Labor Dept. Waives 60-Day Notice To Help Obama Win


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Do you think this will make the MSM or be buried?

Labor Dept. Waives 60-Day Notice To Help Obama Win

Posted 06:48 PM ET

Politics: An administration that doesn't want layoff notices required by law going out days before the November election is telling defense contractors they don't have to send them for the cuts required by sequestration.

As the heads of major defense contractors Lockheed Martin, EADS North America, Pratt & Whitney and Williams-Pyro testified recently before the House Armed Services Committee, they are bound by law to give employees 60 days' notice if their jobs are going to be terminated as a result of sequestration cuts scheduled for Jan. 2.

Federal law under the WARN (Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notice) Act required employers to give workers a minimum of 60 days notice before potential mass layoffs.

That means layoff warning notices could go out to hundreds of thousands of workers just days before the presidential election, a prospect President Obama and his administration do not relish.

To avoid the electoral consequences of these cuts, the Department of Labor (DOL) is informing defense contractors that since sequestration hasn't actually happened yet, and some in Congress are trying to find ways around it, it might be nice if they didn't obey federal law and send out the pink slips just this once.

Otherwise, outraged voters might give President Obama a pink slip a few days later.

Defense Contractors Told By Obama Administration To Skip Pre-election Pink Slips -
Sorry.. Didn't see the other thread. Would a mod please merge? Thanks

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