Kyl: Obama told me he won’t secure the border until Congress agrees to amnesty

Wouldn't this be interesting....not saying it's going to happen, but when all else fails...pull the switch.

With his approval rating plunging, along with the economy and faced with growing criticism for the lack of federal enforcement of U.S. immigration laws, Obama knows that there will be no vote before November, on so-called ‘comprehensive immigration reform,’ (amnesty for illegal aliens).

Unable to deliver amnesty as he promised, at least through Constitutional means, there is mounting concern that Obama will use the power of executive order to do so. As I have said before…We will be told that granting citizenship to such a large group of people at once will be a tremendous boost to our tax base, and end our exploding budget deficits.
Obama may be planning to grant amnesty to illegal aliens by executive order

That article makes a claim and then combats the claim it made with no evidence other than a letter written by some congress members. I do not believe Obama would use the executive power in that manner. Remember, these politicians are the same breed that brought us such massive mental realizations as the possibility to capsize Guam with 8K troops. The fact they wrote a letter does not hold much weight.
Wouldn't this be interesting....not saying it's going to happen, but when all else fails...pull the switch.

With his approval rating plunging, along with the economy and faced with growing criticism for the lack of federal enforcement of U.S. immigration laws, Obama knows that there will be no vote before November, on so-called ‘comprehensive immigration reform,’ (amnesty for illegal aliens).

Unable to deliver amnesty as he promised, at least through Constitutional means, there is mounting concern that Obama will use the power of executive order to do so. As I have said before…We will be told that granting citizenship to such a large group of people at once will be a tremendous boost to our tax base, and end our exploding budget deficits.
Obama may be planning to grant amnesty to illegal aliens by executive order

That article makes a claim and then combats the claim it made with no evidence other than a letter written by some congress members. I do not believe Obama would use the executive power in that manner. Remember, these politicians are the same breed that brought us such massive mental realizations as the possibility to capsize Guam with 8K troops. The fact they wrote a letter does not hold much weight.

I doubt that barry would do it either, but.......
A Fool's Errand -- Graham Sent to Convince Republicans on Amnesty Mar 5, 2010 ... Last Monday, Barack Obama met with Senator Lindsay Graham and others to lay out a plan get a new amnesty bill passed through Congress (L.A. ...
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Idaho Observer: Citizens outraged over Bush alien amnesty plans Pro-amnesty Mexican/American Linda Chavez has circulated an email calling for her people to throw their support around President Bush for reelection in 2004 ... - Cached
As shocking as this post might be did you really think it would be any other way? I don't understand why everyone is surprised by the way Obama does things. I will give that clown that. He has done exactly what he said he would do. If you don't like if vote him out!

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