

Shut the $%$ Up!
Jan 15, 2009
I'm watching it right now on the web and so far it's pretty good.
I hope it's good. It'll be difficult for me to forgive Nicholas Cage for "The Wicker Man." :tongue:
Some scenes makes me go oh yeah right, like that would happen but other than that, I think it's pretty good. I'm watching it at bad picture(dark) but not too bad. full screen forget it!
I'm towards the end of the movie and it's one of those that makes me feel anxiety. LOL
Ok well I just finished it and I give it a 5 only. Lame in some parts, but not bad enough for me to turn it off either. Had good parts and lame parts. Those that watch it tell me what you think.

Reminds me the movie "Signs" with mel gibson. LOL
Movie had some pretty good parts but the end unraveled it with such a heavy-handed reference. I ended up being disappointed because it had such potential throughout. It had a pretty good set-up with the question posed early on: are events predetermined or are they just random? I think if the movie had come up with some sort of mathematical angle, something more in line with Nicolas Cage's character, then it could have had a smoother ending. For example, if Cage's character had figured out some math formula behind the numbers, especially if it involved pi, then I think that would add to the impact of the ending...give something for us to really think about. Instead, it seems like the producer said, "ahhh, screw it, throw in the alien space ship."
Some scenes makes me go oh yeah right, like that would happen but other than that, I think it's pretty good. I'm watching it at bad picture(dark) but not too bad. full screen forget it!

what's the url? I can't find it.

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