Lake Tahoe Club: Tartar/Brady/Dianetics (American Dives?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does the concept of insurance make you depressed?


"We Americans appreciate the tourism and amenities of skiing and sightseeing in Lake Tahoe (Nevada). That's why various people/citizens of this great nation have built a special 'Tartar Club' in Lake Tahoe devoted to the celebration of modern-day access to various consumerism amenities that are 'immune' from the anti-TrumpUSA protest-problems of everyday governance. No, we're not gluttons or apathetics; we're merely patriots of a different perspective --- one of capitalism solace!"


"Ajay Satan is a member of the Tartar Club. An Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'democracy-defending vigilante,' Ajay writes about pornography/censorship in the age of media and uses ancient world and new world avatars such as Medusa and Catwoman. Ajay considers himself a 'seeker' of capitalism virtue, which makes him an ideal 'American' and a great member of the democracy-symbolic Tartar Club [TC]. Of course, the TC is multicultural."


"Members of TC sometimes wear/carry/keep New England Patriots Super Bowl victory-rings which they purchased from various merchants/vendors in America. These Patriots sings symbolize the TC's commitment to media amenities, social values, sportsmanship/fanfare, TV access(!), and of course, Tom Brady appreciation. Who can be an American without a decent/peaceful admiration of NFL diarism?"


"Super-celebrity Tom Cruise is no stranger to sports-marketing culture, which is why he made the sports-culture film Jerry Maguire. Cruise understands the impact of media and networks in the modern world of consumerism and merchandising. That's why he sometimes uses his media-status to espouse personal interests in Scientology/Dianetics, and we Americans see first-hand the power of TV and media in this age of capitalism-flowery. This is all patriotism (right?)."


"The TC in Lake Tahoe (Nevada) sees tight CIA/NSA securities, and American patrols, so that anti-capitalists terrorists from radical groups such as ISIS do not infiltrate and 'scan' the pedestrian 'flavor' of the American spirit. The TC is devoted to free-speech and domestic values and tourism amenities in this great country we call the USA. The TC may even invite NFL QB Tom Brady (Patriots) and his wife Gisele for a special Halloween weekend vacation, to remind them that American citizens really still do care about 'American dives'."


"You never know what celebrity might surface as a secret 'member' of the TC. It might be a popular actress like Jennifer Connelly or a celebrated talented actor like Harrison Ford. The point is, the appeal of TC reminds the world that anti-American terrorism has not scarred our sense of general traffic securities in this age of transit and commerce. We still hold dear basic 'cultural monuments' such as the Smithsonian Institute and SeaWorld."


"If there's a news-story coming out of Lake Tahoe this winter of a deranged serial-killer going by the name of Scream of Red-Mask, you know such a psychopath seeks only to undermine the basic joys of TC pride and its role in the great American Dream. We know that FBI agents are stationed for TC security so that journalists can cite the TC as a 'beacon' of modern-day media flowery, all of which is perfectly ornamental and harmless. Whatever happened to Woodstock?"


TRUMP: I want in on this TC Halloween party!
INSURANCE-AGENT: Well, Mr. President, you'll need 'special insurance.'
TRUMP: I can't stand insurance-gibberish...
INSURANCE-AGENT: No, this is for your safety and protection!
TRUMP: Alright, what're you selling, insurance guy?
INSURANCE-AGENT: We're offering you and the First Lady first-class TC party securities.
TRUMP: Sounds promising...
INSURANCE-AGENT: So before you land on the TC Halloween Eve fiesta, take this ID card.
TRUMP: I get it; there's a 'traffic logic' to American hospitality now.
INSURANCE-AGENT: We knew you'd talk to us.




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