Leadership: The difference between Romney and Obama


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
This morning, President Romney gave a statement on Libya and then he took a multitude of questions; I wasn't counting, but I'd say about 15 of them.

Mister Obama gave a statement later and he took no questions. Once again, he is hiding from the press.

Ironically, this contrasted with Romney's three point plan which include clarity of purpose and communicated mission to the American people and the world.
I have it on good authority that prior to becoming Leader of the Free World, Obama had gained executive experience by once running his school newspaper.
obama's big problem is that Romney is acting like the incumbent, and obama is the challenger. It is Romney taking questions from the press, obama running off to the next campaign appearance. obama is slowly relinquishing power. What will happen is that the press will start leaning more toward Romney, even if they don't like him, simply because he's paying attention to them and obama isn't. obama's biggest obstacle is himself. By the time election day comes around, it might be nothing more than a formality. Leadership will have already passed.
It's a given that the media will attack Romney's moves no matter what. Americans need to tune out the noise and ask themselves, who's an apologist and who's a leader?

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