King James Version Bible Under Attack by Jesuit Illuminati

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
There is no question that there is a very vicious attack on the King James Version bible going on today and this video will break it down for you even showing you how the people behind these new translations being put out - are removing entire scriptures from the Bible. You won't want to miss this report. If you are studying from an King Jame New International Version (NIV) Burn it. It's useless. If you are studying from a New King James Version (NKJV) Burn it. It's useless. If you are studying from an ESV translation again - destroy it - it's useless. You need to watch this report and realize the King James Version Bible is under major attack people. The Jesuits behind this attack on the King James Bible have been trying hard to make it obsolete and you need to be aware of why they are doing this. They could not destroy the Protestants so they are trying to destroy the Written Word of God. Watch this:

You should get the NABRE 2011 Edition, it has all the books. You get more for your money.
Funny - I was just reading about the distortions of the various versions of the bible .

If the bible was worth anything at all, it would not have been rewritten so many times and reflect so many different agendas. There should be one "version". Period.

Seriously, that is one reason why I wouldn't bother reading it again. Its really pretty meaningless.
For an example of what is going on and how serious this is -take your King James Bibles and you'll see that all of the Scriptures are in order. Now go to a store and look at an NIV Bible - or you may have an NIV Bible in your home (you should get rid of it) and compare the two. You will find that the NIV bible has removed the following Scriptures from the Bible:

Matthew 17:21

Matthew 17:36

Matthew 18:11

Matthew 23:14

Mark 7:16

Mark 9:46

Mark 11:26

Romans 16:24

Mark 15:28

Luke 17:36

Luke 23:17

John 5:4

Acts 8:37

Acts 15:34

Acts 28:29

These Scriptures have been removed from the NIV Bible and other translations have done the same. What gives these people the right to disobey the Word of God? The Bible is very clear that anyone who ADDS to the Word of God or Takes Away from the Word of God is committing a very serious sin! There is a penalty for it. These people obviously do not fear the LORD because they are fools. Only a fool would not fear the LORD. The Scribes meticulously wrote every word exactly - they feared the LORD. The people who are doing these new translations - agents of Rome - they are intent on destroying the true Word of God and if permitted to continue the day will come when you will be told they are no longer printing the King James Bible because their "Scholars" have deemed it obsolete, flawed, inaccurate - and then? Then you will be under the great deception that Jesus Christ has warned us about.

Time to examine what bible you are reading and make sure it is the King James Version Bible not NIV, not NKJ, (new king james) not ESV not any of these false translations that are changing the Word of God into a lie.
There is no question that there is a very vicious attack on the King James Version bible going on today and this video will break it down for you even showing you how the people behind these new translations being put out - are removing entire scriptures from the Bible. You won't want to miss this report. If you are studying from an King Jame New International Version (NIV) Burn it. It's useless. If you are studying from a New King James Version (NKJV) Burn it. It's useless. If you are studying from an ESV translation again - destroy it - it's useless. You need to watch this report and realize the King James Version Bible is under major attack people. The Jesuits behind this attack on the King James Bible have been trying hard to make it obsolete and you need to be aware of why they are doing this. They could not destroy the Protestants so they are trying to destroy the Written Word of God. Watch this:

I love it when religions fight. If you want a neutral judge I dont even believe in god so I'll be fair to both sides.
Catholics are not Christians and Jesuits were founded by an occultist - Ignatius Loyola who was also a Catholic - Catholicism is based on paganism that came out of Baal worship / sun god worship - Semiramis, Nimrod,Tammuz, Baal. Their founder Constantine was a worshiper of the sun god until the day he died. It was all a counterfeit created to infitrate and destroy the true Church which were and still ARE the Body of Christ, Sealybobo. From the beginning they were trying to hunt down the Christians, find the Scriptures they had with them and destroy them. Augustine had bases set up for that express purpose. It didn't work because God preserved His Holy Word in spite of the Roman Vatican and their agents.

The matter of deleting Scriptures from these other translations is a very serious matter and for that reason those who own them should get rid of them and stay with the King James Version Bible. Not a single scripture has been altered or deleted from the original King James - no other bible can claim that. They are removing very specific scriptures that speak directly to salvation in Christ. It's a full on assault against the written Word of God and the Jesuits are behind it.
Catholics are not Christians and Jesuits were founded by an occultist - Ignatius Loyola who was also a Catholic - Catholicism is based on paganism that came out of Baal worship / sun god worship - Semiramis, Nimrod,Tammuz, Baal. Their founder Constantine was a worshiper of the sun god until the day he died. It was all a counterfeit created to infitrate and destroy the true Church which were and still ARE the Body of Christ, Sealybobo. From the beginning they were trying to hunt down the Christians, find the Scriptures they had with them and destroy them. Augustine had bases set up for that express purpose. It didn't work because God preserved His Holy Word in spite of the Roman Vatican and their agents.

The matter of deleting Scriptures from these other translations is a very serious matter and for that reason those who own them should get rid of them and stay with the King James Version Bible. Not a single scripture has been altered or deleted from the original King James - no other bible can claim that. They are removing very specific scriptures that speak directly to salvation in Christ. It's a full on assault against the written Word of God and the Jesuits are behind it.
Even the kings version was altered and edited. Who did it? The king of course.
There is no question that there is a very vicious attack on the King James Version bible going on today and this video will break it down for you even showing you how the people behind these new translations being put out - are removing entire scriptures from the Bible. You won't want to miss this report. If you are studying from an King Jame New International Version (NIV) Burn it. It's useless. If you are studying from a New King James Version (NKJV) Burn it. It's useless. If you are studying from an ESV translation again - destroy it - it's useless. You need to watch this report and realize the King James Version Bible is under major attack people. The Jesuits behind this attack on the King James Bible have been trying hard to make it obsolete and you need to be aware of why they are doing this. They could not destroy the Protestants so they are trying to destroy the Written Word of God. Watch this:

The grail was in Mary's tomb at the Louvre the whole time. Sorry to spoil it for you.
If people want to know what the Bible says, they should read a version that is within their reading level.
"King James Version Bible Under Attack by Jesuit Illuminati"

Given the fact the bible was written by men and not a 'deity,' whatever version of a book of myths one follows is ultimately irrelevant.
For an example of what is going on and how serious this is -take your King James Bibles and you'll see that all of the Scriptures are in order. Now go to a store and look at an NIV Bible - or you may have an NIV Bible in your home (you should get rid of it) and compare the two. You will find that the NIV bible has removed the following Scriptures from the Bible:

Matthew 17:21

Matthew 17:36

Matthew 18:11

Matthew 23:14

Mark 7:16

Mark 9:46

Mark 11:26

Romans 16:24

Mark 15:28

Luke 17:36

Luke 23:17

John 5:4

Acts 8:37

Acts 15:34

Acts 28:29

These Scriptures have been removed from the NIV Bible and other translations have done the same. What gives these people the right to disobey the Word of God? The Bible is very clear that anyone who ADDS to the Word of God or Takes Away from the Word of God is committing a very serious sin! There is a penalty for it. These people obviously do not fear the LORD because they are fools. Only a fool would not fear the LORD. The Scribes meticulously wrote every word exactly - they feared the LORD. The people who are doing these new translations - agents of Rome - they are intent on destroying the true Word of God and if permitted to continue the day will come when you will be told they are no longer printing the King James Bible because their "Scholars" have deemed it obsolete, flawed, inaccurate - and then? Then you will be under the great deception that Jesus Christ has warned us about.

Time to examine what bible you are reading and make sure it is the King James Version Bible not NIV, not NKJ, (new king james) not ESV not any of these false translations that are changing the Word of God into a lie.

How do you know? Unless you know Greek, aramaic, and Hebrew, your taking someone else's word for what is written. Mistranslations happen and maybe they are fixing what has always been wrong? It has been edited so many times and so many stories were removed that Jesus would not even recognize it anyway, because he read the full Torah and I do not remember him saying what stories should be removed from it! He read it why can't we? And if we did read it why is that adding to your "bible" when even jesus read those? It's silly really basically catholic for 1500 years or so then the reformation! Which was 1500 years removed from Christ, suddenly we decided to change it! But these people over 500 years ago were more holy then the people who came before and did not corrupt anything! Lol.
I'm not inclined to burn books. Especially when they are translations of the scriptures.

Are some translations better? Yeah. But I think you can learn a lot from looking at different ones.

I prefer the KJV. But i see little harm in looking to various translations. Or from learning more about any of the scriptures.
I'm not inclined to burn books. Especially when they are translations of the scriptures.

Are some translations better? Yeah. But I think you can learn a lot from looking at different ones.

I prefer the KJV. But i see little harm in looking to various translations. Or from learning more about any of the scriptures.

The bible is clear that anyone who changes the words of Scripture is under a curse. Therefore it is wise to destroy it so others do not find it and become confused by it. Stay with the King James Version bible. You do not need to "Fix" what isn't Broken.
I'm not inclined to burn books. Especially when they are translations of the scriptures.

Are some translations better? Yeah. But I think you can learn a lot from looking at different ones.

I prefer the KJV. But i see little harm in looking to various translations. Or from learning more about any of the scriptures.

The bible is clear that anyone who changes the words of Scripture is under a curse. Therefore it is wise to destroy it so others do not find it and become confused by it. Stay with the King James Version bible. You do not need to "Fix" what isn't Broken.

you're wrong about that. but I don't see how translating the scriptures "changes" is.

Of course, that also assumes the copies we are translating from are 100% accurate.

The beauty of the Holy Spirit is He can overcome the weakness and mistakes of men in transcribing the scriptures and still teach us.
Not like the KJV's an authoratative translation or anything. If you want Scriptural accuracy use any of the 'literal' translations like Young's.

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