LA School super fires everyone to smash "culture of silence"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010

Talk about testicular fortitude! Good on him. And if you go to the link and read up on this man, he's really taking action in his school district. There may be hope for underprivileged children stuck in a rotting public school system with this man working to "fix" the "unfixable".

Los Angeles school fires ENTIRE staff after teachers 'sexually abused students and fed them semen'

Faced with a shocking case of a teacher accused of playing classroom sex games with children for years, Los Angeles schools Superintendent John Deasy delivered another jolt: He removed the school's entire staff — from custodians to the principal — to smash what he called a 'culture of silence.'

'It was a quick, responsible, responsive action to a heinous situation,' he said. 'We're not going to spend a long time debating student safety.'

The controversial decision underscores the 51-year-old superintendent's shake-up of the lethargic bureaucracy at the nation's second-largest school district. His swift, bold moves have rankled some and won praise from others during his first year of leadership.

Read more: Entire staff at Los Angeles Miramonte Elementary school is fired after shocking sexual abuse allegations of teachers | Mail Online
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Must not be a lib to act so decisively. Then again, the Union and PTA will destroy him if they get their way.

Cultures of corruption are hard to destroy.

While I applaud Mr. Deasy's efforts on behalf of the school district, efforts that are seemingly working, I wonder if the firings might not be a bit hasty. Only insofar as there have been no convictions on the charges faced by the two teachers.

I am cautiously reminded of the McMartin Pre-School case...
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See that's what they shoulda' done at Penn State (Pedo State).

Child abusers can't be reformed, only removed.

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