Knowledge about Africa or the lack thereof

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
By posters in this forum is appalling, Mr bass would like to know what do people in here really know about Africa as well as discuss the myth of that farce called "Western Civilization" and the lies of the foundation on which it is based.
Africa is a great country and should be accorded the respect it deserves.

Incorrect, Africa isn't a country but a vast continent with many cultures, languages and peoples that has been overlooked and and downplayed and should be accorded the respect it deserves. The farce called "Western Civilization" is based upon the lie that civilization as we know it today had its roots among racially pure white Europeans who magically burst on the scene with creativity without the influence of Africa and Asia. It fails because Europeans are *NOT* racially pure and have never been and the farce called "Western Civilization" took its influences from civilizations that existed in Africa and Asia.
Well I can tell you one comforting lie that the people on this board are clinging to...

The slavers' apologists lie that Whites did not go to Africa and abduct free Africans for the slave trade.

The historic record documents White (particualrly the Portuguese) sending raiding parties into Africa specifically to abduct Africans.

Some Arabs have done that for centuries, and we're informed some are still doing that even today.

Africa has been dealing with a econological disaster for over 2000 years.

The desertification of Northern Africa pretty much destroyed the great civilizations that once flourished there.

My history of Africa is, I'll admit, more than just little sketchy.

But as far as I can tell, it's not a place likely to develop great civilizations mostly due to the climate and topography of the place.

Oh I know that there were once fairly wealthy internal African cultures (Timbuktu, for example, eh?) but those died, as often happens when trade routes cease to be relevant.

It's pretty hard to develop truly thriving cultures when every fifty years the desert swallows up your villiages, I suspect.
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