Kremlin Cheers Obama Election


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a congratulatory note to President Obama after his re-election Tuesday, his spokesman said. The Kremlin says it will make the text public after the Americans have received it.

Putin is also expected to call Obama personally "in the near future."

"In general, the Kremlin took the news about Barack Obama's victory in the elections very positively," spokesman Dmitri Peskov said, according to the Interfax news agency.

"We have the hope that positive initiatives in bilateral relations and in Russian-U.S. interaction on the international arena in the interests of international security and stability will be developed and improved," he added.

It is perhaps not surprising that the Kremlin is pleased with the outcome of the election, especially since President Obama told then-President Dmitri Medvedev earlier this year that he would have more flexibility after the election to negotiate NATO plans to place components of a missile-defense shield in Eastern Europe.

Russia has expressed concerns that the system is aimed at them, although the United States and NATO insist it is designed to counter an Iranian attack.

Obama's remarks, caught on an open microphone at a summit in Seoul, South Korea, drew sharp criticism from Republicans who suggested that the president was too soft on Russia and not honest with the U.S. public about his intentions for missile defense.

Now the prime minister, Medvedev told reporters in Hanoi today that he is glad Republican candidate Mitt Romney lost. Medvedev cited Romney's comment in an interview with CNN that Russia is the United States' "number one geopolitical foe."

Kremlin Cheers Obama Election | ABC News - Yahoo! News
MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a congratulatory note to President Obama after his re-election Tuesday, his spokesman said. The Kremlin says it will make the text public after the Americans have received it.

Putin is also expected to call Obama personally "in the near future."

"In general, the Kremlin took the news about Barack Obama's victory in the elections very positively," spokesman Dmitri Peskov said, according to the Interfax news agency.

"We have the hope that positive initiatives in bilateral relations and in Russian-U.S. interaction on the international arena in the interests of international security and stability will be developed and improved," he added.

It is perhaps not surprising that the Kremlin is pleased with the outcome of the election, especially since President Obama told then-President Dmitri Medvedev earlier this year that he would have more flexibility after the election to negotiate NATO plans to place components of a missile-defense shield in Eastern Europe.

Russia has expressed concerns that the system is aimed at them, although the United States and NATO insist it is designed to counter an Iranian attack.

Obama's remarks, caught on an open microphone at a summit in Seoul, South Korea, drew sharp criticism from Republicans who suggested that the president was too soft on Russia and not honest with the U.S. public about his intentions for missile defense.

Now the prime minister, Medvedev told reporters in Hanoi today that he is glad Republican candidate Mitt Romney lost. Medvedev cited Romney's comment in an interview with CNN that Russia is the United States' "number one geopolitical foe."

Kremlin Cheers Obama Election | ABC News - Yahoo! News

Americans could care less. Communism and socialism are no longer dirty words. Americans embrace them with open arms.

My guess is that Obama will seek to "reduce the debt" by attacking defense spending and reducing nukes. Then the House will protest and the House will be demonized as "obstructionists". This will be used to oust them in 2014. In the interim we will see the debt rise well over $20 trillion in 4 years.

Why are things so predictable?
We would do better under Russian control or even Chinese control than we are doing under obama. I'm not unhappy about an obama deal to turn the country over either, or both. Neither are most Americans who could care less. As you said. Communism and socialism are no longer dirty words, but both Russia and China are transitioning into more capitalistic models indicating a knowledge that although Americans might want communism and socialism, the countries that have had them, know they don't work. We'd be economically better off under the control of a country who already knows they don't work.
MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a congratulatory note to President Obama after his re-election Tuesday, his spokesman said. The Kremlin says it will make the text public after the Americans have received it.

Putin is also expected to call Obama personally "in the near future."

"In general, the Kremlin took the news about Barack Obama's victory in the elections very positively," spokesman Dmitri Peskov said, according to the Interfax news agency.

"We have the hope that positive initiatives in bilateral relations and in Russian-U.S. interaction on the international arena in the interests of international security and stability will be developed and improved," he added.

It is perhaps not surprising that the Kremlin is pleased with the outcome of the election, especially since President Obama told then-President Dmitri Medvedev earlier this year that he would have more flexibility after the election to negotiate NATO plans to place components of a missile-defense shield in Eastern Europe.

Russia has expressed concerns that the system is aimed at them, although the United States and NATO insist it is designed to counter an Iranian attack.

Obama's remarks, caught on an open microphone at a summit in Seoul, South Korea, drew sharp criticism from Republicans who suggested that the president was too soft on Russia and not honest with the U.S. public about his intentions for missile defense.

Now the prime minister, Medvedev told reporters in Hanoi today that he is glad Republican candidate Mitt Romney lost. Medvedev cited Romney's comment in an interview with CNN that Russia is the United States' "number one geopolitical foe."

Kremlin Cheers Obama Election | ABC News - Yahoo! News

Americans could care less. Communism and socialism are no longer dirty words. Americans embrace them with open arms.

My guess is that Obama will seek to "reduce the debt" by attacking defense spending and reducing nukes. Then the House will protest and the House will be demonized as "obstructionists". This will be used to oust them in 2014. In the interim we will see the debt rise well over $20 trillion in 4 years.

Why are things so predictable?

Boehner really only has one chance as I see it, which is to be willing to shut down government over the debt ceiling vote that is needed by early '13.

Or some variation therein.

After that, his leverage gets whittled away just as you describe.
The capitalist gangsters of the Kremlin are happy?

Well given that Mitt insulted Russia while on his campiagn, one can hardly blame them, either.

Mke no mistake about it.

MITT blew his election more than Obama won his.

You cannot insult millions and millions of potential voters (women, unemployed, social security recipients, veterans, union members, firemen, teachers, policemen, all government workers and all minorities) and expect that such HATEFUL stupidity will not effect you on election day.

What I find more than just a little toubling is that the popilar election numbers are so close.

And the DNC ought to be terrified by that outcome, too.
MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a congratulatory note to President Obama after his re-election Tuesday, his spokesman said. The Kremlin says it will make the text public after the Americans have received it.

Putin is also expected to call Obama personally "in the near future."

"In general, the Kremlin took the news about Barack Obama's victory in the elections very positively," spokesman Dmitri Peskov said, according to the Interfax news agency.

"We have the hope that positive initiatives in bilateral relations and in Russian-U.S. interaction on the international arena in the interests of international security and stability will be developed and improved," he added.

It is perhaps not surprising that the Kremlin is pleased with the outcome of the election, especially since President Obama told then-President Dmitri Medvedev earlier this year that he would have more flexibility after the election to negotiate NATO plans to place components of a missile-defense shield in Eastern Europe.

Russia has expressed concerns that the system is aimed at them, although the United States and NATO insist it is designed to counter an Iranian attack.

Obama's remarks, caught on an open microphone at a summit in Seoul, South Korea, drew sharp criticism from Republicans who suggested that the president was too soft on Russia and not honest with the U.S. public about his intentions for missile defense.

Now the prime minister, Medvedev told reporters in Hanoi today that he is glad Republican candidate Mitt Romney lost. Medvedev cited Romney's comment in an interview with CNN that Russia is the United States' "number one geopolitical foe."

Kremlin Cheers Obama Election | ABC News - Yahoo! News

Americans could care less. Communism and socialism are no longer dirty words. Americans embrace them with open arms.

My guess is that Obama will seek to "reduce the debt" by attacking defense spending and reducing nukes. Then the House will protest and the House will be demonized as "obstructionists". This will be used to oust them in 2014. In the interim we will see the debt rise well over $20 trillion in 4 years.

Why are things so predictable?

If the deficit increases, it'll be because the Republican House is being obstructionist. They hold all the fiscal cards, so they're going to have to take the heat. Obama can't run again, so he doesn't have to play nice. If they wanted a good deal, they should have done it two years ago. Now they're going to have to play ball or go home.

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