Laura Bush says that they were poisoned at the G8

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Laura Bush alleges poisoning in new book - Blogs from

However, the Secret Service said they had a virus.
She also said, in her new book, that when she ran a stop sign and killed her boyfriend the stop sign was very small.

Are you a journalist by any chance?

Because in just two sentences, you managed to mispresent three basic facts from the article.

1. According to the article, the Secret Service did not say they had a virus.

According to Mrs. Bush, doctors and the Secret Service investigated the possibility a poisoning had occurred but were unable to make a definitive conclusion.

2. The individual killed was not, according to the article, her boyfriend.

... a tragic 1963 car collision in Midland, Texas that killed her good friend who happened to be driving the other car.

3. The article did not say that she said the sign was very small.

Mrs. Bush writes she and a friend were talking when she ran the stop sign but also says the intersection was highly dangerous, the road was dark, and she could barely see the stop sign.

In conclusion, you are either:

a. a fucking hack

b. a total moron who is incapable of very, very basic comprehension.

c. both

So, which is it?
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I doubt they were poisoned, they were on a plane for along time flying to Germany, they probably had the Nora virus or something. I got it when I was first pregnant, and I lost the hearing in one of my ears for awhile. And as for her car accident, it happened along time ago, and we all make mistakes.
Oops. My bad.

Four lies in one title and two sentences. There is not one single sentence in the article that supports your title. Even the link itself uses the word 'alleges' not 'says'. Fucking idiot.
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Oops. My bad.

Four lies in one title and two sentences. There is not one single sentence in the article that supports your title. Even the link itself uses the word 'alleges' not 'says'. Fucking idiot.
He could write for the NYT right now.

He could indeed. That's an impressive amount of complete crap for such a short post. No wonder he ran away... I guess it's easier to do that than to 'fess up and be a man about it.

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