Kim Dotcom: Contradictions In Seth Rich Murder Continue To Challenge Hacking Narrative...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Was Seth Rich the real source of the Wikileaks info? Many believe he was.

Interesting article by Tyler Durden

As rumors swirl that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is preparing a case against Russians who are alleged to have hacked Democrats during the 2016 election - a conclusion based solely on the analysis of cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike, a Friday op-ed in the Washington Times by retired U.S. Navy admiral James A. Lyons, Jr. asks a simple, yet monumentally significant question: Why haven't Congressional Investigators or Special Counsel Robert Mueller addressed the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich - who multiple people have claimed was Wikileaks' source of emails leaked during the 2016 U.S. presidential election?

Mueller has been incredibly thorough in his ongoing investigations - however he won't even respond to Kim Dotcom, the New Zealand entrepreneur who clearly knew about the hacked emails long before they were released, claims that Seth Rich obtained them with a memory stick, and has offered to provide proof to the Special Counsel investigation.

On May 18, 2017, Dotcom proposed that if Congress includes the Seth Rich investigation in their Russia probe, he would provide written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was WikiLeaks' source.

In addition to several odd facts surrounding Rich's still unsolved murder - which officials have deemed a "botched robbery," forensic technical evidence has emerged which contradicts the Crowdstrike report. The Irvine, CA company partially funded by Google, was the only entity allowed to analyze the DNC servers in relation to claims of election hacking:..

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Contradictions In Seth Rich Murder Continue To Challenge Hacking Narrative

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It very well could have been an inside job. Seth Rich worked for the DNC at the time. It's something that warrants a thorough investigation.
Seth Rich not only gave the memory stick containing the DNC emails to Wikileaks, Seth Rich was apparently interested in working on other ways to uncover corruption in politics! There should be a statue of him where Podesta and the Swamp murdered him.

Kim dotcom and Julian Assange already indicated they are willing to give Swamp Rat Mueller evidence that Russia had nothing to do with it, but Swamp Rat Mueller would rather treat the fake "dossier" as all the evidence he needs.
Seth Rich not only gave the memory stick containing the DNC emails to Wikileaks, Seth Rich was apparently interested in working on other ways to uncover corruption in politics! There should be a statue of him where Podesta and the Swamp murdered him.

Kim dotcom and Julian Assange already indicated they are willing to give Swamp Rat Mueller evidence that Russia had nothing to do with it, but Swamp Rat Mueller would rather treat the fake "dossier" as all the evidence he needs.

Doesn't look like Mueller's interested. Looks like it's all about getting Trump. But the Seth Rich angle definitely needs to be thoroughly investigated.
Pay attention, because Mueller is likely to use the Crowdstrike report to support the rumored upcoming charges against Russian hackers.

Also notable is that Crowdstrike founder and anti-Putin Russian expat Dimitri Alperovitch sits on the Atlantic Council - which is funded by the US State Department, NATO, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukranian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk. Who else is on the Atlantic Council? Evelyn Farkas - who slipped up during an MSNBC interview with Mika Brzezinski and disclosed that the Obama administration had been spying on the Trump campaign:..

Contradictions In Seth Rich Murder Continue To Challenge Hacking Narrative
Odd facts surrounding the murder of Seth Rich

"The facts that we know of in the murder of the DNC staffer, Seth Rich, was that he was gunned down blocks from his home on July 10, 2016. Washington Metro police detectives claim that Mr. Rich was a robbery victim, which is strange since after being shot twice in the back, he was still wearing a $2,000 gold necklace and watch. He still had his wallet, key and phone. Clearly, he was not a victim of robbery," writes Lyons...

Contradictions In Seth Rich Murder Continue To Challenge Hacking Narrative

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