's the thing...none of that really matters EXCEPT to people obsessed with race issues.

And it's that OBESSION with race, that is the hallmark of racists.

This board is OBSESSED by race and I think that's because there are people who are what?

The term is RACISTS, folks.

Some of you are honest about it, Like our NAZI chum, William.

And some of you are covert (but fairly obviously covertly ) racists, too.

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Are you saying the environment is not harsh in aferica?
Are you saying the aferican environment is soft?

that is your argument? both are harsh, so what's the big deal? the big deal is that they are both harsh in different ways. cold climates necessitate more planning for food and shelter, warm climates don't.

Both were harsh therefore BOTH work with your argument of "Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments" Level field.

ahhhh... here we go with denying reality again. do you honestly believe that living in a climate with cold and hungry winters selects for the same attributes as living in a dangerous but warm climate year round? really? come on now!
that is your argument? both are harsh, so what's the big deal? the big deal is that they are both harsh in different ways. cold climates necessitate more planning for food and shelter, warm climates don't.

Both were harsh therefore BOTH work with your argument of "Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments" Level field.

ahhhh... here we go with denying reality again. do you honestly believe that living in a climate with cold and hungry winters selects for the same attributes as living in a dangerous but warm climate year round? really? come on now!

So your evolution paths are cold and hungry vs hot and hungry. Again level playing fields.
Syrenn- do you believe that human brains, even though they are racially different in size, shape and measurable function are exactly the same? or do you think that evolution has led to adaptations that would make them different in size, shape and function?

Your joking right?

Please show MEDICAL evidence of this "size and shape difference" in relation to brain size and race. Please include ALL races in this evidence.


I don't really want to rehash what was already in another thread. negroid skulls are elongated, asian skulls are quite round, caucasian skulls not quite as rounded. in large part as adaptations to their environment.

image didn't work

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It is probable that the actions of these birds had nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with "racial memory." In other words the southern birds have an easier time getting enough food to eat as the cold season is either very short or nonexistent...and therefore they would have no need to hurry.

Not sure what you are trying to say with this....southerners are stupid?

I think a great experiment would be to put IanC and a black man raised in similar circumstances in a controlled environment with food under a clear cover and see who got the food. That would certainly be a definitive answer on IanC's level of intelligence.
So your evolution paths are cold and hungry vs hot and hungry. Again level playing fields.

you said you believe in evolution. why do you think that two different climates will produce the same adaptations? if you believe that the african adaptations equally selected for intelligence, please explain the mechanism.

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