Law not racisim


Dec 11, 2010
The word illegal means against the law. Simple find these people by any means necessary and have them deported. Unfortunately this is only the tip of the iceberg, drug and human smuggling is a very lucrative means of making millions of dollars. An invasion of Mexico and the apprehension of major drug cartels and the seizures of there assets would help finance the war on drugs and the construction of wall, complete with mine fields. ICE apparently doesn't have the man power to make a significant dent in the apprehension and deportation of these illegals. What America needs are watch groups and troop involvement. Depending on our government to take action is a pipe dream, they no longer represent the wishes of the people who put them in office. Stop electing these career politicians and elect candidates who share your views on these issues.
The word illegal means against the law. Simple find these people by any means necessary and have them deported. Unfortunately this is only the tip of the iceberg, drug and human smuggling is a very lucrative means of making millions of dollars. An invasion of Mexico and the apprehension of major drug cartels and the seizures of there assets would help finance the war on drugs and the construction of wall, complete with mine fields. ICE apparently doesn't have the man power to make a significant dent in the apprehension and deportation of these illegals. What America needs are watch groups and troop involvement. Depending on our government to take action is a pipe dream, they no longer represent the wishes of the people who put them in office. Stop electing these career politicians and elect candidates who share your views on these issues.

Dealing with illegal aliens fisrt who are here working will go a long way in dealing with drugs With the illegal aliens problem gone it will open up ICE and border patrols to deal with drugs cartels. IF they cannot work they will leave and they will not come except those smuggling drugs. Illegal immigration interwine with drugs smuggling.
No one listens to our opposition to illegal immigration. There is alway the claim that majority of american want a path to citizenship for illegal.:eusa_liar:
The word illegal means against the law. Simple find these people by any means necessary and have them deported. Unfortunately this is only the tip of the iceberg, drug and human smuggling is a very lucrative means of making millions of dollars. An invasion of Mexico and the apprehension of major drug cartels and the seizures of there assets would help finance the war on drugs and the construction of wall, complete with mine fields. ICE apparently doesn't have the man power to make a significant dent in the apprehension and deportation of these illegals. What America needs are watch groups and troop involvement. Depending on our government to take action is a pipe dream, they no longer represent the wishes of the people who put them in office. Stop electing these career politicians and elect candidates who share your views on these issues.

You really want to invade Mexico and have to be responsible for rebuilding that country like we are in Iraq and Afghanistan? I guarantee if you do that the illegal immigration problem will be 100 times worse, if you think its bad now you haven't seen nothing yet if we invade that country.
The OP did get one thing right, though:

ICE does not do the job it gets paid to do by the American people.

If you doubt me just phone your local ICE agency and denounce an illegal alien. It's almost certain your call will be ignored specially if you don't add a bogus criminal accusation.

The official excuse is that ICE agents are always dealing with an overwhelming workload and have to prioritise criminal cases (REAL CRIMES, not misdemeanors like illegal entry).

But why is ICE too understaffed to apprehend and deport ALL illegals regardless of any other criminal activity?

Because its job is not considered a high priority by the US federal government.

And why the US government does not consider the deportation of illegals as an overriding national priority?

Because it is not sufficiently pressured by THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Because the members of the US Message Board are too busy bitching about illegal immigration on the Internet and crucifying a CONVENIENT FOREIGN SCAPEGOAT CALLED MEXICO to organise and participate in the same kind of giant (and sometimes violent) protests that played a MAJOR PART in ending the Vietnam War.
BOTH parties have already closed the door on deporting 15M+ illegals. They have gone on record that they will NOT deport them. They cry that it would cost too much money. Eisenhower did it so why do the politicians of today not have the guts to do what should be done???? Protesting in the streets will do NOTHING to convince the cowards in WA to do what they should.

'After the stock market crashed in 1929, the U.S. tightened visa rules which markedly reduced Mexican immigration. Local, state and federal government officials debated what to do with those already here. Some Mexicans repatriated themselves either voluntarily or under pressure from local welfare officials. Others were deported. Eventually between about 500,000 to 1,000,000 Mexicans left the United States between 1929 and 1939. This was due to deportation, as well as other factors such as the threat of deportation and acute unemployment.'

'During President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first term, it was estimated that illegal Mexican border crossings had grown to about 1 million. Such a massive illegal workforce had a devastating impact on the wages of American workers. Eisenhower, concerned about corruption that resulted from the profits of illegal labor, took decisive action. In 1954 he appointed General Joseph Swing to head the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Shortly thereafter, “Operation Wetback” was launched. With only 1,075 Border Patrol agents, tens of thousands of illegal aliens were caught and sent back deep into Mexico. Hundreds of thousands more returned to their homeland voluntarily. Illegal immigration had dropped 95% by the end of the 1950s.'
Originally posted by Angelhair
Protesting in the streets will do NOTHING to convince the cowards in WA to do what they should.

The old timers of this Board have probably read dozens of posts by Angelhair where she complained about illegals destroying America.

Posts that go more or less like these:

"You liberals will someday find out what your support for illegals will do to this country."

"If illegal immigration continues you can all kiss goodbye to good ol USA."

The same lady who whines and moans about illegal immigration, who rants and raves about how illegal immigration is destroying her country...


The whole crap is beyond unbelievable.

tsk, tsk, tsk...
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José;3094790 said:
Originally posted by Angelhair
Protesting in the streets will do NOTHING to convince the cowards in WA to do what they should.

The old timers of this Board have probably read dozens of posts by Angelhair where she complained about illegals destroying America.

Posts that go more or less like these:

"You liberals will someday find out what your support for illegals will do to this country."

"If illegal immigration continues you can all kiss goodbye to good ol USA."

The same lady who whines and moans about illegal immigration, who rants and raves about how illegal immigration is destroying her country...


The whole crap is beyond unbelievable.

tsk, tsk, tsk...

Well Jose pretty much everything she said is true,but she needs to add the republicans to the list of people responsable.
And what drastic measures would you suggest? Obviously armed revolt on the border is out. And we all know the gov wont do shit!
So what is your solution?
Originally posted by HereWeGoAgain
And what drastic measures would you suggest?

So what is your solution?

OCT - 15 - 1969





NOV - 20 - 1969




Jose, you're comparing apples to oranges. The people in those pictures were protesting a war in which 30% of American men were DRAFTED TO FIGHT. Many whose number hadn't "come up" yet were frantic. They didn't care about the war. They didn't want to sacrifice their own lives for it. So instead, they took to the streets to protest with friends, family, and other supporters. BIG DIFFERENCE between that and present day Americans who believe our immigration laws should be enforced. THERE IS NO COMPARISON, AMIGO.
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Unlike Iraq, Mexicans would surrender at the site of American troops, hell they run in fear from the cartels. We wouldn't need to do damage just hold a line along the border and the military assets to eliminate the cartels and destroy their product and defoliate and sterilize their crops. A war with Mexico would be like fighting crash dummies.
Unlike Iraq, Mexicans would surrender at the site of American troops, hell they run in fear from the cartels. We wouldn't need to do damage just hold a line along the border and the military assets to eliminate the cartels and destroy their product and defoliate and sterilize their crops. A war with Mexico would be like fighting crash dummies.

How can you predict the Mexicans would surrender at the site of American troops? Thats what they said about Iraq :eek: the reality is you never know whats going to happen when you invade a country until you do it. I don't know about you but I don't want to invade Mexico and than have the US be held accountable for rebuilding that country, it will cost a fortune and the illegal immigration will shoot up 300%.
Well Jose here lies the problem with your reasoning......immigration effects the southern and western states first so the rest of the country is not privy to the damage being done.(and lets face it Cali is to stoned and to liberal to do shit) While the viet war effected everyone and in a way that brought the issue clearly to light instead of some vague distant danger.By the time the whole of America catches on to the danger it'll be to late.Which it probably already is.
HIGH GRAVITY I respect your posts but lets be real. Iraqi troops were misguided and fought in fear of Sadam. The war with Iraqi troops didn't last long until they surrendered in masses. the war now is against religous retards who will never give up, we're waisting our time due to the pacifist rules of engagements. We need to pullout and let them kill each other, that whole region isn't worth one dead American soldier. Now lets talk about Mexico. what military response could they mount? An air strike with their state of the art air force, deploy their devastating naval fleet or maybe a ground attack with their deadly armored battalions followed by their highly trained special forces troops? make the call, make the threat and watch them run like roaches when you turn on the lights. We're talking about a military and police force that can't even protect their own people from drug cartels.
HIGH GRAVITY I respect your posts but lets be real. Iraqi troops were misguided and fought in fear of Sadam. The war with Iraqi troops didn't last long until they surrendered in masses. the war now is against religous retards who will never give up, we're waisting our time due to the pacifist rules of engagements. We need to pullout and let them kill each other, that whole region isn't worth one dead American soldier. Now lets talk about Mexico. what military response could they mount? An air strike with their state of the art air force, deploy their devastating naval fleet or maybe a ground attack with their deadly armored battalions followed by their highly trained special forces troops? make the call, make the threat and watch them run like roaches when you turn on the lights. We're talking about a military and police force that can't even protect their own people from drug cartels.

Iraq's Military and Police force were also a joke, and people were saying the same thing when we went in there. I am not saying we could not beat Mexicos Military, we obviously could, I am just considered with the aftermath. Do you want us to spend billions to rebuild Mexico, like we are doing with Iraq and Afghanistan? do you want illegal immigration to shoot through the roof to 300% because we destroyed what little infrastructure Mexico did have and so more of them want to come here? Plus I think the Cartels will fight our troops and be idiots like the insurgents are in Iraq, the Cartels have billions of dollars and plenty of weapons to start an insurgency.
José;3097286 said:
Originally posted by HereWeGoAgain
And what drastic measures would you suggest?

So what is your solution?

OCT - 15 - 1969





NOV - 20 - 1969





And the war in Vietnam continued for YEARS!!!!!
The word illegal means against the law. Simple find these people by any means necessary and have them deported. Unfortunately this is only the tip of the iceberg, drug and human smuggling is a very lucrative means of making millions of dollars. An invasion of Mexico and the apprehension of major drug cartels and the seizures of there assets would help finance the war on drugs and the construction of wall, complete with mine fields. ICE apparently doesn't have the man power to make a significant dent in the apprehension and deportation of these illegals. What America needs are watch groups and troop involvement. Depending on our government to take action is a pipe dream, they no longer represent the wishes of the people who put them in office. Stop electing these career politicians and elect candidates who share your views on these issues.

You really want to invade Mexico and have to be responsible for rebuilding that country like we are in Iraq and Afghanistan? I guarantee if you do that the illegal immigration problem will be 100 times worse, if you think its bad now you haven't seen nothing yet if we invade that country.

So true. That country is beyond hope or salvation. It would cost the USA Trillions to bring it up to snuff. And that is just the infrastructure - to change their mentality would take centuries and beyond.
So true. That country is beyond hope or salvation. It would cost the USA Trillions to bring it up to snuff. And that is just the infrastructure - to change their mentality would take centuries and beyond.

Take immigrants from around the world and push them into Mexico to live for, lets say 5 years. Force Mexico to become a multi-cultural country where no race is more powerful than another. Remove Mexico as a home base for the Mexicans here and watch the change.
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Your views have good merit but the idea is to use the threat of force to make mexico take a more active role witch in the end would benifit both countrys.
The word illegal means against the law. Simple find these people by any means necessary and have them deported. Unfortunately this is only the tip of the iceberg, drug and human smuggling is a very lucrative means of making millions of dollars. An invasion of Mexico and the apprehension of major drug cartels and the seizures of there assets would help finance the war on drugs and the construction of wall, complete with mine fields. ICE apparently doesn't have the man power to make a significant dent in the apprehension and deportation of these illegals. What America needs are watch groups and troop involvement. Depending on our government to take action is a pipe dream, they no longer represent the wishes of the people who put them in office. Stop electing these career politicians and elect candidates who share your views on these issues.

You really want to invade Mexico and have to be responsible for rebuilding that country like we are in Iraq and Afghanistan? I guarantee if you do that the illegal immigration problem will be 100 times worse, if you think its bad now you haven't seen nothing yet if we invade that country.

No reason to invade Mexico. A simple DMZ loaded with land mines should do the trick.
Originally posted by Bullfighter
And the war in Vietnam continued for YEARS!!!!!

The mega protests and massive physical confrontations with police officers of the Vietnam War (the ONLY ones that I say would do the trick now) took place in 68, 69.

The last American ground troops (the ones that do the dying) left the country in 72.

Do the math:

72 - 68 = 4

The participants of those monster protests got what they wanted in 3, 4 years while anti immigration whiners have been ranting and raving since Reagan only to see millions upon millions of Mexicans jumping the fence and amnesty after amnesty being approved since then.

As I said before, if you're too lazy and coward to emulate the protesters of the Vietnam War this is your right but DO NOT RAPE THE HISTORY OF THE VIETNAM WAR TO JUSTIFY YOUR INACTION!!

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