Killing Bin Laden

Republicans will do anything to prevent the public from being reminded that President Obama killed bin Laden

It was SEAL team 6 that killed bin Laden. And I remember that every day - and I thank them for it. Brave men who do what others take credit for... exceptional Americans.

However, the topic of this thread is the movie... and on that point, I would like to raise just one small, yet significant point. Muslims are offended by what they see as insults to their prophet, OBL was not their prophet so the OP's link is nothing more than hyperbole.

Adolph Hitler never killed any Jews
Osama bin Laden did not kill anyone on 9-11
Kennedy did not go to the moon
Teddy Roosevelt did not dig the Panama Canal

Yet they all received credit for it.
Try to learn what leadership is and what giving an order to do something entails

So under your theory Bush gets credit for it.
Wrong once again.
The military gets the credit.
True leaders lead by instilling the doctrine, respect and confidence in all they lead that they all can accomplish great things if no one cares who gets credit for any of them.

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