Law Needed > To Regulate Pet Insurers & Veterinarians


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Are you a pet owner ? If so, you need to know about this. Currently, veterinarian costs are sky high. To save your dog or cat's life, he/she may need a surgery costing thousands of dollars. You have it on hand to pay the veterinarian upfront ? Under the current "system" if you don't, your pet dies. Simple as that.

Sound shocking ? It is indeed. So what remedy might it be to have pet insurance ? Generally, none whatsoever. That's because, universally, veterinarians require YOU to pay up front, BEFORE any surgery is done, and then you get reimbursed AFTER (2 weeks maybe) the surgery.

Isn't that great and dandy ? And for the great majority of us who don't have thousands of $$$ ready to hand over the counter, we get told the best thing might be to euthanize (kill) you cat or dog. You may not like this, but it is exactly the way they are doing it.

And the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association is no better than the pet insurers. Their policy on Pet Insurance is in contradiction to some of their alleged fundamental policies. These are:

1. (under Pet Insurance)>> "Reimburse the animal owner,..., for fees previously paid to the veterinarian."

2. (Under Mission Statement) >>
" improve animal and human health.."

3. (under Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics, V. Influences on Judgement) >> "The choice of treatments or animal care should not be influenced by considerations other than the needs of the patient, the welfare of the client,.."

By having their #8 in their Pet Insurance section, their policy is to allow millions of pets to suffer & die needlessly, just to slightly convenience the veterinarian. The great majority of pet owners can't afford to pay thousands of $$ for surgeries up front, and vets thereby suggest that the animals be euthanized. This is hypocritical and preposterous.

Congress! Your approval ratings are at all time lows. Finally you can do something to HELP (remember that concept?) the American people. ACT!!
Just what we need, more whinging.

My advice, if you can't afford to pay the bills, don't get a pet.

My advice. Make pet insurance just like people insurance. Doctors get reimbursed, not patients. Do it by govt regulation, if necessary. Too many dogs and cats needing a home, and too many loving people willing to provide one, to do it any other way.
Just what we need, more whinging.

My advice, if you can't afford to pay the bills, don't get a pet.

My advice. Make pet insurance just like people insurance. Doctors get reimbursed, not patients. Do it by govt regulation, if necessary. Too many dogs and cats needing a home, and too many loving people willing to provide one, to do it any other way.

Wow. I thought the OP was a joke. But if you're serious, that makes out even funnier, if somewhat disturbing.
fuckin big govt sucker
if you cant afford a pet, dont get one.
pretty fuckin simple
quit bitchin and be responsible!
givt is big enough!
Just what we need, more whinging.

My advice, if you can't afford to pay the bills, don't get a pet.

My advice. Make pet insurance just like people insurance. Doctors get reimbursed, not patients. Do it by govt regulation, if necessary. Too many dogs and cats needing a home, and too many loving people willing to provide one, to do it any other way.

Wow. I thought the OP was a joke. But if you're serious, that makes out even funnier, if somewhat disturbing.

Big government is never funny.
Just what we need, more whinging.

My advice, if you can't afford to pay the bills, don't get a pet.

My advice. Make pet insurance just like people insurance. Doctors get reimbursed, not patients. Do it by govt regulation, if necessary. Too many dogs and cats needing a home, and too many loving people willing to provide one, to do it any other way.

Wow. I thought the OP was a joke. But if you're serious, that makes out even funnier, if somewhat disturbing.

Nothing funny going on here, and you're supposed to be disturbed by what you've read. If you're not, I don't know what you could be thinking.
How on earth could someone put millions of cat and dog pets dying needlessly, into the same framework as a "joke". Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle-eyes rolling around in head)
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Nothing funny going on here, and you're supposed to be disturbed by what you've read. If you're not, I don't know what you could be thinking.
How on earth could someone put millions of cat and dog pets dying needlessly, into the same framework as a "joke". Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle-eyes rolling around in head)

Here is an opportunity for you to start a business, offering no-deductible, no out of pocket, pet insurance.

I'd be more likely to buy pet insurance if it were offered on that model. Right now, it's a rip off - so I don't buy it.

BUT, instead of bitching and demanding that big brother take care of your pet, do something constructive and offer an alternative.

Who knows, it might make you millions....
Really now you want Odoggycare?

That's not part of the OP is it ? So why ask ? Now that you have though, I'd say in addition to making pet health insurance like human health insurance "Odoggycare (and Ocattycare) wouldn't be a bad idea. Thanks, man.
Seeing as it is about insurance and controlling how a medical professional does business yes it is.
Are you a pet owner ? If so, you need to know about this. Currently, veterinarian costs are sky high. To save your dog or cat's life, he/she may need a surgery costing thousands of dollars. You have it on hand to pay the veterinarian upfront ? Under the current "system" if you don't, your pet dies. Simple as that.

Sound shocking ? It is indeed. So what remedy might it be to have pet insurance ? Generally, none whatsoever. That's because, universally, veterinarians require YOU to pay up front, BEFORE any surgery is done, and then you get reimbursed AFTER (2 weeks maybe) the surgery.

Isn't that great and dandy ? And for the great majority of us who don't have thousands of $$$ ready to hand over the counter, we get told the best thing might be to euthanize (kill) you cat or dog. You may not like this, but it is exactly the way they are doing it.

And the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association is no better than the pet insurers. Their policy on Pet Insurance is in contradiction to some of their alleged fundamental policies. These are:

1. (under Pet Insurance)>> "Reimburse the animal owner,..., for fees previously paid to the veterinarian."

2. (Under Mission Statement) >>
" improve animal and human health.."

3. (under Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics, V. Influences on Judgement) >> "The choice of treatments or animal care should not be influenced by considerations other than the needs of the patient, the welfare of the client,.."

By having their #8 in their Pet Insurance section, their policy is to allow millions of pets to suffer & die needlessly, just to slightly convenience the veterinarian. The great majority of pet owners can't afford to pay thousands of $$ for surgeries up front, and vets thereby suggest that the animals be euthanized. This is hypocritical and preposterous.

Congress! Your approval ratings are at all time lows. Finally you can do something to HELP (remember that concept?) the American people. ACT!!

OK call a caucus for pet owners. set up a policy that represents pet owners. And invest in collective insurance program that all pet owners agree to per state or region or organization. if this is done FREELY and NOT BY FORCE OF LAW, then you will set a better example than what the schmucks are arguing about with people insurance. they couldn't resolve their conflicts and what ended up passing nobody wants to pay for but its forced.\

if you can do better, you can set up a model to follow. maybe policy schools or govt/law programs should pay to do this, and train mediators/admins there to come up with solutions. so whatever you arrive at FREELY thorugh your networks or entities, then other health care groups could model programs for people likewise, without imposing conflicts.

As for the importance of saving the lives our pets, if you don't think it's as important as many of the silly things Congress does, maybe you shouldn't be a pet owner.
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