"LDS (loves) LGBT"


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

Mormon group shows its support in Salt Lake City gay parade

Mormon group shows its support in Salt Lake City gay parade - chicagotribune.com

SALT LAKE CITY (Reuters) - Nearly 300 Mormons marched in a gay pride parade on Sunday, holding signs that read "God Loves His Children" in a unique display of support from believers of a religious tradition that has long opposed homosexuality.

"When people hear that Mormons are marching with gay and lesbian people in Salt Lake City... I think that's going to be a surprise," said Dustin Lance Black, the Academy Award-winning screenwriter of the 2008 movie "Milk" about slain San Francisco gay activist Harvey Milk. Black, who is gay and was raised Mormon, was the parade's grand marshal.

"They are fostering a level of acceptance that hasn't traditionally been there," he said.

Erika Munson, 52, a devout Mormon and mother of five, founded the group Mormons Building Bridges and led it in the annual Utah Pride Parade in support of the gay community. She had grown uncomfortable with the image of their church as anti-gay.

"I feel like this is the time to speak up. I've always felt like I was supportive in my own way of the LGBT community but I've had to keep that and my commitment for the church separate," she said, using a common term for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people.

The times, they are a'changin.
The Free Mason front group, Mormon Church, is more a "cult" than a church so I guess LGBT people would feel at home there.
I've been attending the Long Beach Gay Pride for the last few years and when I've told about main stream churches marching in the parade and having booths at the festival....I've been called a liar.

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