Largest Muslim PAC endorses comrade Bernie


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Just another reason to make sure this Bolshevik doesn't get anywhere near the White House.

Presidential Candidate 2020 - Emgage PAC

Bernie Sanders snags endorsement from top Muslim group

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders earned an endorsement this week from the self-proclaimed largest Muslim political action committee in the United States.

Emgage PAC announced their support of the Vermont senator on Thursday, saying the decision was based on his “inclusive” presidential campaign.

“More than any other presidential candidate, Senator Sanders has built a historically inclusive and forward-thinking movement: one that represents America as a set of ideas grounded in the belief that all humans are equal and worthy of a dignified life,” Emgage PAC CEO Wa'el Alzayat said in a statement.

“Our endorsement is intended to galvanize Muslim Americans at the polls to ensure that our voices are heard. Furthermore, we hope that this endorsement marks a new era of presidential candidates including Muslim American voices in the political process and policy-making decisions," he added.

An effort has been made by the Sanders campaign to make inroads with the Muslim community, members of which have felt largely ignored by the 2020 field.

Since announcing his candidacy for president, Sanders has appointed a Muslim campaign manager, named a prominent Muslim activist as a campaign surrogate, and visited a mosque to honor the victims of a New Zealand terrorist attack.

Bernie Sanders snags endorsement from top Muslim group
Of course they love Democrats, as it's the Party Of Treason and will not stand in the way of anything Muslims do. It's the Party that elected our first Muslim President, who then handed billions over to the world's leading Muslim terrorist regime and the Party who works the hardest at promoting the genocide of Israelis and Xians. Can anybody seriously see Bernie Sanders doing anything to stop terrorists and kiddie rapers? lol of course not.
Just another reason to make sure this Bolshevik doesn't get anywhere near the White House.

Presidential Candidate 2020 - Emgage PAC

Bernie Sanders snags endorsement from top Muslim group

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders earned an endorsement this week from the self-proclaimed largest Muslim political action committee in the United States.

Emgage PAC announced their support of the Vermont senator on Thursday, saying the decision was based on his “inclusive” presidential campaign.

“More than any other presidential candidate, Senator Sanders has built a historically inclusive and forward-thinking movement: one that represents America as a set of ideas grounded in the belief that all humans are equal and worthy of a dignified life,” Emgage PAC CEO Wa'el Alzayat said in a statement.

“Our endorsement is intended to galvanize Muslim Americans at the polls to ensure that our voices are heard. Furthermore, we hope that this endorsement marks a new era of presidential candidates including Muslim American voices in the political process and policy-making decisions," he added.

An effort has been made by the Sanders campaign to make inroads with the Muslim community, members of which have felt largely ignored by the 2020 field.

Since announcing his candidacy for president, Sanders has appointed a Muslim campaign manager, named a prominent Muslim activist as a campaign surrogate, and visited a mosque to honor the victims of a New Zealand terrorist attack.

Bernie Sanders snags endorsement from top Muslim group[/QUOTE]
In most Communist countries like China and Russia, Islam is attacked constantly because the Commies know if the rag heads get a larger population than the locals, the Moooslims will attack and wipe out their countries.

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