Kim Kardashian’s Prayer for Israel Draws Death Threats


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Kim Kardashian’s Prayer for Israel Draws Death Threats

By Mark Tapson


Woe to any celebrity who dares even publicly hint at support for Israel, lest he or she feel the wrath of fans lusting for the destruction of that embattled Middle Eastern democracy. Like pop singer Katy Perry last year, reality TV megastar Kim Kardashian found that out the hard way last week.

As Israel pushed back against Hamas recently with Operation Pillar of Defense, the normally apolitical Kardashian tweeted this simple note of concern: “Praying for everyone in Israel.” Well-meaning, right? Harmless, right? Not to the Israel-haters among her nearly 17 million Twitter followers, whose illiterate response was fast and furious. They bombarded her with angry, insulting tweets, some of which wished death upon her. “Ill pray you will die kim” spewed someone with the Twitter handle nashauzir. AishaJamil tweeted “pray for palestine not that f***ing israel. U’re so stupid!! U should die at there! Bitch.” “Go die in a hole full of sh*t” wrote MusUp_.

Realizing that she had accidentally stepped out of her depth into shark-infested political waters, Kardashian quickly backpedaled, tweeting that she was now “Praying for everyone in Palestine and across the world!” A saintly sentiment, but there are two problems with that. One, there is no Palestine (except on Arab maps, which feature no Israel), and two, it is a retreat into a moral neutrality so broad as to be meaningless.

Even praying for everyone on the planet wasn’t enough to placate the Jew-haters among her followers, who continued inundating Kardashian with venom. She tried to appease them by deleting her tweets altogether. And then, in a blog post entitled “A Message To You Guys,” she actually apologized for “offending” them:

I realized that some people were offended and hurt by what I said, and for that I apologize… The fact is that regardless of religion and political beliefs, there are countless innocent people involved who didn’t choose this, and I pray for all of them and also for a resolution. I also pray for all the other people around the world who are caught in similar crossfires.


Kim Kardashian
Astonishing. How venomous these Israelophobes are.
Pity she didn't just stick with it because they won't 'forgive' her or 'forget' that she said anyway.
I recognized the name KARDASHIAN ---as some kind of name like some syrians have----so I googled to learn about Kim's background which
might explain her ----uhm 'sentiments' Turns out she is descended from
people who JUST MISSED the armenian genocide on her father's side by
emigration to the USA just before the event. Some people simply carry a
family legacy which has an effect on their---uhm...sentiments
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Kim Kardashian’s Prayer for Israel Draws Death Threats

By Mark Tapson


Woe to any celebrity who dares even publicly hint at support for Israel, lest he or she feel the wrath of fans lusting for the destruction of that embattled Middle Eastern democracy. Like pop singer Katy Perry last year, reality TV megastar Kim Kardashian found that out the hard way last week.

As Israel pushed back against Hamas recently with Operation Pillar of Defense, the normally apolitical Kardashian tweeted this simple note of concern: “Praying for everyone in Israel.” Well-meaning, right? Harmless, right? Not to the Israel-haters among her nearly 17 million Twitter followers, whose illiterate response was fast and furious. They bombarded her with angry, insulting tweets, some of which wished death upon her. “Ill pray you will die kim” spewed someone with the Twitter handle nashauzir. AishaJamil tweeted “pray for palestine not that f***ing israel. U’re so stupid!! U should die at there! Bitch.” “Go die in a hole full of sh*t” wrote MusUp_.

Realizing that she had accidentally stepped out of her depth into shark-infested political waters, Kardashian quickly backpedaled, tweeting that she was now “Praying for everyone in Palestine and across the world!” A saintly sentiment, but there are two problems with that. One, there is no Palestine (except on Arab maps, which feature no Israel), and two, it is a retreat into a moral neutrality so broad as to be meaningless.

Even praying for everyone on the planet wasn’t enough to placate the Jew-haters among her followers, who continued inundating Kardashian with venom. She tried to appease them by deleting her tweets altogether. And then, in a blog post entitled “A Message To You Guys,” she actually apologized for “offending” them:

I realized that some people were offended and hurt by what I said, and for that I apologize… The fact is that regardless of religion and political beliefs, there are countless innocent people involved who didn’t choose this, and I pray for all of them and also for a resolution. I also pray for all the other people around the world who are caught in similar crossfires.


Kim Kardashian
Islamic culture at its best.
Where does it say Jews didn't threaten her for making prayers for Palestine?

I guarantee a good portion of those death threats came from Zionist Jewish psychos.

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