Law and order...Democrat style...How does this make sense?

So as I was saying...

Poor tards. They think amnesty for illegals is a Democrat thing.

The fact is a vast, vast, vast super-super-majority of ALL Americans want amnesty for illegals.

The tards think the more topics they start whining about amnesty, the less of a minority they will look like.

It isn't working.

Most of us aren't against a path to citizenship. The problem here is that we keep getting lied to about if we just grant amnesty, we'll fix the system. It never happens, they just keep pouring in. Also, what's wrong with ensuring if you come here you bring something to the table? Seriously, how many landscapers and hotel housekeepers do we need?
Our immigrant labor force does the jobs Americans won't do. That's the way it is with every prosperous society.

We have full employment. You guys are constantly bragging about it these days. So the argument illegals are stealing jobs collapses. can’t for the life of you realize how fucking stupid you sound.
People who support law, order and the U.S. Constitution are only considered to be “bigots” by un-American pieces of realize that....right?
Maybe not referring to Mexicans as wetbacks might help with not being called a bigot?

Who used that term?
So as I was saying...

Poor tards. They think amnesty for illegals is a Democrat thing.

The fact is a vast, vast, vast super-super-majority of ALL Americans want amnesty for illegals.

The tards think the more topics they start whining about amnesty, the less of a minority they will look like.

It isn't working.

Most of us aren't against a path to citizenship. The problem here is that we keep getting lied to about if we just grant amnesty, we'll fix the system. It never happens, they just keep pouring in. Also, what's wrong with ensuring if you come here you bring something to the table? Seriously, how many landscapers and hotel housekeepers do we need?
Our immigrant labor force does the jobs Americans won't do. That's the way it is with every prosperous society.

We have full employment. You guys are constantly bragging about it these days. So the argument illegals are stealing jobs collapses.

Drywallers use to earn $18 per hour now they earn $12 per hour....thanks to your beloved wetbacks....TA-DA!
Why do the simplest of things have to be deeply explained to you fools?
Fuck it, why don’t you slave lovers just bring in some Zulus from the jungles...we can probably get them to bust their asses doing shit work for three packs of Top Ramen each day....huh?
So as I was saying...

Poor tards. They think amnesty for illegals is a Democrat thing.

The fact is a vast, vast, vast super-super-majority of ALL Americans want amnesty for illegals.

The tards think the more topics they start whining about amnesty, the less of a minority they will look like.

It isn't working.

Most of us aren't against a path to citizenship. The problem here is that we keep getting lied to about if we just grant amnesty, we'll fix the system. It never happens, they just keep pouring in. Also, what's wrong with ensuring if you come here you bring something to the table? Seriously, how many landscapers and hotel housekeepers do we need?
Our immigrant labor force does the jobs Americans won't do. That's the way it is with every prosperous society.

We have full employment. You guys are constantly bragging about it these days. So the argument illegals are stealing jobs collapses. can’t for the life of you realize how fucking stupid you sound.
People who support law, order and the U.S. Constitution are only considered to be “bigots” by un-American pieces of realize that....right?
Maybe not referring to Mexicans as wetbacks might help with not being called a bigot?

Who used that term?
A man breaks into a grocery store.
(A wetback breaks into the United States)
A man is caught in the grocery store illegally.
(A wetback is caught in the U.S. illegally)
A man is stealing groceries from the grocery store.
(A wetback is stealing from Americans)
Here where I live we have a big problem with the Mexicans and Central Americans. They refuse to assimilate, speak English, etc. We're having to teach them in Spanish. How is this acceptable?
So as I was saying...

Poor tards. They think amnesty for illegals is a Democrat thing.

The fact is a vast, vast, vast super-super-majority of ALL Americans want amnesty for illegals.

The tards think the more topics they start whining about amnesty, the less of a minority they will look like.

It isn't working.

Most of us aren't against a path to citizenship. The problem here is that we keep getting lied to about if we just grant amnesty, we'll fix the system. It never happens, they just keep pouring in. Also, what's wrong with ensuring if you come here you bring something to the table? Seriously, how many landscapers and hotel housekeepers do we need?
Our immigrant labor force does the jobs Americans won't do. That's the way it is with every prosperous society.

We have full employment. You guys are constantly bragging about it these days. So the argument illegals are stealing jobs collapses. can’t for the life of you realize how fucking stupid you sound.
People who support law, order and the U.S. Constitution are only considered to be “bigots” by un-American pieces of realize that....right?
Maybe not referring to Mexicans as wetbacks might help with not being called a bigot?

Who used that term?
I just love how the Tard Herd pretends they don't notice who they are running with.

He's securing the southern border and sending Mexican wetbacks home then redirecting the $100 billion we spend per year on said wetbacks through the hands of real Americans including the middle class. Isn't he fucking awesome...he puts "Americans First"!

The Left loves and supports their dangerous wetbacks, they love and support their savage negroes, they love and support their filthy Muslims.
Think about it...when is the last time you heard a LefTard condemn the ghetto beasts in St Louis or Chicago? The stars of the show...Wetbacks Gone Wild or Muslim terrorists?

Many, many examples.
So as I was saying...

Poor tards. They think amnesty for illegals is a Democrat thing.

The fact is a vast, vast, vast super-super-majority of ALL Americans want amnesty for illegals.

The tards think the more topics they start whining about amnesty, the less of a minority they will look like.

It isn't working.

Most of us aren't against a path to citizenship. The problem here is that we keep getting lied to about if we just grant amnesty, we'll fix the system. It never happens, they just keep pouring in. Also, what's wrong with ensuring if you come here you bring something to the table? Seriously, how many landscapers and hotel housekeepers do we need?
Our immigrant labor force does the jobs Americans won't do. That's the way it is with every prosperous society.

We have full employment. You guys are constantly bragging about it these days. So the argument illegals are stealing jobs collapses. can’t for the life of you realize how fucking stupid you sound.
People who support law, order and the U.S. Constitution are only considered to be “bigots” by un-American pieces of realize that....right?
Maybe not referring to Mexicans as wetbacks might help with not being called a bigot?

Who used that term?
What part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking over good Americans?
Just a taste
Here where I live we have a big problem with the Mexicans and Central Americans. They refuse to assimilate, speak English, etc. We're having to teach them in Spanish. How is this acceptable?
First generation immigrants have always been like that since our Founding. Their children grow up to be indistinguishable from all other Americans.
It depends on the school district. I used to work with a guy whose parents brought him to America when he was around ten years old. He was given no accommodations by the school. It was sink or swim.
A group of hooligans break into a grocery store, they’re caught red handed in the middle of the act.
Democrats say....well, since they’re already here and have already completed the illegal acts, lets just let them stay and take all they need. We’ll just pass the cost on to normal paying customers?

How could anyone sane see this as sensible? Am I missing something?
You are missing that you are given a false analogy. Comparing coming into a country to try to better your life as breaking into a grocery store, even going as far as referring to them as hooligans, which implies they're trashing the store on top of robbing it is a false analogy. Both could be technically considered a crime but they are completely different. Someone swimming the Rio Grande isn't there to steal what you have. He's there to make ends meat by laboring. He doesn't want to life outside the law, he very much wants to be included in society. Morally the motives for both acts are completely different, so are the consequences. Given analogies is a useful tool to make a point, given these kinds of analogies are at best foolish.

A group of hooligans break into a grocery store, they’re caught red handed in the middle of the act.
Democrats say....well, since they’re already here and have already completed the illegal acts, lets just let them stay and take all they need. We’ll just pass the cost on to normal paying customers?

How could anyone sane see this as sensible? Am I missing something?
You are missing that you are given a false analogy. Comparing coming into a country to try to better your life as breaking into a grocery store, even going as far as referring to them as hooligans, which implies they're trashing the store on top of robbing it is a false analogy. Both could be technically considered a crime but they are completely different. Someone swimming the Rio Grande isn't there to steal what you have. He's there to make ends meat by laboring. He doesn't want to life outside the law, he very much wants to be included in society. Morally the motives for both acts are completely different, so are the consequences. Given analogies is a useful tool to make a point, given these kinds of analogies are at best foolish.

You definitely win the award for Dumbass Of The Day. The analogy is identical...your spin is just that...A SPIN.....You're busting your ass trying to create separation between the two scenarios...there is none. Sorry bud, back to the drawing board...try again.
So robbing and trashing a grocery store is the same as swimming the Rio Grande? Give the argumentation to that if you can.

A man breaks into a grocery store.
(A wetback breaks into the United States)
A man is caught in the grocery store illegally.
(A wetback is caught in the U.S. illegally)
A man is stealing groceries from the grocery store.
(A wetback is stealing from Americans)

Are you starting to see the correlation Loon?
Nobody gives two shits about motives....we live in a first world nation founded on sovereignty, law and order.
Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?
What part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking over good Americans?

Breaking in to the United States and breaking in to the grocery store I'll allow for the analogy.
I'll even allow the second bit.
As to the third bit I have a problem. What is he stealing? Fruit picking? Exiting opportunities in gardening? Time in an ER to get basic care. Or the right to send his kids to school. You might not like it but he,or she works. For less money then other people. Providing production and services to fuel the economy. Stealing implies you take without offering anything back. THEY DO. So in the end what you have left is breaking into a grocery store to PAY for products. At the moment the US has what economist consider full employment this includes labor provided by Illegal immigrants. Who's going to do those jobs? I'm willing to answer the premise of your posts, use derogatory language again and I will consider you not interested in honest conversation. Oh and I also notice you didn't give a justification for reffering to robbers as hooligans. Weird to put that into the analogy

I really don’t have the time or patience to educate self manipulated fools...any evidence presented to you will be quickly you prefer to default to following your bleeding heart nobility’s what you do...I know your type, I have you pegged. You can’t give two shits about the fiscal responsibility of Americans and how it relates to playing nanny and spoon feeding illegal cockroaches. You’re noble as fuck when armed with my checkbook.
Pull your head from your ass and connect the dots bud....forget you’re one of them for a minute and try to think like a productive REAL American would.
Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY
Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY
Most of us aren't against a path to citizenship. The problem here is that we keep getting lied to about if we just grant amnesty, we'll fix the system. It never happens, they just keep pouring in. Also, what's wrong with ensuring if you come here you bring something to the table? Seriously, how many landscapers and hotel housekeepers do we need?
Our immigrant labor force does the jobs Americans won't do. That's the way it is with every prosperous society.

We have full employment. You guys are constantly bragging about it these days. So the argument illegals are stealing jobs collapses. can’t for the life of you realize how fucking stupid you sound.
People who support law, order and the U.S. Constitution are only considered to be “bigots” by un-American pieces of realize that....right?
Maybe not referring to Mexicans as wetbacks might help with not being called a bigot?

Who used that term?
I just love how the Tard Herd pretends they don't notice who they are running with.

He's securing the southern border and sending Mexican wetbacks home then redirecting the $100 billion we spend per year on said wetbacks through the hands of real Americans including the middle class. Isn't he fucking awesome...he puts "Americans First"!

The Left loves and supports their dangerous wetbacks, they love and support their savage negroes, they love and support their filthy Muslims.
Think about it...when is the last time you heard a LefTard condemn the ghetto beasts in St Louis or Chicago? The stars of the show...Wetbacks Gone Wild or Muslim terrorists?

Many, many examples.
Not for nothing g5000, I'm not a big fan of the tard comments. You can't call a person a bigot while at the same time using derogatory terms for the people you don't agree with, without sounding hypocritical. Just saying.
Most of us aren't against a path to citizenship. The problem here is that we keep getting lied to about if we just grant amnesty, we'll fix the system. It never happens, they just keep pouring in. Also, what's wrong with ensuring if you come here you bring something to the table? Seriously, how many landscapers and hotel housekeepers do we need?
Our immigrant labor force does the jobs Americans won't do. That's the way it is with every prosperous society.

We have full employment. You guys are constantly bragging about it these days. So the argument illegals are stealing jobs collapses. can’t for the life of you realize how fucking stupid you sound.
People who support law, order and the U.S. Constitution are only considered to be “bigots” by un-American pieces of realize that....right?
Maybe not referring to Mexicans as wetbacks might help with not being called a bigot?

Who used that term?
What part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking over good Americans?
Just a taste

Fair enough, but it really has nothing to do with my questions.
A group of hooligans break into a grocery store, they’re caught red handed in the middle of the act.
Democrats say....well, since they’re already here and have already completed the illegal acts, lets just let them stay and take all they need. We’ll just pass the cost on to normal paying customers?

How could anyone sane see this as sensible? Am I missing something?
You are missing that you are given a false analogy. Comparing coming into a country to try to better your life as breaking into a grocery store, even going as far as referring to them as hooligans, which implies they're trashing the store on top of robbing it is a false analogy. Both could be technically considered a crime but they are completely different. Someone swimming the Rio Grande isn't there to steal what you have. He's there to make ends meat by laboring. He doesn't want to life outside the law, he very much wants to be included in society. Morally the motives for both acts are completely different, so are the consequences. Given analogies is a useful tool to make a point, given these kinds of analogies are at best foolish.

You are missing that you are given a false analogy. Comparing coming into a country to try to better your life as breaking into a grocery store, even going as far as referring to them as hooligans, which implies they're trashing the store on top of robbing it is a false analogy. Both could be technically considered a crime but they are completely different. Someone swimming the Rio Grande isn't there to steal what you have. He's there to make ends meat by laboring. He doesn't want to life outside the law, he very much wants to be included in society. Morally the motives for both acts are completely different, so are the consequences. Given analogies is a useful tool to make a point, given these kinds of analogies are at best foolish.

You definitely win the award for Dumbass Of The Day. The analogy is identical...your spin is just that...A SPIN.....You're busting your ass trying to create separation between the two scenarios...there is none. Sorry bud, back to the drawing board...try again.
So robbing and trashing a grocery store is the same as swimming the Rio Grande? Give the argumentation to that if you can.

A man breaks into a grocery store.
(A wetback breaks into the United States)
A man is caught in the grocery store illegally.
(A wetback is caught in the U.S. illegally)
A man is stealing groceries from the grocery store.
(A wetback is stealing from Americans)

Are you starting to see the correlation Loon?
Nobody gives two shits about motives....we live in a first world nation founded on sovereignty, law and order.
Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?
What part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking over good Americans?

Breaking in to the United States and breaking in to the grocery store I'll allow for the analogy.
I'll even allow the second bit.
As to the third bit I have a problem. What is he stealing? Fruit picking? Exiting opportunities in gardening? Time in an ER to get basic care. Or the right to send his kids to school. You might not like it but he,or she works. For less money then other people. Providing production and services to fuel the economy. Stealing implies you take without offering anything back. THEY DO. So in the end what you have left is breaking into a grocery store to PAY for products. At the moment the US has what economist consider full employment this includes labor provided by Illegal immigrants. Who's going to do those jobs? I'm willing to answer the premise of your posts, use derogatory language again and I will consider you not interested in honest conversation. Oh and I also notice you didn't give a justification for reffering to robbers as hooligans. Weird to put that into the analogy

I really don’t have the time or patience to educate self manipulated fools...any evidence presented to you will be quickly you prefer to default to following your bleeding heart nobility’s what you do...I know your type, I have you pegged. You can’t give two shits about the fiscal responsibility of Americans and how it relates to playing nanny and spoon feeding illegal cockroaches. You’re noble as fuck when armed with my checkbook.
Pull your head from your ass and connect the dots bud....forget you’re one of them for a minute and try to think like a productive REAL American would.
Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY
Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY
Ah the whole, "I have a counterargument but you are unworthy of me providing it, tack." Sorry to tell you but I have you pegged too, and I rather be me than you. At least when it comes down to it, I don't have to hide behind logical fallacies to make my point. Goodnight.
A group of hooligans break into a grocery store, they’re caught red handed in the middle of the act.
Democrats say....well, since they’re already here and have already completed the illegal acts, lets just let them stay and take all they need. We’ll just pass the cost on to normal paying customers?

How could anyone sane see this as sensible? Am I missing something?
You are missing that you are given a false analogy. Comparing coming into a country to try to better your life as breaking into a grocery store, even going as far as referring to them as hooligans, which implies they're trashing the store on top of robbing it is a false analogy. Both could be technically considered a crime but they are completely different. Someone swimming the Rio Grande isn't there to steal what you have. He's there to make ends meat by laboring. He doesn't want to life outside the law, he very much wants to be included in society. Morally the motives for both acts are completely different, so are the consequences. Given analogies is a useful tool to make a point, given these kinds of analogies are at best foolish.

You definitely win the award for Dumbass Of The Day. The analogy is identical...your spin is just that...A SPIN.....You're busting your ass trying to create separation between the two scenarios...there is none. Sorry bud, back to the drawing board...try again.
So robbing and trashing a grocery store is the same as swimming the Rio Grande? Give the argumentation to that if you can.

Actually the beaner invaders are far worse.
Our immigrant labor force does the jobs Americans won't do. That's the way it is with every prosperous society.

We have full employment. You guys are constantly bragging about it these days. So the argument illegals are stealing jobs collapses. can’t for the life of you realize how fucking stupid you sound.
People who support law, order and the U.S. Constitution are only considered to be “bigots” by un-American pieces of realize that....right?
Maybe not referring to Mexicans as wetbacks might help with not being called a bigot?

Who used that term?
What part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking over good Americans?
Just a taste

Fair enough, but it really has nothing to do with my questions.
I haven't really been looking at your posts. Not that they aren't honest questions but I usually try to stay around the subject of the OP. This revolves around illegal immigration in my view. Merit based immigration is a valid consideration. I personally feel that the US can bear to be more generous in allowing those less fortunate entry and help them assimilate and improve. Germany took a million and they are WAY smaller in room. Not saying it doesn't create problems but you can make a clear case for immigration being the ONLY solution to an aging demographic. Wanting to have the argument is perfectly fine, but have an HONEST conversation. Not like our friend here using false analogies and bigoted comments.
Last edited:

This is a fictional hypothetical Gramps....the correlation being the basis for Amnesty coming from Democrats.
The ole.....”well, they’re already here....let’s let them stay” bullshit.

If a law breaking thug ISIS family sneaked across our border would we let them stay because of the kids? How about a Taliban family or Hamas family? How about a North Korean member of Kim's inner circle family and his kids? How about Putin's right hand man and family?
Trump is here so that has your putins correct hand man covered!

Your Trump derangement syndrome is off the charts :itsok:

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