King of the Flipfloppers

Originally posted by jon_forward
where areKerrys med records for the 3 purple hearts he won in nam...that didnt require a stay in the hospital???? king flip-flop is also king of BS..someone has gotto be kepping track of what he says so he dont go back on his words in the same day...this guy reminds me of max headroom....ayayayayayayay....if Kerry is the best the Democrats can muster they should close up shop and save the country a bunch of money...concide to G.W...its all over guys just dont waant to believe it ...YET! is G.W. playing dirty??? who is using soft[illegal] money to run anti-Bush ads....????

Hehe, flesh wounds don't require hospitalization.:D The simple fact of the matter is after 4 months in " the Nam " Miss Kerry couldn't wait to get back to the states. I sure hope they call him on his military service, cause IMHO it is less than honorable. Methinks Lurch needs to run for Mayor of Paris or something more befitting his sorry ass..:eek:

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