Lawrence O'Donnel saw Walker just squeaks by ... no mandate. by


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
haha ... msnbc is quite the "news" outlet.

wow talk about a butchered thread title.
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He also started by saying the exit polls said this would be a long night and now cite the exit polls as basically votes for Obama in November. No reason to even vote in that election everyone. HAHA. Don't know how these guys sleep at night.
This race was called so early I was shocked.
Yet the big stud of Politics at MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnel
says Walker squeaks by....

You can't make this stuff up...

I wanted to see big head Ed Schultz's reaction but this win for Walker was such a let down.
The Libs were making so much noise today about turnout it was sounding like Walker didn't stand a
I am watching it. He led off his show by saying the big winner tonight was.... Obama.


Still time to go over and see this miserable fuck O'Donnell before he goes off. You talk about one miserable mofy..........the asshole is beside himself and I coouldnt stop laughing my balls off with the look on his face.

He and all the asshats who think like him got a royal kick in the balls tonight.........and I couldnt be fucking happier.:lol::lol::lol::2up:
Arrogant News Reader Lawrence O'Donnell is too lazy to do any research on anything he doesn't like, want or believe in.

[ame=]MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell Too Lazy To Research Bilderberg - YouTube[/ame]

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