Ladies and Gentlemen... what is teaching your children...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
I would fast forward to about the 1:30 mark to skip the commentators opinions and go straight to the interview.

To me, several things to note.
He cannot defend his position. Clearly. This man-lady is the KING of obfuscation. Every single question is met with generalities, 3 paragraphs of verbal vomit that means absolutely nothing.
He cannot specifically address anything. His opinions are from the twilight zone and he never leaves it.

Your taxes are paying this moron to poison out children.

I would fast forward to about the 1:30 mark to skip the commentators opinions and go straight to the interview.

To me, several things to note.
He cannot defend his position. Clearly. This man-lady is the KING of obfuscation. Every single question is met with generalities, 3 paragraphs of verbal vomit that means absolutely nothing.
He cannot specifically address anything. His opinions are from the twilight zone and he never leaves it.

Your taxes are paying this moron to poison out children.

Well worth going into 6 figure debt to get the chance to absorb such wisdom.
I would fast forward to about the 1:30 mark to skip the commentators opinions and go straight to the interview.

To me, several things to note.
He cannot defend his position. Clearly. This man-lady is the KING of obfuscation. Every single question is met with generalities, 3 paragraphs of verbal vomit that means absolutely nothing.
He cannot specifically address anything. His opinions are from the twilight zone and he never leaves it.

Your taxes are paying this moron to poison out children.

I Love how waters outsmarts this idiot into trapping himself over and over.
With virtually no effort, Waters got him to state his opinion, which is this:

ALL white men (not black men or hispanics...just white) are obnoxious, forceful and use their masculinity to make everyone do what they want them to do.

So.... where the F*CK have I been??? I consider myself a pretty intelligent guy, if I had known all I have to do to get everything I want is to walk with my arms jutted out and breath heavy and shit - I could make all my dreams come true.
Perhaps I should take this woman-want-to-be's class and learn more about how I can use my manhood to get what I want.

And what fing "white privilege" did I partake of? My parents weren't rich, in fact we were a bit above dirt poor. I went to public schools, then to the military and then slugged through too damn many years in public service, NEVER even making $15 an hour. After marrying my wife I stopped working (she was a nurse) and stayed home raising my step-daughter (as well as home schooling her). Now, when medical conditions prevent me from holding employment, I check with Social Security about some disability. Since I hadn't been employed in over ten years they said NO. I got nothing coming till I can draw my Social Security.

So she can take her "white men taking privileges" and shove it so far up her a** she chokes on it.

I would fast forward to about the 1:30 mark to skip the commentators opinions and go straight to the interview.

To me, several things to note.
He cannot defend his position. Clearly. This man-lady is the KING of obfuscation. Every single question is met with generalities, 3 paragraphs of verbal vomit that means absolutely nothing.
He cannot specifically address anything. His opinions are from the twilight zone and he never leaves it.

Your taxes are paying this moron to poison out children.

This person is clearly miserable and seeks to pass the misery around. Her message is rejected.
I would fast forward to about the 1:30 mark to skip the commentators opinions and go straight to the interview.

To me, several things to note.
He cannot defend his position. Clearly. This man-lady is the KING of obfuscation. Every single question is met with generalities, 3 paragraphs of verbal vomit that means absolutely nothing.
He cannot specifically address anything. His opinions are from the twilight zone and he never leaves it.

Your taxes are paying this moron to poison out children.

Okay iamwhatiseem
then by this "toxic masculinity"
all liberals should renounce the Democratic abuse of "patriarchal politics"
to bully by coercion and exclusion through majority rule and judicial rule
that also exploits authority to force people against their free choice, beliefs and consent.

As I posted before, if Democrats, liberals and LGBT contest the abuse of women by making them "dependent on men"
economically and socially, then why keep promoting dependence on GOVT in an "abusive relationship" to keep people submissive?
If these white guys, the ones who insist on playing identity politics, would stop doing so, there wouldn't be a problem. It's the "diva" attitude that gets them rejected, not simply their race and sex.
I would fast forward to about the 1:30 mark to skip the commentators opinions and go straight to the interview.

To me, several things to note.
He cannot defend his position. Clearly. This man-lady is the KING of obfuscation. Every single question is met with generalities, 3 paragraphs of verbal vomit that means absolutely nothing.
He cannot specifically address anything. His opinions are from the twilight zone and he never leaves it.

Your taxes are paying this moron to poison out children.

Okay iamwhatiseem
then by this "toxic masculinity"
all liberals should renounce the Democratic abuse of "patriarchal politics"
to bully by coercion and exclusion through majority rule and judicial rule
that also exploits authority to force people against their free choice, beliefs and consent.

As I posted before, if Democrats, liberals and LGBT contest the abuse of women by making them "dependent on men"
economically and socially, then why keep promoting dependence on GOVT in an "abusive relationship" to keep people submissive?

Sure, it is the same concept with increasing government takeover of our health system.
The approval ratings of the two houses are abysmal, only to be outdone by an even lower trust rating... YET ... the same people want to make the same corrupt/inept politicians more powerful with more controls.
It makes no sense.
Like I have said here plenty of times, millenials want to replace their parents with the government. They want free eveything with no strings attached, and to protect their feelings.

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