Lancelot/Mordred: A Trump Discography


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Sep 22, 2013
I think one of the results of this modern-day preoccupation with pedestrianism recordkeeping with high-speed toys (i.e., Facebook) is an undoubted colloquialism construction of erudition/academics. It's no surprise Hollywood (USA) makes conversation-starter films such as Heaven Can Wait and Sin City.

How will Trump's brand of 'uncouth honesty' in front of the camera/microphone fit into this new world 'culture'? Will historians call Trump the 'token capitalist' or the 'capitalism angel'?

I think Trump will need a lot of pro-administration comic book stylized storytelling/art in the vein of Thomas Nast and Dr. Seuss. Heck, other presidents had the support of film-makers such as Frank Capra and Oliver Stone.

Here's something I wrote that might complement President Trump's brand of 'federalism-biased bravado.'

Do you have a Trump-relevant/symbolic 'tall-tale' of your own?


Lancelot and Mordred went through a time-travel portal Merlin opened up in Old England. They ended up in two different decades in modern-day America (1980 and 2015). Lancelot began dating Miss Delaware and supermodel Kate Banaszak, while Mordred started dating Ornella Muti, beautiful actress who portrays an evil woman in the space-adventure Flash Gordon. Both knights were happy with their women, but they heard Merlin warn them of the dangers of extreme self-indulgence in wayward lands and cultures, so they returned to their original mission.

Lancelot explained to Kate that he was to find a way to use the Internet to destabilize the folk mythology surrounding Mordred, which Merlin foresaw would undermine the strength of Arthur's majestic kingdom of Camelot. Mordred explained to Ornella that he had to use movie studios to promote the reign of his mother Morgan, the only real female challenger to Arthur's supreme authority. Kate and Ornella stepped aside to allow the knights to do their work, believing they were at least men of sincere storytelling passions. Kate wanted to draw Lancelot to become a supporter/defender of the Trump Administration, since President Trump was suffering from numerous scandals/critiques in the press.

Lancelot joined Facebook where he started talking about JFK's gossip-centric relationship with the beautiful Marilyn Monroe (since JFK was likened to Camelot). Mordred made a deal with Woody Allen so he would consider making films about the overt audacity of men and women caught up in 'anti-federalism sentimentalism,' and Allen would heed the advice and go on to make the civilization-dissection film Celebrity. Agreeing that their missions were complete, Lancelot and Mordred went back through the time portal Merlin showed them and ended up back in Old England --- ready to do 'normal' Medieval Times jousts and sword-fights. The women they left behind though (Lancelot and Mordred) continued to pine for the men they deemed to be 'strange visitors' bringing 'strange messages' about power and the 'Utopian Republic.'





How about two groups of uniformed Sunnis and Shiite associates dressed in khaki-fashions but disagreeing about consumerism limits? Would such a potential 'couture war' draw the attention of the Trump Administration? Thomas Hobbes wrote in Leviathan (or at least suggested) that the complementary forces of anti-establismentarianism create 'alien-like entities' (e.g., cannibals, psychics, fascists, prodigies, etc.). Does commerce create a demand for humanism-romantic philosophy/storytelling, and will that be a primary focus of the Trump Administration?


The Khakis

Just as George W. Bush dealt with the Taliban, Trump will face the elemental San Francisco underground domestic terrorism association known to Hollywood celebrity Tom Cruise and former U.S. President Bill Clinton only. Cruise travels to Thailand and has terrific Thai food and then goes undercover to hunt for the pro-Trump party arriving prior to an economics diplomacy meeting between Thailand's figurehead and President Trump. He is the masked vigilante known as Green Hornet. Hornet attacks the pro-Trump party in the name of the terrorism association.

When Cruise is arrested, he is forced to give up the name of the terrorism organization known as Cobra. Cruise tells them that Cobra Commander is infiltrating modern civilization through the Internet (a cyber-terrorist if you will) and Serpentor (a genetically-engineered super-soldier) has become a movie star. According to Cruise, Serpentor is a Russian soldier from a pro-Kremlin gang of Cossacks. The US Government creates a special anti-terrorism strike-force known as G.I. Joe and Tom Cruise, Robert Carlyle, Allen Iverson, Ben Affleck, and a handful of Navymen as well as students from West Point and Notre Dame are part of the recruits.

G.I. Joe tries to kill Cobra Commander and Serpentor, but Tom Cruise falls in love with Serpentor's ex-girlfriend Pythona and is betrayed by her after thinking her to be an ally. Many Joes are killed, but Cruise and Pythona run away together. They go to the jungles of the Amazon and become part of the a native swamp-jungle land people known as the Doods who sometimes eat human flesh instead of animal meat! Cruise wonders for a moment if he misses the life of the wanderings of an anti-Dominion 'idealist' (in khakis of course!) entertaining two devotional subjects in American politics, but he realizes he is quite confident the Trump Administration has what it takes to turn finance-wizardry into practical/profitable fiber. Cruise and Pythona retire on a deserted island together in bliss. They never again worry about terrorism.


Fight the Devil


Mandrake was dealing with an evil alter-ego of the Flash (Barry Allen) and ready to come out of the fires of boundless hell. Mandrake was at a Yale Symposium about Illusion-Visuals Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia. Mandrake was a consummate magician with skills that made him seem nearly a telepath. The evil Flash, however wanted to seduce humanity into cynicism by telling them the vast computer network stretching across the modern globe created a suffocating 'grid of electricity,' so humanity would go into philosophical hysteria over the possibility of loss of psychological connection to organics.

Mandrake decided to use his Yale platform to send out a TV signal (on Yale TV, nationalized for the pre-game entertainment for the NCAA college football championship (between Notre Dame and BYU) show called "The Pre-Game Illusion Hour," during which he used coins and money to do tricks and perform illusions in front of the national audience. He told everyone that evil Flash's main intention was to subvert our basic and straightforward faith that sociological type-casting can work for a relatively electable U.S. President (Donald Trump) who can make people feel 'energized' about profiteerism-politics but not necessarily for an arson-minded fanatical pseudo-ecoterrorist.

Mandrake was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with using media and social intelligence to 'exorcise' the demonic presence of the anti-establishmentarian 'evil Flash.' He defeated the villain with media engagement, common sense and good faith in the public (the audience), and savvy logic-play regarding images of objects disappearing/reappearing. You had to hand it to Mandrake the Magician (who studied psychology at Duke University) for finding a way to use spatio-temporal gap imagination to downplay the overbearing brain-striking capitalism-piracy and profit-mentalism influence and message of 'evil Flash.' Would evil Flash consider becoming a reformed citizen and working ethically with the pro-capitalism Trump Administration?


mandrake2.png evil-flash.jpg

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