Krugman finally admits it ...The Libs Want Death Panels


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
this guy even looks like a wako

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Well, that "wacko" is an international renowned economist and Nobel winner.

But that's beside the point: He didn't say anything about what "the libs" want, he only talked about what he thinks we might need.
This all vindicates Sarah Palin. She was right about Death Panels and thanks to her she brought attention to it that caused so much opposition to this bill that now they want to repeal it.
Well, that "wacko" is an international renowned economist and Nobel winner.

But that's beside the point: He didn't say anything about what "the libs" want, he only talked about what he thinks we might need.
Yeah...We might need to push gramma out onto the ice floe.

Good thing you progressive authoritarian central planners are sooooo caring and compassionate and understanding. :rolleyes:
Sorry, it has to be done....

Well, that "wacko" is an international renowned economist and Nobel winner.

But that's beside the point: He didn't say anything about what "the libs" want, he only talked about what he thinks we might need.

He's a nobel winner? Since obama was also given one for doing nothing at all, having be given one really has lost all meaning.
Well, that "wacko" is an international renowned economist and Nobel winner.

But that's beside the point: He didn't say anything about what "the libs" want, he only talked about what he thinks we might need.

He's a nobel winner? Since obama was also given one for doing nothing at all, having be given one really has lost all meaning.

not to mention the fact that Arafat won it.
There are currently two strategies, the second of which is being covered up.

1. Death Panels: Keep Medicare, but get rid of costly, ineffective end-of-life procedures. Also, give the patient more control over end-of-life care, e.g., get patients to decide if they want to be kept alive in a vegetative state indefinitely or not. [FYI: These kinds of end-of-life policy suggestions were first made by a Republican]

2) Death: Get rid of Medicare completely. Millions of elderly people depend on medicare. The elderly would be deprived not just of some ineffective end-of-life procedures, but all medical care provided under Medicare. This would result in a social nightmare of epic proportions.

The point of the Reagan Revolution has always been to get rid of Medicare and Social Security (which are the greatest Liberal postwar policy achievements).

The GOP used fear of medicare cuts to get seniors to erupt at town hall meetings in protest of ObamaCare. Here is what seniors don't understand: the GOP is not going to protect their end-of-life medicare procedures, they're getting rid of Medicare (and Social Security) altogether.

The GOP is leading blind sheep to slaughter. People have no idea what the next phase of the Republican Revolution involves. This country is going to be a much different place in ten years. The kind of poverty we are about to see will completely erode the social contract. The wealthy will be barricaded in hyper secure, self-sufficient "Green Zones" . . . while the vast bulk of Americans will live in hopeless squalor, amidst crumbling roads & crime, and unreliable water, heat, transportation, food, and health systems . . . surrounded by massive prisons.
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Well, that "wacko" is an international renowned economist and Nobel winner.

But that's beside the point: He didn't say anything about what "the libs" want, he only talked about what he thinks we might need.

He's a nobel winner? Since obama was also given one for doing nothing at all, having be given one really has lost all meaning.

Of course, there's a difference between the Nobel Peace Prize and the Nobel Prize for Economics. But continue as you were.
Well, that "wacko" is an international renowned economist and Nobel winner.

But that's beside the point: He didn't say anything about what "the libs" want, he only talked about what he thinks we might need.
Yeah...We might need to push gramma out onto the ice floe.

Good thing you progressive authoritarian central planners are sooooo caring and compassionate and understanding. :rolleyes:
If it makes you feel better to fantasize about me, feel free to.

That, of course is completely different from people like you, who want to end Medicare entirely, which of course would kill a shitload more "grammas".
Wrong, yet again.

What in the world is it that makes you believe that people would be "dying in the streets", without big bloated gubmint bureaucracies like Medicare/Medicaid?

Perhaps the same thing that makes you believe that rationing Medicare would be "sending Gramma out on the ice floe". You can't have it both ways.
There are currently two strategies, the second of which is being covered up.

1. Death Panels: Keep Medicare, but get rid of costly, ineffective end-of-life procedures. Also, give the patient more control over end-of-life care, e.g., get patients to decide if they want to be kept alive in a vegetative state indefinitely or not. [FYI: These kinds of end-of-life policy suggestions were first made by a Republican]

2) Death: Get rid of Medicare completely. This would result in millions of early deaths because so many elderly people depend on medicare.

The GOP's ultimate goal is to get rid of Medicare. This program, with Social Security, represents the most important Middle Class program of the Liberal New Deal era.

The GOP is scaring old people by telling them that their end-of-life Medicare services will be scaled back. The GOP actually drove old people to town hall meetings to protest ObamaCare.

Here is what seniors don't understand: the GOP is not merely going to cut some of their end-of-life procedures, they are getting rid of Medicare and Social Security altogether.

The GOP is literally leading these blind sheep to slaughter. People have no idea what the next phase of the Republican Revolution involves. This country is going to be a much different place in ten years.

Just the GOP? Why is alwayes just the Republicans who alwayes want to get rid of medicare? When in facts obama wants it done.
Wrong, yet again.

What in the world is it that makes you believe that people would be "dying in the streets", without big bloated gubmint bureaucracies like Medicare/Medicaid?

Perhaps the same thing that makes you believe that rationing Medicare would be "sending Gramma out on the ice floe". You can't have it both ways.
The term "rationing" presumes that some will be treated while others are denied...Even though those being denied could pay their own way.

Have you any grasp of the English language?
Wrong, yet again.

What in the world is it that makes you believe that people would be "dying in the streets", without big bloated gubmint bureaucracies like Medicare/Medicaid?

Perhaps the same thing that makes you believe that rationing Medicare would be "sending Gramma out on the ice floe". You can't have it both ways.
The term "rationing" presumes that some will be treated while others are denied...Even though those being denied could pay their own way.

Have you any grasp of the English language?

The term "rationing" isn't mentioned by Krugman, either. Did you even read or watch his comments? You might be confused about something here: I'm not arguing Krugman's point. I don't agree with him. But there's no need to lie about what he said, or make shit up.

Aside from that, is there a reason you're being such a dick right now? Normally you're not this much of an asshole.
There are currently two strategies, the second of which is being covered up.

1. Death Panels: Keep Medicare, but get rid of costly, ineffective end-of-life procedures. Also, give the patient more control over end-of-life care, e.g., get patients to decide if they want to be kept alive in a vegetative state indefinitely or not. [FYI: These kinds of end-of-life policy suggestions were first made by a Republican]

2) Death: Get rid of Medicare completely. This would result in millions of early deaths because so many elderly people depend on medicare.

The GOP's ultimate goal is to get rid of Medicare. This program, with Social Security, represents the most important Middle Class program of the Liberal New Deal era.

The GOP is scaring old people by telling them that their end-of-life Medicare services will be scaled back. The GOP actually drove old people to town hall meetings to protest ObamaCare.

Here is what seniors don't understand: the GOP is not merely going to cut some of their end-of-life procedures, they are getting rid of Medicare and Social Security altogether.

The GOP is literally leading these blind sheep to slaughter. People have no idea what the next phase of the Republican Revolution involves. This country is going to be a much different place in ten years.

Just the GOP? Why is alwayes just the Republicans who alwayes want to get rid of medicare? When in facts obama wants it done.

What the fuck are you talking about? Ending Medicare would be suicidal for ANY politician.

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